Chapter 512 Expose your identity! (1)
Just as Bai Mo carefully moved to the door step by step, just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Jun Mubei's sloppy face suddenly appeared in front of her: "Don't Miss Bai plan to take the night tonight?" Give me an explanation, just leave like a dumb fart in such a low-key manner?"

"Young Master Jun, I don't understand what you're talking about?" Bai Mo pretended to be confused, looked at Jun Mubei innocently, and said, "I was also arrested by them. Fortunately, you came, otherwise I would have Just like that woman, she was murdered!"

Bai Mo forced a grateful smile on her stiff face.

"It's disgustingly hypocritical! No wonder Sister Liang vomited when she saw you! I want to vomit too!" Mo Youyou, who was behind Jun Mubei, couldn't help but sarcastically when she heard Bai Mo's words.

"Where are you a wild girl?!" Bai Mo said displeasedly when she saw Mo Youyou with a wheat-colored face, narrowing her eyes slightly.

No matter how big a mistake she has made, she is still the eldest lady of the Bai family. With the support of the Bai family behind her, she will never be blamed by a country girl!

"You are a wild girl, your whole family is a wild girl! You are an out-and-out wild girl!" Mo Youyou roared angrily after hearing Bai Mo's words.

Bai Mo heard Mo Youyou spit out the word "wild girl" three times in a row, and she felt extremely angry. What she was most proud of all along was her identity as the eldest lady of the Bai family. Now that she heard Mo Youyou's words, she knew that Mo Youyou had already Hearing Xu Manlin's words, he doubted his identity, and looked at Mo Youyou with killing intent in his eyes.

This woman cannot be kept!And that Liang Yue!
Jun Mubei looked at the murderous look in Bai Mo's eyes, and looked at Bai Mo with contempt. This woman is so stupid that she still hasn't figured out the situation she is in!

"Yuyou, why are you angry with a bitch? She has someone to deal with!" Tang Shishi and Ling Rui had already beaten those masked men to the ground, and Tang Shishi gave the six masked men, An anesthesia needle for each person can prevent them from committing suicide and sneak attacks. Now she likes these gadgets on her body more and more, and feels that they are really useful as Chris said!
Bai Mo looked at the six masked men lying crookedly on the ground, and found that they were all lying motionless. Countless panic flashed in their eyes: "Tang Shishi, you dare to kill someone!"

Bai Mo looked at Tang Shishi who was slowly walking towards her, as if she was looking at a monster, she unconsciously took a few steps back.

"It's not the first time I've killed someone. Didn't Chen Li tell you?" Tang Shishi chuckled, and then suddenly realized: "I forgot, Chen Li is already dead!"

Bai Mo instantly lost her ability to speak, and looked at Tang Shishi with a look she had never seen before. At this moment, Tang Shishi, who came from a humble background and unknown origin, was like a murderous demon in her eyes, which made her terrified.

"Sister Shishi, what should I do with this woman?" Mo Youyou glanced at Xu Manlin, who was naked and obstructive, and asked.

"She has suffered the consequences of herself, so let her fend for herself!" Tang Shishi glanced at Xu Manlin, whose spirit was already broken, and said without emotion.

She will not take action against Xu Manlin. I believe that Xu Manlin will remember what happened today for a lifetime, and then seek revenge on Bai Mo whenever she has the opportunity. There is such a person who always thinks about Bai Mo. I believe that Bai Mo will live in the future Very "filling".

"Then what are we doing now?" Mo Youyou yawned and asked.

"Of course I'm going to Bai's house to ask for an explanation!" Tang Shishi said as she took her nightingale from Mo Youyou's leather belt, and twirled it skillfully in her hand.

"I fell in love with this first!" Mo Youyou reached out to snatch the gun from Tang Shishi's hand, but Tang Shishi deftly dodged it.

"This is my gun!" Tang Shishi kindly introduced to Mo Youyou: "It's called Nightingale! It's a pity that you couldn't hear its melodious cry tonight. You say, we are Shouldn't Miss Bai be given a chance?" Tang Shishi raised her eyebrows slightly and asked.

"You can have this!" Mo Youyou glanced unwillingly at the lady's pistol in Tang Shishi's hand, and moved her eyes reluctantly.

"Tang Shishi, don't be too presumptuous!" Bai Mo was terrified when she heard Tang Shishi's words, but she still managed to maintain her calm on the surface.

It was just the uncontrollable trembling that revealed her guilty conscience at the moment.

"Presumptuous? It's so funny, what do you think of yourself? You speak like the Empress Dowager Cixi! She's just an old witch!" Mo Youyou screamed, looking at Bai Mo's face without knowing how to smear it. How many times did she wear cosmetics, she looked disgusted.

After Mo Youyou finished speaking, she glanced at Xu Manlin who was lying motionless on the ground like a zombie, and couldn't help shivering!
Is this woman Bai Mo mentally ill?Still very sick!Even his own sister can be so bad!

"Go away! What is your identity? How dare you talk to me like this?" Bai Mo, who was despised by Mo Youyou, was so angry that she almost went crazy!

"What is your identity? You're just a lowly commoner like me!" As soon as Bai Mo finished speaking, before Mo Youyou could answer, a hoarse sobbing voice filled with endless resentment sounded out. This sound is particularly noticeable in the empty and dilapidated warehouse.

It was Xu Manlin who spoke.

Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou, when they heard Xu Manlin's voice, couldn't help but look at Xu Manlin, and saw that Xu Manlin had sat up at some point, curled up, wrapped her hands around the rags on her body, and covered herself up. Holding her chest, a pair of eyes exuded a faint light, staring straight at Bai Mo with hatred and mockery.

"You're talking nonsense! Shut up!" Bai Mo hastily denied Xu Manlin's words. At this moment, she was extremely remorseful. She should have killed the idiot Xu Manlin just now.

Xu Manlin ignored Bai Mo's panic, and said quietly: "Bai Mo, you are just a fake who has been swapped, what right do you have to show off your status here?"

Bai Mo trembled when she heard Xu Manlin's words. She pointed at Xu Manlin angrily and yelled, "Shut up! You idiot!"

"I'm indeed an idiot! And I'm an idiot who can't be more stupid!" Xu Manlin was not angry after hearing Bai Mo's words. Instead, she laughed at herself with a sad look on her face. She looked ferociously and distorted, and said, "I'm too stupid to believe you, a femme fatale who is not as good as a beast! You can even beat your own sister! Bai Mo! You are simply not human!"

(End of this chapter)

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