Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 533 It's not over yet, it's the best!

Chapter 533 It's not over yet, it's the best! (3)
Tang Yuan didn't know that Tang Shishi was still worried about the damn dress at this time, seeing the expression on Tang Shishi's face, he automatically interpreted the expression on Tang Shishi's face as grief and indignation at Ling Rui's actions.

"How long has it been?" Tang Yuan slumped down on the sofa and asked after being silent for a while.

"Ah?" Tang Shishi blinked in confusion, with a dazed look on her face.

"Don't pretend to be confused! How long has it been since I asked you?" Tang Yuan's voice suddenly became irritable.

"How long has it been?" Tang Shishi looked at Tang Yuan innocently and asked.

"Tang Shishi, believe it or not, believe me or not..." Tang Yuan stood up impulsively, grabbed Tang Shishi's shoulders with both hands, threatening.

As for what he wants, even Tang Yuan himself can't tell. When he saw the multimedia message in Tang Shishi's mobile phone, several possibilities flashed through Tang Yuan's mind. He always felt that Tang Shishi had a very good life. Happiness, very wishful, but I didn't expect Ling Rui to make all of them look away. He actually acted in love with Tang Shishi in front of people, and went to spend time and wine as soon as he turned around behind his back!

Tang Shishi threw off Tang Yuan's control angrily, and said coldly: "I'm tired, you go out!" Tang Shishi didn't expect that a mobile phone multimedia message would cause such a thing, after she understood the emotions in Tang Yuan's eyes Her head was also a little messed up, especially when she was pressed on the bed by Tang Yuan before, the two of them breathed so close, which made Tang Shishi panic.

She has always regarded Tang Yuan as a younger brother, a relative, and never thought it would be like this!
Although nothing happened between the two of them in the end, Tang Shishi had to carefully examine Tang Yuan's feelings for her due to those ambiguities, so she consciously wanted to keep a distance from Tang Yuan and be with Tang Yuan like this, It made Tang Shishi feel very unnatural, and even her breathing felt oppressed.

"Is it because of the money?" Tang Yuan stood there without moving, looking at Tang Shishi's face, and asked intently.

Tang Shishi successively gave him nearly 20 billion yuan to invest in online game companies. Thinking that their company gained a firm foothold in the industry and achieved rapid development, it was Tang Shishi's humiliation from Ling Rui's side, Tang Yuan felt that My heart is being slashed to pieces.

"Don't think about it!" Tang Shishi scolded Tang Yuan, then pushed Tang Yuan out of the room, and closed the door with a bang.

This stinky dumpling!
After closing the door, Tang Shishi felt deeply melancholy. Thinking of Tang Yuan's eyes full of affection, Tang Shishi suddenly raked her hair irritably, and became entangled in her heart - when did it start?
The more she thought about it, the more irritable she became, Tang Shishi simply got into bed and started to connect with Duke Zhou.

Tomorrow - alas!

Tang Yuan was pushed out of her room by Tang Shishi, and stood at her door with an uncertain expression for a long time, then grabbed the car keys and strode towards the door.

Tang Yuan wanted to go to Ling Rui to ask what was going on, and he couldn't wait for a moment!
"What's wrong with this brat?" Tang Guoduan said in a deep voice as he watched Tang Yuan come out of Tang Shishi's room and went out without saying a word.

"Maybe the company is busy! Don't worry about it!" Cai Xiaofen glanced at the closed door and said casually.After finishing speaking, Cai Xiaofen sighed silently in her heart.

The son crawled out of her belly. No one else knew his thoughts, so how could he hide it from her, a mother!

It's just that she and Shishi, this girl, only have the fate of being mother and daughter in this life. As for the others, it can only be said that they are not destined.

When Mo Youyou came to Huibo Garden, Tang Shishi was already asleep. In order to let Tang Shishi sleep well, Mo Youyou offered to sleep in the guest room.

As soon as Tang Guoduan and his wife saw Mo Youyou, they felt that they had a special affinity. After a few words, they were conquered by the innocent, sensible, kind and lovely Mo Youyou.

"Uncle Tang, Aunt Tang, I used to wonder what kind of family can cultivate such a virtuous and generous temperament as Sister Shishi. Now that I see you, I finally understand." Mo Youyou ate Cai Xiaofen and gave her Apple, said sweetly.

"You child, you can really talk. You have a sweet mouth, and it directly touches Auntie's heart. Shishi is not as good at coaxing people as you are!" Cai Xiaofen smiled and looked at Mo Youyou and said lovingly.

"Auntie, trust me! Everything I say is true!" Mo Youyou assured with a serious face.

Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou's sycophant face, he was completely different from the way he ignored him all the way in the car and never looked at his face, couldn't help the corners of his mouth pumped.

As soon as this idiot sees something to eat, there is no limit to how shameless he is, and if he says a few nice words, what a shame!

"Okay! Really! Really! Auntie believes you!" Cai Xiaofen looked at Mo Youyou cheerfully, then picked another mangosteen, and placed the white and tender flesh in front of Mo Youyou.

Mo Youyou's eyes were big, and his smile was completely cracked. Jun Mubei only saw Mo Youyou's two rows of big shiny teeth, shining with a piercing silver light, gnawing on an apple!

Would he like to stay here in Huibo Garden tonight and look at this idiot, otherwise, he is really afraid that this idiot will have a good time, show his true nature, and make some unmanageable jokes again!
"Yuyou, do you have a boyfriend?" Cai Xiaofen couldn't help asking, looking at Mo Youyou's contented expression.

"Ahem!" Tang Guoduan looked at the eager Cai Xiaofen, pretended to cough twice, and then gave Cai Xiaofen a look: You are too impatient, what should I do if I scare this child?
Although Tang Guoduan also likes Mo Youyou very much, but the matter of feelings depends on the young people's intentions. Mo Youyou hasn't even met Tang Yuan in person. It would be bad if the girls were so scared that they would never come to play again.

Cai Xiaofen gave Tang Guoduan a peaceful look: I know it!

Mo Youyou was stopped by Cai Xiaofen's questioning, she was biting an apple, she looked at Cai Xiaofen puzzled with her big eyes, which blinked cutely.

Seeing Mo Youyou's cute eyes, Cai Xiaofen fell in love with Mo Youyou even more, and felt comfortable looking at her.

When Jun Mubei heard Cai Xiaofen's words, his heart was shocked. Seeing the eye contact between Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan, his eyebrows raised unconsciously.

Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang would not like this idiot and want to match her with Tang Yuan, right?How can this work? !

no!He can't let this idiot harm Tang Yuan again!

Cai Xiaofen saw that her words caused a cold scene, and even Jun Mubei, who was smiling at one side, became serious, and suddenly felt that she had really made a mistake, and then quickly made up for it with a smile, saying: "Look at Auntie, you You're only 20 years old, how can you have a boyfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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