Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 510 It's a trick!Framed!

Chapter 510 It's a trick!Framed! (4)
Don't let her be gang-raped by so many people!She still has a little life in her stomach now, it is the crystallization of her love with Jiang Fei, she only agreed to Jiang Fei's marriage proposal tonight, she will not leave Jiang Fei's side again!
"Don't! Don't! Don't!" Liang Yue had already retreated to the corner, and there was no way to retreat. She was so frightened that she hugged her head, squatted on the ground, and began to cry.

"Don't! What are you doing? Let me go! You arrested the wrong person! Don't touch me!" Just when Liang Yue was desperate, Xu Manlin's horrified cry came from her ear, and her scream was accompanied by the tearing of clothes. crackling sound.

Liang Yue raised her head in surprise, and was stunned by the scene in front of her!
The six masked men surrounded Xu Manlin and were tearing Xu Manlin's clothes.

Liang Yue looked at Bai Mo inexplicably, but saw a cruel smile hanging from the corner of Bai Mo's mouth.

What is the situation? !Didn't Xu Manlin say that Bai Mo was her own sister? !
Liang Yue is confused!
"Sister! Tell them quickly that they have found the wrong person! Ah—let go of me! Sister!" Xu Manlin's terrified cry was very piercing, and she yelled at Bai Mo while struggling.

"With such a lowly status, you are worthy of being my sister?" Bai Mo twitched her lips in disdain, seeing Xu Manlin's clothes being torn to pieces, she showed a cruel smile on her face.

"But I'm your sister! I'm really your real sister!" Xu Manlin didn't understand why Bai Mo said that, and thought that Bai Mo was doubting her identity, so she tried her best to argue, crying and saying: " If you don’t believe me, we can go for a DNA test, I’m really your own sister! Mom won’t lie to us! Don’t! Tell them to stop! Ahh—”

In the eyes of a group of men, Xu Manlin's struggles are nothing more than fun...

"Shut up!" Bai Mo looked at Xu Manlin coldly, seeing her pure body becoming dirty, she felt a bit of perverted pleasure in her heart, and said, "You lowly commoners, don't have these unrealistic dreams You still want to have a relationship with me! What a joke!"

Xu Manlin was in so much pain that she almost couldn't breathe. She looked at Bai Mo with tears all over her face, and felt that her soul was dead: "You said you would help me!"

Xu Manlin didn't even think about why things turned out like this!Obviously, she had discussed with Bai Mo in advance, captured Liang Yue here, took some photos and videos, and then told her to get far away and leave Jiang Fei's side completely, but now, why are these people insulting her? The object is not Liang Yue, but her?

"I'm just helping you? Didn't you hear what Liang Yue said just now, that Jiang Fei likes women who are raped!" The smile on the corner of Bai Mo's mouth became more and more cruel.

"Woooo—you are so ruthless! You treat your own sister like this, and you will be punished sooner or later!" Xu Manlin finally understood that Bai Mo had made up her mind to deal with her from the very beginning, and had no intention of helping her sincerely.

"Stop her mouth!" Bai Mo pointed at Xu Manlin fiercely and said.She didn't want to hear the word "sister" from Xu Manlin's mouth again!

As soon as Bai Mo finished speaking, someone quickly gagged Xu Manlin's mouth.

Liang Yue never dreamed that Bai Mo would be such a maddened person who put her own status above everything else, even her own sister could be treated like this. Seeing Xu Manlin surrounded by six people, she felt very sad. After all the insults, I couldn't help but my stomach was churning, and I leaned against the wall to vomit, and I couldn't help feeling sad for Xu Manlin while vomiting!

But when she thought of Xu Manlin's original intention of kidnapping herself here, Liang Yue didn't feel that Xu Manlin was pitiful, but rather relieved!

These two sisters are worthy of being related by blood, they are both so perverted!
"Liang Yue, do you want to relieve your anger?" Bai Mo didn't know when she stood behind Liang Yue, she looked at Liang Yue who was vomiting continuously, and asked in disgust.

Liang Yue defensively moved her body to the opposite direction of Bai Mo, seeing Bai Mo, Liang Yue felt an inexplicable fear, maybe it was because she was pregnant, Liang Yue felt that her intuition was stronger than that of Bai Mo. Before, it was much sharper.

Baimo would never save her with kindness!
"What do you want?" Liang Yue looked at Bai Mo defensively and asked.

"I don't want to do anything, I just think that your method of dealing with your rival is too cruel!" Bai Mo looked at Liang Yue and said coldly.

"It's clearly planned by you!" Liang Yue was not an idiot, she immediately recognized Bai Mo's plan.

Bai Mo wanted to take the blame for her!No!Now it's not just as simple as being a scapegoat, she will kill people to silence her!Liang Yue thought of this, looked at Bai Mo, and became more and more defensive.

"I said you did it, so you did it!" Bai Mo looked at Liang Yue and said contemptuously.

"Why? I haven't done it!" Liang Yue screamed.

"Your fingerprints will be left on this!" Bai Mo said, took out a pistol, put it in her hand, and weighed it.

It was the first time for Liang Yue to see a real pistol. The silver-gray cold texture made Liang Yue feel chills in her heart.

Tang Shishi, who was hiding in the dark, saw the silver-gray lady's pistol in Bai Mo's hand, her eyes widened several times!
Although the distance was a bit far, she still recognized the pistol in Bai Mo's hand at a glance, it was the special pistol "Nightingale" that Chris designed for herself!
Because of Ling Rui's relationship, Tang Shishi applied for a gun license, and when she registered her gun, she used this Nightingale.

Ling Rui saw Tang Shishi's exclusive gun in Bai Mo's hand, and several cold rays of light flashed across his deep eyes. Even Jun Mubei, who was by the other window, was shocked. Several thoughts flashed through quickly!
Bai Mo quickly aimed the pistol at Liang Yue, then looked proudly at the panic in Liang Yue's eyes, and said with feigned regret: "Liang Yue, the worst thing you did in your life was getting to know that bitch Tang Shishi. People, and become friends with her, in the next life, when you reincarnate, remember to keep your eyes open!"

It was only then that Liang Yue realized that Bai Mo had not only counted her and Xu Manlin in this time, it was estimated that her ultimate goal was to retaliate against Tang Shishi.

Seeing that Bai Mo was about to pull the trigger, Tang Shishi couldn't stand it any longer. She just wanted to shout and rush out, but Ling Rui hugged her tightly and covered her mouth.

A crisp voice sounded in the noisy abandoned warehouse.

"This pistol is good, light and cute. It is an honor to be my aunt's gun!"

Bai Mo was about to pull the trigger, but felt a pain in her hand. Before she could cry out in surprise, the small silver-gray pistol in her hand had already changed hands.

(End of this chapter)

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