Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 532 It's not over yet, it's the best!

Chapter 532 It's not over yet, it's the best! (2)
Sure enough, as soon as Tang Shishi finished speaking, Cai Xiaofen scolded from outside the door: "Tang Yuan! What is your ghost screaming at night? Go to bed early and don't disturb your sister's rest, she has to get up early tomorrow!"

"I know!" Tang Yuan responded perfunctorily to the door, and when he turned his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stretched his big hand in front of Tang Shishi's eyes, looking at Tang Shishi and said: "Give me the phone!"

Tang Yuan's growth is rapid. In just a few months, he has already experienced a kind of intimidating temperament of a superior. Tang Shishi, who is her sister, feels an inexplicable oppression.

"Why? It's not that you don't have a mobile phone, why do you want mine!" Tang Shishi slapped Tang Yuan's big hand off and said.

"Tang Shishi, don't pretend to be confused!" Tang Yuan said through gritted teeth.

This woman was absent-minded all night, and she started to talk by herself, and she was still able to perfunctory a few sentences. Later, she didn't even bother to perfunctory, she was completely absent-minded, especially when she just saw the text message on her mobile phone, the momentary look on her face The expression was stunned, shocked, unbelievable, and somewhat indescribably dazed. Even a fool could see that this woman had something on her mind, but she was still pretending to be stupid and deceiving herself.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. It's getting late, I'm going to rest, and you should go back to rest early!" Tang Shishi raised her face and began to chase people away.

"Tang Shishi, do you think I'm a dead person?" Tang Yuan stared at Tang Shishi angrily, then quickly walked around behind Tang Shishi with one hand, and was about to grab Tang Shishi's cell phone.

Since she refuses to hand it over properly, he will take it himself.

"Stinky glutinous rice balls, what are you doing!" Tang Shishi saw that Tang Yuan was coming to snatch them, and she was impatient, and quickly handed the phone to the other hand.

"Here, me!" Tang Yuan said every word, and then joined the fight with the other hand.

At this moment, Tang Yuan wrapped both arms around Tang Shishi's back, encircling Tang Shishi's entire body.

"Smelly glutinous rice balls, let go!" Tang Shishi yelled angrily as Tang Yuan grabbed one of her arms!
She ate the same rice and the same rice as Tang Yuan since she was a child, why is this guy so much stronger than herself!

Tang Shishi twisted her arm that hurt from being scratched by Tang Yuan, thinking angrily.

"Give it to me, and I'll let go!" Tang Yuan spared no effort to move towards Tang Shishi's arm holding the mobile phone. At this moment, neither of them noticed how ambiguous their actions were at this moment.

"Smelly glutinous rice balls, you robber! This is my mobile phone, why did I give it to you!" Tang Shishi angrily kicked Tang Yuan's leg. Of course, this kick landed on Tang Yuan's uninjured leg. He controlled the strength very well, and did not dare to use too much force.


When Tang Shishi stepped down, Tang Yuanzheng's leaning forward body couldn't stand still, and he suddenly pressed down, pressing Tang Shishi on the bed behind him.

Tang Shishi screamed involuntarily, but Tang Yuan quickly covered her mouth with sharp eyes.

Feeling the soft and delicate body under her body that is different from her own, the fragrance that is exclusive to women comes from the tip of her nose, especially the strand of Tang Shishi's loose hair at the moment, which is teasing Tang Yuan's nose mischievously, making Tang Yuan's heart flutter for a while. Itchy!
"Don't shout!" Tang Yuan froze, and felt that a certain part of his body was developing rapidly at an abnormal speed, and it swelled up in an instant. A throbbing voice was screaming viciously, even the voice was slightly hoarse, and even the palms of the hands were wet with sweat.

Tang Shishi felt the scorching heat from her thighs, and her body froze and did not dare to move. She is already a married woman, so she naturally clearly understands what it is.

It's just, Tang Yuan... Tang Shishi looked at Tang Yuan shyly and angrily, her eyes suddenly complicated.This stinky glutinous rice ball actually...

"Hmm——" Tang Shishi wriggled her head, then blinked at Tang Yuan, motioning him to remove the hand covering her mouth.

Tang Yuan looked at Tang Shishi's rosy face at the moment, and saw Tang Shishi winking at him, and his breathing became short of breath.

The face that he has been dreaming about is very close at this moment, how many people in the youth Huaichun's dream are under his body at this moment, even though separated by a layer of home clothes, he can still feel those heartbeats that have lost their rhythm, Jumping non-stop at an uncontrollable speed.

He really wanted to just lower his head like this and ruthlessly pick up everything he had been thinking about over the years.

Seeing Tang Yuan's serious and pious face getting closer to her, Tang Shishi opened her eyes wide in shock, forgot to struggle in shock, and was so shocked that she didn't notice that Tang Yuan had let go of herself mouth, and even forgot to shout in shock.

Just when Tang Yuan's lips were 0 mm away from Tang Shishi's lips, Tang Yuan suddenly got up from Tang Shishi's body, and snatched her mobile phone without Tang Shishi being prepared.

"Stinky glutinous rice balls! Give it to me!" When Tang Shishi recovered from the shock just now and tried to grab it, Tang Yuan has already unlocked Tang Shishi's phone and retrieved the content of the MMS.

"Tang Shishi, is this the truth that you have tried so hard to cover up just now?" When Tang Yuan saw the photos in Tang Shishi's phone clearly, his face was livid and furious.

He knew that something must have happened to Tang Shishi, but he didn't expect it to be so serious, Ling Rui, this bastard, how dare he? !

Tang Yuan looked at Tang Shishi angrily, and the uncontrollable pain in his heart rushed into his eyes, making his pupils turn red!

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's not what you think!" Tang Shishi snatched her mobile phone, clicked on the photo inside, pressed delete decisively, and explained to Tang Yuan.

"If you delete it, you can treat it as non-existent? Tang Shishi, how long are you going to deceive yourself?" Tang Yuan grabbed Tang Shishi's arm with a cold voice.

Tang Shishi still defends Ling Rui like this at this time, which makes Tang Yuan's heart ache so badly that he can't breathe.

"I don't need you to take care of my business!" Tang Shishi struggled angrily.

"I don't need to take care of it, who should take care of it?" Tang Yuanqi gritted his teeth: "Tang Shishi, when will you be more mature!"

"Why am I immature, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Tang Shishi finally managed to shake off Tang Yuan's hand. She rubbed her arm that was scratched and hurt, thinking sadly: Damn it!With such force, Qing must be caught. When she wears a dress tomorrow, she will definitely be seen!
(End of this chapter)

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