Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 508 It's a trick!Framed!

Chapter 508 It's a trick!Framed! (2)
Jiang Fei naturally refused to give way, and tried his best to stop him, but his two fists were no match for four hands, and he was quickly beaten to the ground, watching Liang Yue being taken away.

He has already reported the case, but the speed and efficiency of the police are too slow. Thinking of those cumbersome procedures makes him even more anxious, and thinking about Liang Yue is still pregnant with the child, Jiang Fei feels even more distressed. He called Jun Nuanxin, but after three rings, Jun Nuanxin didn't answer, so he had no choice but to call Tang Shishi again.

"Did Sister Liang offend anyone recently?" Tang Shishi looked up and saw that Ling Rui, who was fully dressed at some time, was on the phone. Knowing that he was dispatching people, she felt a little more at ease, and her tone was no more irritable than before.

"She's been in the bar almost every day recently, and we've been together, inseparable." This is also where Jiang Fei was surprised. He didn't know who kidnapped Liang Yue at all, and he couldn't find someone to start.

"Xu Manlin!" Tang Shishi suddenly remembered that Xu Manlin went to Jiang Fei yesterday.

"But how could she find so many people..." It's not that Jiang Fei didn't doubt Xu Manlin. In fact, the first person he suspected was Xu Manlin. Ordinary gangsters were comparable, but Xu Manlin would never know such a person.

"Husband, let people start with Baimo!" Tang Shishi intuitively recognized Xu Manlin, regardless of Jiang Fei's suspicion.

When Jiang Fei heard Tang Shishi talking to Ling Rui, he finally felt less flustered than before, but he was still extremely anxious.

"Brother Jiang, you are waiting for news from us at the bar." After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she hung up the phone, then put her hand on Ling Rui's big hand, and the two hurried downstairs.

"Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?" When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui reached the stairs, Jun Mubei poked his head out of the study and asked curiously.

"Liang Yue was taken away by Bai Mo!" Tang Shishi only had time to say such a sentence before running downstairs quickly.

Tang Shishi is absolutely sure that this incident is caused by Bai Mo. From the furtive conversation between Bai Mo and Xu Manlin at the funeral of Mrs. Bai, to Xu Manlin wearing an outdated Chanel dress to the Moonlight Bar to make trouble yesterday, the two There is Baimo's shadow in everything, so it's hard for her not to doubt her.

"Let's go together." Jun Mubei couldn't remember who Liang Yue was, but when he heard that Bai Mo did this, Jun Mubei looked forward to the end of this woman.

Such an interesting event, how could he be absent, without his technical guidance on tricks, all this would be too imperfect!
Tang Shishi and Ling Rui had no objection, because Jun Mubei couldn't wait to take the driver's seat first, and when Ling Rui and Tang Shishi got in the car, the car flew out like an arrow off the string.

"Wait for me!" Jun Nuanxin, who was one step behind, ate the car exhaust, angrily and anxiously watched Ling Rui's car buttocks stomped her feet, and then dialed Quan Shaobai's phone irritably.

This night, for Quan Shaobai, was also a sleepless night. Tomorrow, he and Jun Nuanxin were going to get the certificate, which made him so excited that he couldn't sleep at all, just lying on the bed every minute and every second While counting the time, Jun Nuanxin called.

Seeing that it was Jun Nuan's heart, Quan Shaobai picked it up immediately after being excited.

"Nuan Xin, are you too happy to fall asleep? Do you want me to accompany you?" Quan Shaobai teased Jun Nuan Xin unscrupulously, with an ambiguous attitude.

"Quan Shaobai, you bastard! Go and see if that bitch Bai Mo is at home, Sister Yue has been taken away!" When Jun Nuanxin was at home, she vaguely heard Tang Shishi say that this incident had something to do with her. Of course, Baimo was deeply convinced that it was related.

"What?!" Quan Shaobai asked in disbelief that all the sweetness before answering the phone was blown away by Jun Nuanxin's words.

"Sister-in-law San said it was Bai Mo's fault!" Jun Nuanxin yelled, tears streaming down her face: "Sister Yue is pregnant! If the child has trouble with the adults, don't worry about it tomorrow." Want me to go get the certificate with you!"

"I'm going right now! Don't cry! Don't cry!" Quan Shaobai panicked when he heard Jun Nuanxin's voice, and ran to Baimo's room without even putting on his shoes, "Kang Dang "Kick the door open.

After their father left office, their family moved to the Bai family's mansion, and they were happy with their second uncle's family. Bai Mo's room was not far from his room, so it was very convenient to find someone.

"Is she there?" Jun Nuanxin asked impatiently when she heard the loud noise coming from the phone.

"Not here!" Quan Shaobai glanced at Bai Mo's room, and found that the quilt inside was neatly folded, and at a glance, he knew that Bai Mo hadn't come back.

"Sister-in-law San is right! It really is this bad woman!" Jun Nuanxin gritted her teeth.

"Where are you? I'll go find you!" Quan Shaobai knew the relationship between Liang Yue and Jun Nuanxin, especially when he heard that Liang Yue was still pregnant. Well, Quan Shaobai also gritted his teeth with hatred for this woman Bai Mo!

After Quan Shaobai hung up the phone, he saw a group of sleepy people looking at him like a monster, and his heart became even more irritable.

"Son, what about your sleepwalking in the middle of the night?" Bai Fengju rubbed her eyes and yawned.

The loud noise just now made her jump up from the bed in fright, thinking it was an earthquake!

"Stinky boy! He's about to get married, yet he's so frizzy!" Mr. Bai also put on some clothes, walked out of the room, saw Quan Shaobai running around the house with bare feet, and reprimanded him.

"Shaobai, what are you doing kicking Baimo's door without sleeping in the middle of the night? Did Baimo cause something again?" Sun Xiaofen glanced at the opened door of Baimo's room and noticed Quan Shaobai's expression No, asked sensitively.

"I don't have time to explain to you now. My third sister-in-law said that Bai Mo had her friend arrested! In short, if I can't get the certificate tomorrow, it will be caused by Bai Mo!" Quan Shaobai was furious. Pushing aside the crowd, ran to the entrance, put on shoes indiscriminately, grabbed the car keys and ran out.

"What's the matter?" Bai Ziyu's prestige at home has always been second only to old man Bai, and Quan Shaobai usually respects him well, but this is the first time he has seen Quan Shaobai treat so many of them coldly!
"Didn't you hear what Shaobai said? Hurry up and call Baimo!" Sun Xiaofen looked angrily at Bai Ziyu, who was still struggling with what to do, and her head started to hurt.

Bai Mo caused trouble again!

It's only been a few days since it got better, and it's showing its true nature again!
Moreover, she has committed crimes against the Jun family again and again. She is obviously not Tang Shishi's opponent, but she keeps hitting the gun muzzle recklessly. This time, she will never meddle in other people's business again!
(End of this chapter)

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