Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 509 It's a trick!Framed!

Chapter 509 It's a trick!Framed! (3)
Bai Zizhen glanced at Sun Xiaofen hesitantly, and went back to the room to get his mobile phone to make a call.

"What the hell is going on in Bai Mo's head?" Bai Fengju said angrily when she heard that Bai Mo might ruin her son's marriage.

"This time, no one is allowed to interfere with me. Since she dares to do it, she has to bear the consequences for me!" Mr. Bai said in a blunt tone, glanced at the group of people around him, and then returned to his room with his hands behind his back inside.

It is said that girls are extroverted, but Shaobai is even more extroverted than girls. He hasn't received his certificate yet, so he shouts "my third sister-in-law" and "my third sister-in-law" so affectionately!

Besides, Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, and Jun Mubei had just left the military compound when they received news that Bai Mo's exact location was clarified.

Jun Mubei's driving skills are undeniable. From receiving the call to arriving at the warehouse of the abandoned factory where Liang Yue was kidnapped, it only took [-] minutes to go east of the city and west of the city.

Even so, Tang Shishi was like a year in the car.

"Honey, sister Liang will be fine, right?" Tang Shishi asked uneasily, grabbing Ling Rui's arm.

"No." Ling Rui replied affirmatively.

"The child will be fine, right?" Tang Shishi felt agitated when she thought that Liang Yue was still pregnant with the child, and yesterday the doctor told her to be careful in the first three months.

"No! Be good! Both adults and children will be fine!" Ling Rui sighed secretly. This was the tenth time Tang Shishi had asked him this way along the way!Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi tightly into his arms with distress, felt her body tremble slightly, and a sharp knife flashed in her eyes.

How much little wild cat cares about children's affairs can be seen from Wang Yueshan's affairs. When thinking of children, Ling Rui's heart is extremely heavy.

As soon as the car arrived at the abandoned factory and stopped, Tang Shishi opened the door and rushed out.

Ling Rui followed closely behind, grabbed Tang Shishi, covered Tang Shishi's small mouth with his big hand, and then shook his head towards Jun Mubei.

Jun Mubei straightened his clothes and hairstyle, and he appeared on the stage incomparably. The music was posed as if a star was about to come out. Sparks flashed in Tang Shishi's eyes, and he wanted to go up and kick this girl's feet, but he couldn't help it. Ling Rui hugged her tightly, and her small mouth was covered by Ling Rui's big hand, making her unable to move or swear, and could only stare at Jun Mubei angrily.

Jun Mubei glanced at Tang Shishi proudly, and approached the bright light in the factory arrogantly and silently.

Tang Shishi blinked vigorously at Ling Rui, signaling to Ling Rui that she would not make a sound, and asked Ling Rui to let her go.

After Ling Rui let go of Tang Shishi, he took her by the hand and led her in another direction, approaching the abandoned factory.

In the abandoned factory, a wonderful drama is being staged.

"Liang Yue! You bitch!" Xu Manlin watched the two men in black push Liang Yue into the abandoned factory warehouse, stepped forward excitedly and slapped Liang Yue!

This slap, Xu Manlin used a lot of strength, and her palms ached, but the crisp voice sounded very pleasant, especially when she saw the scarlet blood dripping from the corner of Liang Yue's mouth, Xu Manlin felt Very relieved!
"Bai Mo! It's you?!" Liang Yue was not surprised that Xu Manlin would kidnap her, but when she saw Bai Mo behind Xu Manlin, she couldn't turn her head around for a while.

What she didn't understand was how Xu Manlin colluded with Bai Mo.

Bai Mo looked at Liang Yue who was in a state of distress and her face was red and swollen, and raised her chin slightly in cold disdain.

Such a lowly woman is also qualified to question her?
Seeing the shocked look in Liang Yue's eyes, Xu Manlin felt even more proud. She grabbed Liang Yue's hair with a ferocious expression, and said, "Liang Yue! Don't think that you have Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin backing you. Dare to deal with you! Let me tell you, the eldest lady of the Bai family is my own sister!"

Seeing that Liang Yue was captured, Xu Manlin felt overwhelmed when she thought about how Liang Yue would be treated next, and said things she shouldn't have said.

A gleam of disgust flashed across Bai Mo's eyes, and for the first time, she didn't correct and remind Xu Manlin. She glanced at the smug red light on Xu Manlin's face, and pursed her lips.

This woman is really unbelievable!Fortunately, I have planned ahead!

When Liang Yue heard Xu Manlin's words, she took a sneak peek at Bai Mo, and found that Bai Mo was looking at Xu Manlin with a bloodthirsty light in her eyes. She was startled, knowing that she should know the secret by accident, she hung her head slightly. His head and hands subconsciously wanted to protect his stomach, but he was afraid that his movements would be too obvious, which would attract the attention of two lunatics, Xu Manlin and Bai Mo, which would be even more detrimental to the baby, so he should cover his red and swollen face with his hands.

"What? Are you scared? Aren't you usually very noble? Let me pretend to be cold and arrogant again! You are a bitch!" Xu Manlin said, and slapped Liang Yue again.

"Xu Manlin! Do you think Jiang Fei likes you like this? Let me tell you, Jiang Fei just likes being pushed around. If you want him to like you, try being pushed around if you have the ability!" Although Liu Minghui and Sun Yunhua has already subdued the law, but being humiliated by these two beasts is the pain of Liang Yue's life. Now that her love rival Xu Manlin tells it, Liang Yue can't keep calm no matter how rational she is.

"You bitch!" Xu Manlin wanted to slap Liang Yue angrily.

This time, Liang Yue didn't stand here foolishly and was beaten. Instead, she grabbed Xu Manlin's arm with her backhand, and with her other hand, she quickly slapped Xu Manlin's face in return.

"Ah - you bitch! How dare you hit me! See if I don't beat you to death!" Xu Manlin didn't expect that Liang Yue would dare to fight back after being caught here, she yelled frantically.

Soon, the two were fighting together.

Although Liang Yue was pregnant, she was deliberately careful not to hurt the child in her stomach when she punched, but she still had a great advantage compared to Xu Manlin who was doing nothing all day long and eating lazy food every day.

Xu Manlin was quickly at a disadvantage. Seeing that she couldn't beat Liang Yue, she turned her head and asked for help from Bai Mo who was standing by and watching the show indifferently.

"Sister, help me kill this bitch!" Xu Manlin panted heavily, looking at Bai Mo and said.

Bai Mo narrowed her eyes, and waved her hands towards the six masked men behind her.

Those six people received Bai Mo's order and walked towards Xu Manlin and Liang Yue.

Seeing that she had a helper, Xu Manlin arrogantly spat at Liang Yue, and said with a distorted face, "Liang Yue! Enjoy yourself!"

Liang Yue looked at the six masked men who came forward in fear, feeling cold all over her body, trembling involuntarily, and kept backing away in fear!

(End of this chapter)

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