Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 526 Ling Rui, I want a child!

Chapter 526 Ling Rui, I want a child! (5)
Looking back, this Shanweifang has been open for several years. When they were still studying in T University, Shen He was very fond of the dishes of this restaurant, and they didn't care at that time.Yesterday, when Jun Mubei asked what Shen He liked when he was in university, Lu Tao remembered that Shen He often came here to eat, so he reserved a seat here.

"The Shen family has a great business, and their ancestral home is Jiangxi. It is reasonable to open a Shanweifang in City B." Jun Mubei said nonchalantly, playing with the wine glass in his hand.

"Then today we..." Lu Tao said while looking at the two contracts he brought over.

Jun Mubei beckoned, and the two contracts were handed to Jun Mubei with both hands.

Without further ado, Jun Mubei picked up a pen, wrote his name in a swish, and then handed over the contract to Lu Tao, saying: "City A, start construction quickly, money is not a problem."

"Okay!" Lu Tao replied quickly, and then turned his gaze to Du Haoze, who immediately nodded.

I don't know if Tang Shishi is married, will Yueshan come back to watch the ceremony?Thinking about it now, her belly should be more than four months old, and she is pregnant.

It's hard for Du Haoze to imagine Wang Yueshan walking back and forth in the streets and alleys of City G with her belly outstretched alone. Thinking of this, Du Haoze felt his heart throbbing with pain.

Zhao Zhenhui died, the Zhao family collapsed, the matter between Du Haoze and Zhao Jie was naturally left alone. These days, Du Haoze has heard Cao Xinru nagging him a lot, and there are only a few things that are commonplace. I was deceived, the more I look at the Zhao family's daughter now, the more I feel that she has a superficial appearance, Cao Xinru now hopes that Du Haoze will get married soon, and find a woman of the right family to settle down as soon as possible.

Du Haoze smelled Yinmao because Cao Xinru's condition never got worse.

In fact, Cao Xin just went to the hospital for a routine check-up as in the past few days. As for the cancer incident, it was entirely fabricated by her, and the recent TV series at [-] o'clock were played like this.

Cao Xinru has been trying her best to help Du Haoze find a marriage partner these days, causing Du Haoze to be very disturbed, so he can only work hard, and he doesn't even want to go home to sleep at night, so he nestles in Wang Yueshan's small house, feeling the love between them. The once gentle and emotional breath.

It's just that the more this is the case, the more dissatisfied Du Haoze feels in his heart, so he wants to use the development project of Jun's family in City A to go to City A and start Baida Company's business in City A.

After Tang Shishi and Shen He finished their meal, Tang Shishi looked at the dishes on the table that had hardly been favored, and showed regretful eyes.

"Look at how promising you are, isn't it true that the money Ling Rui gave you is not enough to support you? You might as well consider never me." Shen He looked at Tang Shishi with a painful face, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Senior, don't attack Ling Rui all the time, okay?" Tang Shishi's most annoying thing is that there is something wrong with her, and the people around her use Ling Rui as an issue.

"Stingy ghost! It's a fight with that cheapskate Ling Rui!" Tang Shishi didn't let Shen He mention Ling Rui, but Shen He seemed to want to mention it.

"Senior, since you are full, I will go home after paying the bill." Tang Shishi looked at Shen He and said.

Although it is broad daylight, Tang Shishi is also a person with access control. When she leaves home in the morning, Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Jun give her a thousand and one orders to let her go home early.

Tang Shishi knew that the two elders were frightened by the kidnapping incident last time, so they agreed very happily.

"Tang Shishi, you don't think that you just dismiss me after a meal?" Shen He said angrily, looking at Tang Shishi who was about to leave.

"Senior, Grandpa Ling and Grandpa Jun are the only ones at home. I'm worried. I'm sorry. I'll invite you next time!" Tang Shishi explained carefully.

After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Shen He was noncommittal, silent for a while, as if he had made a lot of determination, and then asked: "Shishi, when are you and Ling Rui going to have children?"

"Senior Shen He?" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He in bewilderment, feeling that Shen He asked this question a bit out of character.

"Forget it! If I didn't ask, maybe I was overthinking! But Tang Shishi, you should be smart, don't be stupid all day long, you don't know if you are sold!" Shen He said with something in his words.

"Senior, what do you mean?" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He in bewilderment, and found that there was a flash of dodge in Shen He's eyes, Tang Shishi suddenly felt a little stuffy breathing.

"It's okay! I'm just talking casually!" Shen He looked a little awkward, and then looked at Tang Shishi with a rather forbearing look.

"Oh." Tang Shishi's heart sank, but her face was still calm, even when she said goodbye to Shen He, she looked as usual, making it impossible to find fault at all.

Shen He looked at the back of Tang Shishi driving away, stood in place, like a statue, stood for a long time, until a call interrupted her thoughts, Shen He put away the complicated emotions in his eyes.

"Young Master!" Shi Qian had been waiting for news here for a long time, but unexpectedly, it was the young master who was staring at the back of Tang Shishi's car with concentration and affection.

"Didn't I tell you not to appear in front of me recently?" Seeing that it was Shi Qian who came, Shen He's eyes silently and tenderly turned into cold ice, which made Shi Qian's heart ache.

"Young master, about Baimo—" Shi Qian said tentatively.

"A pawn, what else is there to miss, let her fend for herself, how long she can live depends on her luck!" Shen He stopped Shi Qian's words, her tone was completely businesslike, and her face was full of grandeur Awe-inspiring attitude.

"Yes, I understand!" Shi Qian replied obediently, looking at Shen He with a slightly different look.

Sensing Shi Qian's intentional gaze, Shen He snorted coldly in his heart, didn't point it out, and drove his car away with a stern expression.

That night, Tang Shishi rolled around on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. She got up and looked at her mobile phone. It was already early in the morning, and she was very restless, thinking, could this be the prelude to her wedding phobia?
When Ling Rui returned home, she saw Tang Shishi lying on the bed in a provocative posture, the quilt was tossed halfway under the bed, her small hand was dangerously grabbing a corner of the quilt, and draped it over her body, her thighs were exposed on the bed. In the air, the fat white skin glowed with milky white light in the dark night, the nightgown was tangled up around her belly, and the shoulder straps slipped on her arms disobediently.

If it wasn't for Ling Rui's sensitive sense of Tang Shishi's even and shallow breathing, he would almost have thought that Tang Shishi had made this appearance on purpose to seduce him!

After days of traveling and exhaustion, at the moment when I saw such Tang poems, I ran to the country of Java.After going, Ling Rui is now very glad that he was afraid of disturbing Tang Shishi when he came back to take a bath, so he had already taken a bath in the army before returning.

(End of this chapter)

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