Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 523 Ling Rui, I want a child!

Chapter 523 Ling Rui, I want a child! (2)
The wedding was almost ready. Apart from trying on wedding dresses and taking wedding photos, Tang Shishi had nothing to do with her family. She had been worrying about it, and she was more relaxed than the shopkeeper. Now she used this excuse to prevaricate Bai Hexuan, Tang Shishi I despise myself in my heart.

"Oh! Then you should rest first, I should go back too." Bai Hexuan felt relieved when he heard Tang Shishi say this.

"En." Tang Shishi got up and sent Bai Hexuan out, then went back to the house, looked at the two old masters Jun and Ling who were still playing chess, felt a little bored, and went back upstairs to the bedroom by herself.

The wedding will be held in three days, but Ling Rui was sent out to perform tasks again, which made her sleepless these days, especially Jun Mubei, who didn't know what to do these days and didn't see anyone. She didn't even have anyone in the house to bicker with.

Needless to say Jun Nuanxin's unconscionable one, because the bar was smashed last time, it has been closed for renovation these days, but she is good, she uses the excuse to help take care of Liang Yue, she is invisible all day long, and spends every day with Quan Shaobai. , It's outrageous to emphasize sex over friends!
And Mo Youyou, not to mention!

When Tang Shishi thought of Mo Youyou, she became even more angry!This perverted little witch, who usually looks cute, looks like seeing her own mother when she sees delicious food. Who knows, she actually hangs out with snakes every day!When Tang Shishi thought of Mo Youyou's "powerful" boa constrictor, she felt her scalp go numb and tense for a while!
bored to death!

Tang Shishi rolled on the bed, picked up the music box casually, and after opening it, poked Xiao Lingrui's steamed bun face vigorously with her fingers, pouted angrily and said, "It's all your fault! What happened at this time?" Mission!"

Grandpa Ling and Grandpa Jun, who were playing chess in the living room downstairs, heard the piano music coming from Tang Shishi's bedroom upstairs, and couldn't help but look up in the direction of Tang Shishi's bedroom, with loving eyes shining in their eyes.

When Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling looked away, they exchanged glances tacitly, and smiled to varying degrees on their faces.

"Old man Jun, what is the new weapon that the kid from the Bai family mentioned just now?" Old Master Ling asked casually as he played with the chess in his hand.

"Why should I tell you?" Mr. Jun raised his brows, and said sternly, "Old man Ling, don't ask if you shouldn't. This is a military secret, do you understand?"

"Since it's a military secret, what did the children of the Bai family say to Shishi?" Old Master Ling rolled his eyes at Old Master Jun, and said, "If you don't know, just say you don't know, don't put on airs here to scare people!"

"Who's putting on airs? Who's putting on airs? That's the blueprint that Boy Rui and the others got from the white-haired Russian last time. It's not a military secret, what is it?!" Mr. Jun was provoked by Mr. Ling's words, and angrily yelled: "It's just that kid from the Bai family who is sincere and honest, and doesn't treat Shishi as an outsider. Otherwise, do you think anyone can know about it?"

"This kid from the Shen family, I didn't expect him to be so powerful! No wonder he won the rank of colonel as soon as he landed in the air!" Old Master Ling put down the chess pieces in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

"Hmph! It's just a civil job. It's not like our Rui boy. It's a real sword, a gun, blood and sweat in exchange for military exploits!" Mr. Jun's face showed displeasure when he heard Mrs. Ling's praise. The last time Shen He risked his life to save the girl Shishi, he might have submitted a letter of protest to the chairman of the military WEI, suing the Shen family for favoritism and fraud, and to be promoted by leapfrogging!
After Mr. Jun finished speaking, he slapped the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard.

"It's true to say that, but I think Shen Hena is not a simple person!" Old Master Ling looked at Old Master Jun with some worry, and moved the pieces on the chessboard again.

"So what? Could it be that our Jun family is still afraid of them?" Mr. Jun said angrily.

"Who said you're scared! Aren't I worried about what's going to happen at the wedding between Girl Shishi and Boy Rui?" Old Master Ling rolled his eyes at Old Master Jun, and urged, "Go! It's your turn!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Mr. Jun frowned unhappily after hearing Mrs. Ling's words, then looked at the chessboard, his eyes widened, and said angrily, "Old Ling! You are a cunning and cunning fellow! How dare you play tricks?" cheat!"

This smelly old man!All sides are blocked, where should he go?
"That's what makes soldiers never tire of being deceitful!" Old Master Ling looked at Old Man Jun who was blowing his beard and staring angrily, his eyes narrowed in joy!
"Old man Jun, you've lost this one, but remember to lend me the treasure that old man Bai sent to you for two days!" Old Master Ling reminded Mr. Jun cheerfully.

"No! No! This one doesn't count, let's do it all over again!" Mr. Jun yelled unconvinced.

"Old man Jun, are you ashamed! Girl Shishi is upstairs, why don't we call her down to end the lawsuit?" Old Master Ling immediately quit when he heard that Mr. Jun was cheating, and made a gesture to call Tang Shishi upstairs.

"What are you doing?! Girl Shishi might be asleep! Do you have the heart to quarrel with her?" Mr. Jun said anxiously, pulling Mrs. Ling's sleeve.

"Of course I can't bear it, but you can bear it!" Old Master Ling tugged at his sleeve, making a gesture to open his throat again.

"Okay, okay! I'll play for you for two days! We agreed, just two days! One more day, no! Not even one hour or one minute more!" Mr. Jun was forced by Mrs. Ling to have no choice but to agree. road.

Old Master Ling reluctantly agreed, and said, "Go up and get it to me now!"

Mr. Jun glared at Mrs. Ling angrily, then turned and went upstairs.

When Mr. Jun entered the bedroom, Mrs. Ling took out a round and flat chess piece from his sleeve, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a sly arc.

He has plotted against old man Jun many times, and finally won this time!
In the evening, just after Tang Shishi took a shower, her cell phone rang.

Tang Shishi threw away the towel for wiping her hair, ran quickly to the bed, picked up her mobile phone, and when she saw the word "Shen He" jumping on the screen, she had a sad expression on her face, she thought it was an old man. The rogue is calling!

However, Tang Shishi quickly laughed at herself. When the old hooligan was on missions, he didn’t bring a mobile phone. How could he call herself? Although she still sent a text message every day, the old hooligan could only return In order to see the content on the mobile phone.

"Senior, it's so late and you haven't slept yet?" Tang Shishi answered the phone and said briskly, completely different from the depressed look just now.

"Tang Shishi, you have no conscience!" As soon as Shen He heard Tang Shishi's voice, he couldn't help cursing angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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