Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 511 It's a trick!Framed!

Chapter 511 It's a trick!Framed! (5)
"Who! Come out! Who is playing tricks?!" Bai Mo covered her hand with a long and slender wound, looked at the blood that kept coming out, and shouted uncontrollably.

"Come out! Come out!" Without the pistol in his hand, Bai Mo lost his support, and searched around the warehouse with a terrified expression, extremely frantic.

"Heck! This is so frightening! No fun! Heck!" The crisp laughter echoed around the warehouse.

Liang Yue in the warehouse and Tang Shishi outside the warehouse breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Mo Youyou's laughter was extremely sweet at this moment!

"Get out! Get out!" Bai Mo searched around, but found no one, and her spirit collapsed even more. She went forward and pulled the masked men who were still venting around Xu Manlin, shouting frantically : "Bastard! Go and find him for me! Go!"

Those masked people were pushed and shoved by Bai Mo, they recovered from their sensual venting, lifted their pants one after another, and searched around the warehouse with vigilant expressions.

Liang Yue watched Bai Mo and those masked people moving around looking for someone, ignoring her at all, and began to look around at the surrounding environment, wondering if she could sneak out, when she turned her gaze away When she was on Xu Manlin, whose eyes were dull like a piece of rag, she quickly turned her eyes away.

Such a woman deserves what she deserves and is not worthy of pity!It's just disgusting!
Mo Youyou looked contemptuously at Bai Mo and those masked men who were like headless flies in the warehouse, and then looked at Liang Yue frowning uncomfortably, with a painful expression on her face, and she was covering her stomach with her hands, feeling worried Come on, could it be that these bastards ate something unclean for Sister Liang when they were on the road?
She arrived in City B in the early morning, and because she brought her big hair, she couldn't stay in a hotel, so Mo Youyou planned to go to the Moonlight Bar first, and make do with the night there. Who knew that she had just arrived at the Moonlight Bar, and saw Liang Yue was tied into the car, and Jiang Fei was also beaten to the ground. She didn't care about other things at the moment, and she didn't stop. She followed these people all the way to this abandoned factory warehouse.

Originally, she wanted to shoot when she saw that woman Xu Manlin beating Liang Yue, but she saw a car approaching in the distance, and three black shadows jumped out of the car. In the dark night, she couldn't figure it out for a while. Those people were enemies or friends, so they didn't dare to act rashly. Who knew, after watching such a wonderful drama, until Bai Mo pointed a gun at Liang Yue and was about to pull the trigger, Mo Youyou couldn't hold back any longer. I can't be silent anymore, and then I make a move.

Mo Youyou looked at Liang Yue worriedly, hesitating in her heart whether she should show up now, but when she saw three figures rushing into the window, her eyes lit up immediately.

The reason why Ling Rui prevented Tang Shishi from attacking rashly was also because he sensed that there were people around him, and he was afraid of being attacked by a mantis catching a cicada and an oriole behind him. He didn't let go until he knew that the person who had been hiding in the dark was Mo Youyou. Take a breath.

"Jun Mubei! It's me! I'm here!" The moment Mo Youyou saw Jun Mubei, his eyes lit up, and he yelled at Jun Mubei.

After being yelled at by Mo Youyou, Jun Mubei glared angrily in Mo Youyou's direction.

But Mo Youyou didn't take Jun Mubei's anger to heart at all, and jumped down in Jun Mubei's direction, wanting to give him a romantic hug from a flying fairy.

"Jun Mubei, catch me!" Mo Youyou yelled as she landed, she had already seen it accurately, as long as Jun Mubei was willing to stretch out her arms, then she would fall firmly into Jun Mubei's arms inside.

Who knew that Jun Mubei not only didn't stretch out his hands, but also pushed back two big steps kindly, causing Mo Youyou to fall to the ground.

"Oh! It hurts me! Jun Mubei, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you catch me?" Mo Youyou's small face was wrinkled into a bun, and she looked at Jun Mubei and accused him aggrievedly.

Jun Mubei glanced at Mo Youyou, raised his chin arrogantly, then walked around Mo Youyou, walked to Liang Yue's side, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Liang Yue saw Tang Shishi, Ling Rui and Jun Mubei appearing, and saw Mo Youyou descending from the sky, and knew that her danger was gone, but at this moment, the throbbing pain from her lower abdomen and the surging heat below made her feel sick. Liang Yue's face turned pale and her breathing became short of breath.

"Master Jun, my stomach! My stomach hurts!" Liang Yue said in a haunting voice.

"Second Brother! Send Sister Liang to the hospital!" At this moment, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui had already started fighting with several masked men. Hearing Liang Yue's words, Tang Shishi yelled anxiously!

Jun Mubei listened to Tang Shishi's words, picked up Liang Yue without saying a word, and strode towards the door.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Mo Youyou watched Jun Mubei walking out with Liang Yue in his arms, without even looking at himself, feeling a little sour in his heart, but he still followed Jun Mubei quickly. footsteps.

As soon as Jun Mubei walked out of the factory with Liang Yue in his arms, Quan Shaobai's car stopped in front of them. Jiang Fei, who was sitting in the back seat, saw Liang Yue being carried out by Jun Mubei, his face was pale without a trace of blood, excited He pushed the car door and was about to get off, but was stopped by Jun Mubei.

"Catch her, hurry to the hospital, she shows signs of miscarriage!" Jiang Fei took Liang Yue gratefully, but Jun Nuanxin didn't bother to say hello to Jun Mubei, and didn't notice Mo Youyou behind Jun Mubei , hurriedly urged Quan Shaobai to drive, and the group went to the hospital without stopping.

"Hey! Jun Mubei, why don't you look at me?" Mo Youyou saw Liang Yue being sent away, while Jun Mubei was still standing there, staring at the dark night in a daze, and couldn't help but pouted in displeasure complained.

She came here specially for this man this time, and even made a bet with her father that she must capture this man's heart and bring him back to the mountain!

Jun Mubei completely ignored Mo Youyou, bypassed Mo Youyou and walked towards the abandoned factory.These days, because of this stupid girl, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's parents-in-law often make fun of her, and my intuition tells him that he must stay away from this stupid girl, otherwise he will definitely be infected!
Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei's back in disappointment, pursed her small mouth, and then made a cheering gesture to herself, silently cheering herself up!
Bai Mo never dreamed that Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, and Jun Mubei would appear out of nowhere and destroy her perfect plan of killing three birds with one stone. The masked man dealt with Ling Rui and Tang Shishi while planning a retreat with a guilty conscience.

She can no longer think about when Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, and Jun Mubei came here, and how much she heard about what happened tonight. She just wants to escape the scene quickly and refuse to admit it. She didn't believe that Tang Shishi would really go to Bai's house to ask for an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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