Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 524 Ling Rui, I want a child!

Chapter 524 Ling Rui, I want a child! (3)
"Senior, what's the matter?" Tang Shishi asked in surprise.Senior Shen He, what happened?A tone of provoking guilt.

"You still have the nerve to ask me what's wrong? Tang Shishi! You still have the nerve to ask me what's wrong? You are a heartless woman! You forget righteousness when you see sex, you value sex over friends, you don't repay your kindness, you always give up, you are half-hearted... "Shen He began to count out righteous indignation.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Tang Shishi's headache was caused by Shen He's noise, especially Shen He's eloquent and endless four-character scriptures, which caused Tang Shishi's temples to bulge.

Listen to what nonsense senior Shen He is talking about?Seeing sex and forgetting righteousness, emphasizing sex and despising friends, she admits these things, anyway, it is not the first time senior Shen He described her like this, as for knowing favors and not repaying them, she also admits, after all, senior Shen He joined the army after he was discharged from the hospital , she didn't even make a condolence call, nor did she send a text message. This is because she didn't do well!

But even the beginning and the end of the abandonment, half-hearted came out, this is a bit wrong, a little too much, right?When did she start to give up and give up half-heartedly?Could it be that senior Shen He was fighting for Lu Tao?
No way, senior Shen He has always disliked Lu Tao, why would he speak for Lu Tao so kindly?Besides, she and Lu Tao both passed away a long time ago, and senior Shen He didn't know that it's been a day or two, what do you mean by saying this now?
Shen He still had a stomach full of four-character scriptures that hadn't been played out, and was interrupted by Tang Shishi. He still hadn't let go of his anger, and yelled at the phone full of resentment: "Tang Shishi! Let's break up! Break up!"

After finishing talking, hang up the phone angrily!
Tang Shishi was stunned by Shen He's yelling, and the phone was hung up for a long time. Tang Shishi was in a state of ignorance, not understanding how she offended Shen He and made him so angry.

After Shen He hung up the phone, he felt a little regretful, clenched the phone in his hand tightly, and wanted to call Tang Shishi again, but couldn't save himself, so he could only stare at the phone in his hand with angry eyes without blinking.

The time ticked for a minute, Shen He waited impatiently, and irritatedly crawled up his hair with a big hand, then swipe twice on the phone, picked out Tang Shishi's number, looked at "Tang Shishi" three times One word, scolded in my heart: This heartless stinking girl!You really want to break up with me, don't you?My father won't let you get what you want!
When Shen He thought of this, he was about to press the call button.Tang Shishi's name jumped and flickered at this moment.

Shen He couldn't wait to switch on the conditioned reflex, and after finishing the switch, he scolded himself in his heart for being cheap!
Damn, you can't be more reserved!
"What else are you calling for?!" Shen He yelled at Tang Shishi in a vicious voice.

"That—Senior Shen He..." Tang Shishi said hesitantly.

"Say something quickly, and fart quickly!" Shen He emphasized impatiently, and said in a rough tone.

"What did I do wrong, you want to break up with me?" Tang Shishi asked suspiciously.

She answered a phone call for no reason, and was questioned blatantly. After the questioning, she was scolded, and after the scolding was over, she was declared to have broken off the relationship. She felt that she was innocent and wronged, okay?
"Tang Shishi, you don't even know what you did?!" Shen He was furious! "Break off! Break off!" Shen He yelled, and made a gesture to hang up the phone again, but thinking that Tang Shishi couldn't see it at all, Shen He glared at his mobile phone angrily.

"Senior, what the hell did I do that is unreasonable? You insist on breaking up with me?" Tang Shishi also became anxious.

"Tang Shishi, let me ask you, am I your friend?" Shen He asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Tang Shishi replied without thinking.

"Am I your savior?" Shen He's voice became lower again.

"Yes." Tang Shishi still didn't think about it.

"Do you regard me as a friend from the bottom of your heart?" Shen He's voice became even deeper.

"Yes!" Tang Shishi still didn't think about it. After answering, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of problem Shen He was asking?Net is to say some nonsense!

After hearing Tang Shishi's affirmative answer, Shen He's face turned pale, but the anger in his voice remained undiminished, and he shouted: "Tang Shishi, you are lying!"

Tang Shishi is depressed!

"Senior Shen He, these words of mine are all from the bottom of my heart!" Tang Shishi retorted.

"Nonsense! You are black-hearted and black-hearted! Like Ling Rui, you are a ruthless villain!" Shen He said as if scolding a resentful woman.

"Senior Shen He, what does this have to do with Ling Rui?" Tang Shishi's tone changed when Shen He mentioned Ling Rui, and she became obviously protective.

"Hmph! Tang Shishi, since you consider me a friend, why didn't you invite me to attend such a big event as a wedding? What kind of friend is this?" Shen He was still furious!
For the past month, Shen He has been waiting for Tang Shishi to call to invite him to the wedding, but seeing this day approaching day by day, Tang Shishi didn't even say a word. Bai Hexuan, who knew that Bai Hexuan, that stubborn idiot, could never understand his good intentions, so he had no choice but to call over by himself brazenly.

"You were not invited? How is it possible?" Tang Shishi said in disbelief.

"Tang Shishi, don't pretend to be confused! Let me tell you, if you don't explain this matter to me today, we will break up! Break up!" Shen He heard the doubt in Tang Shishi's tone, and he was silently relieved. He took a sip, although he already knew that Ling Rui must have missed him on purpose, but it still made him happy to hear that Tang Shishi didn't know, especially since he could take the opportunity to discredit Ling Rui.

"Senior, don't be angry. I didn't interfere with the wedding at all, so why didn't I invite you? It must be a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!" Tang Shishi felt a headache from being forced by the words "Don't break the relationship", and quickly explained.

"Hmph! Tang Shishi, tell me about you, what kind of stingy man did you marry?" Shen He hummed angrily.

"Ling Rui is too busy these days, and you know he has gone on a mission, so he must have not had time to send it out." Tang Shishi defended Ling Rui.

The list of guests was sent out two weeks ago. Although Tang Shishi also noticed that Ling Rui had intentional elements in this matter, at this time, she naturally wanted to speak well for Ling Rui. up.

"Don't explain! I don't listen to your nonsense! What are you going to do about this?" Shen He said angrily.

"Senior, what do you think? How can you calm down?" Tang Shishi asked humbly for advice.

"Send the invitation to me personally tomorrow!" Shen He bit the word "in person" very hard, for fear that Tang Shishi would not understand Mandarin.

"Ah? I don't even know how to get to the military area? Besides, it's not good for me to go to the military area, right?" Tang Shishi said hesitantly.

(End of this chapter)

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