Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 525 Ling Rui, I want a child!

Chapter 525 Ling Rui, I want a child! (4)
"Who told you to send you to the military region? I'll be waiting for you at Shanweifang tomorrow!" After Shen He finished speaking, he hung up the phone in awe.

Tang Shishi looked at the mobile phone in her hand, with a wry smile on her face, thinking, Senior Shen He is still thinking of taking this opportunity to kill herself!

When Tang Shishi was about to go to bed, the little boy sent a text message on time: "Fox! My father said that he will not marry you! He will only have me as a child! He will not want your child !"

Tang Shishi hung up the phone angrily!
All of them are so boring!

Shanweifang is a Gan cuisine restaurant, which is taken from "Yuzhang Ji" in "Hou Han Shu", which says that Jiangxi is "fine rice with fine vegetables and good taste".It is the only Gan cuisine restaurant in city B. The chefs inside are very proficient in craftsmanship. Of course, the price of each dish here is also high.

When entering the well-decorated Shanweifang, Tang Shishi mourned for three seconds for the money in her purse.

Shen He has been waiting for Tang Shishi for a long time. After seeing Tang Shishi coming, the big name sat on the chair, raised his eyebrows at Tang Shishi, and didn't say hello. Obviously, he was still angry about the invitation .

Tang Shishi showed a flattering smile, and quickly put the invitation in her bag and handed it to Shen He with both hands.

"At the wedding banquet the day after tomorrow, please invite Senior Shen He to come!" Tang Shishi solemnly invited.

Shen He picked it up casually without looking at it, and threw it on the table, snorting arrogantly.

Did not say to go, also did not say not to go.

Tang Shishi rolled her eyes towards the sky from an angle that Shen He couldn't see. The seniors are already old, and her temper really hasn't changed at all.

"Tang Shishi, you have gone too far this time! Don't think that I will forgive you easily!" Shen He still raised his chin arrogantly, with clusters of brilliance shining in his peach eyes.

"Yes!" Tang Shishi replied solemnly, with a serious attitude, seeing Shen He's complexion improved, endured the distress, pretended to be generous and said to Shen He: "Senior, order whatever you want today, I treat you! "

"Tang Shishi, I am a dignified young master of the Shen family, do you lack the money for this meal?" Shen He frowned displeased after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

"Of course not." Tang Shishi shook her little head like a rattle, and then said dog-leggedly: "Aren't I fighting for a chance to be forgiven for myself?"

After saying this, Tang Shishi couldn't help but despise herself fiercely.

"Hmph! You're smart!" Shen He glanced at Tang Shishi and raised his hand to call for the waiter.

"Pohu Fat Fish Head, Four Stars Watching the Moon, Stir-Fried Bacon with Artemisia Quinoa, Lushan Rock Chicken, Stir-fried Pork with Yudried Chili, Pingxiang Smoked Meat, Lotus Blood Duck, Laobiao Chicken Soup, Yonghe Tofu, Jinggang Smoked Bamboo Shoots." Shen He breathed out. Tell the names of the top ten Gan dishes without any pauses.

"Senior, can't the two of us eat so much?" Tang Shishi asked weakly.

It seems that the senior is really angry at me this time, after eating this meal, my purse will be ruthlessly drained.

"You don't care about me, just tell me if you don't want to please! I don't need these two money!" Shen He decided to carry out the arrogant line today, and went all the way to the dark.

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He, hesitant to speak.

Seeing Tang Shishi's appearance of being dumb and unable to spit out or pour out, Shen He finally felt a lot more balanced in his heart.

The dishes came out very quickly, so fast that Tang Shishi felt that the kitchen was specially prepared for the two of them.

Shen He ignored Tang Shishi, and started to eat a big meal by himself. He moved his chopsticks for each of the ten dishes, and nodded with praise after eating, showing a strong appetite.

Seeing Shen He's delicious food, Tang Shishi couldn't help but also picked up the chopsticks and marched towards the plate of fried pork with dried chili.

With a bang, the chopsticks in Tang Shishi's hand were knocked off by Shen He.

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He resentfully, and thought, Senior Shen He wouldn't just let her stare helplessly, right?
"What are you looking at! Drink the soup first! Who told you to eat spicy food on an empty stomach?" Shen He said angrily, irritated by Tang Shishi's small eyes.

Tang Shishi obediently took a bite of a bowl of soup. After drinking it, she ate some Yonghe tofu and Jinggang smoked bamboo shoots before she tasted fried pork with dried chili.

Hoo hoo!This chili is really hot!

After Tang Shishi had the food in her mouth, she quickly grabbed the water glass on the table and poured down a big mouthful of water.

"Shishi! It's really you!" Just as Tang Shishi was drinking water, a surprised voice came.

Tang Shishi turned her head to look at Lu Tao who came out of the box, and smiled officially.

"I'm eating here with Hao Ze. I didn't expect you and Senior Shen He to be here too. Do you want to go to the private room together?" Lu Tao looked at the polite and alienated smile on Tang Shishi's face, his heart ached, but his face remained calm With a friendly smile, it's like greeting an old friend who hasn't seen him for a long time.

Tang Shishi glanced sideways at the private room where Lu Tao was, and sure enough, she saw Du Haoze sitting in it, saw Tang Shishi looking at her side, Du Haoze nodded to Tang Shishi, and then did not know what to say to the person sitting opposite What happened.

"No! Let's talk, it's fine for me and senior Shen He to eat outside, it's a little more spacious outside." Tang Shishi refused with a smile.

Lu Tao and Du Haoze must have dinner with clients. She has an awkward relationship with Lu Tao now, so it's better to keep a distance.

"That's it." Lu Tao said with obvious disappointment in his tone.

Tang Shishi nodded with a smile.

Lu Tao turned around helplessly, but when he saw the red invitation card Shen He put on the table, he paused slightly. He turned around again, looked at Tang Shishi, and said with a smile: "Shishi, I forgot to congratulate you , I wish you happiness! That day, I will definitely go.”

Tang Shishi felt embarrassment flashing through her heart, remembering that when Lu Tao got married, she and Ling Rui gave a high-profile gift of 1000 million yuan, which caused an uproar. When she got married, she had no reason to reject Lu Tao outside.So nod.

"Hmph! Fake!" Shen He looked at Lu Tao and let out a cold snort with the quilt.

Lu Tao glanced at Shen He, a dark light flashed across his eyes, he didn't speak, but turned around and entered the private room, and closed the door.

Tang Shishi doesn't care about the turbulent undercurrent between Shen He and Lu Tao. Anyway, these two people hated each other many years ago, and they didn't like each other.

After returning to the private room and sitting down, Lu Tao asked the man who was drinking red wine elegantly, "Is it intentional or a coincidence?"

"What do you think?" Jun Mubei looked at Lu Tao and Du Haoze calmly, is there even a need to ask?The answer is so obvious.

"I didn't expect this to be Shen He's property." Du Haoze sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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