Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 534 It's not over yet, it's the best!

Chapter 534 It's not over yet, it's the best! (4)
"No, auntie!" Mo Youyou suddenly took away the apple she had gnawed several times from her mouth, then secretly glanced at Jun Mubei who was beside her shyly, and said with downcast eyes: "I have Boyfriend's!"

Mo Youyou's words brought another cold stand, although this cold stand was very short.

"That's it, it's Auntie's poor eyesight, I didn't see it!" Cai Xiaofen smiled uncomfortably, looking at Mo Youyou's eyes, the enthusiasm was not diminished, but there was another sigh in her heart!
Why is it that the girls she likes all have their own names!
Just now Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei shyly and timidly, causing Cai Xiaofen to directly classify Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei as a pair, wondering why when she asked Mo Youyou if she had a boyfriend just now, Jun Mubei His complexion changed at once!

That's it!

Tang Guoduan's eyes also lingered on Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei for a while, and sighed silently.

Jun Mubei glared at Mo Youyou bitterly, and cursed in his heart: I didn't expect this idiot, who usually looks silly, but at critical moments, he was quick-witted, and even heard Cai Xiaofen's implication!
However, based on the great sentiment of helping others, Jun Mubei did not break the bed for the first time, and Mo Youyou's nonsense this time made Mo Youyou secretly happy, as if it would overturn the sky.

Sure enough, Sister Shishi is right. A man like Jun Mubei is a cheap man. A few days ago, she was always chasing after this guy's ass, and was disgusted by this guy. These days, I just ignore him Yes, the relationship between the two of them immediately took a qualitative leap!
It seems that men really can't be used to it!

Besides, Tang Yuan found Jin Fen aggressively. As soon as he entered Jin Fen Ling Rui's private room, he looked at Ling Rui who was sitting on the sofa with a glass of red wine in a leisurely manner.
What kind of skill is Ling Rui? Although he is lazy and elegant like a gentleman at the moment, he is a lion in his bones. "Give the sneak attack a success.

"Shout! It seems that my brother-in-law didn't come to drink with me tonight!" Ling Rui said angrily, looking at Tang Yuan with an evil charm that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"Ling Rui, today I'm going to teach Shishi a good lesson for you, a flirtatious man!" Tang Yuan ignored the ridicule in Ling Rui's eyes, and threw his fist at him again.

Ling Rui's heart twitched violently!
Is skittish to describe a man?This brother-in-law's Mandarin is really not very good!
"Brother-in-law, what do you say?" Ling Rui shrugged innocently, dodging Tang Yuan's attack in a flash.

"Ling Rui, if you are a man, you should put everything in the clear. Since you can do it, you should have the courage to bear it. What kind of man is a man who hides it!" Tang Yuan looked at Ling Rui's innocent face, feeling angry in his heart. The fire burns more vigorously.

How blind he was!Back then, he personally pushed Tang Shishi into the arms of this sanctimonious hypocrite. When he thought of Tang Shishi's sad, lonely and unbelievable expressions when he saw those two photos, Tang Yuan felt that his My heart hurts.

If he hadn't been caught by him tonight, Tang Shishi, that stupid woman, would have kept this matter a secret for how long!He would not let Tang Shishi follow Ling Rui so aggrieved, not even for a second!

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about!" A stern look flashed across Ling Rui's eyes.

"Ling Rui, it's already at this time, why are you still pretending to be confused? Do you think that if Shishi doesn't talk about it, I won't know? Let me tell you, stop dreaming! We are not fools!" Tang Yuan said angrily Ling Rui kicked and said.

"Tang Yuan, don't spout blood!" Ling Rui roared angrily, with a hint of anger at being wronged in his voice.

"Ling Rui, you sanctimonious hypocrite, look at me if I don't break your leg today, I'll cripple you!" Tang Yuan kept going towards Ling Rui recklessly, even forgetting that he was injured, even that All the unhealthy legs were mobilized, and they looked at Ling Rui with the eyes of an enemy, and bloodthirsty rays of light shot out from their eyes, as if they were going to burn him.

"Crazy! You and Shishi are both possessed by the same fucking evil, right? Suspicious! Let me tell you, my patience is also limited. Just now, for Shishi's sake, I let you, don't Give me an inch!" Ling Rui said angrily.

"Like a man, show your skills and hide around, are you a fucking man?" Tang Yuan stimulated Ling Rui not afraid of death!

Normally, when Ling Rui heard such provocative words from Tang Yuan, he would usually reply directly: Am I a man? You can ask your sister, she knows best.

But at this moment, facing Tang Yuan who was like a lunatic, if Ling Rui said such a thing, then if Tang Yuan didn't fight him to the death today, he would take Tang Yuan's surname!
"Stinky boy!" Ling Rui put the wine glass on the coffee table angrily, and punched Tang Yuan in counterattack, hitting Tang Yuan in the stomach, shaking Tang Yuan's body back several steps before he stabilized stature.

"Tang Yuan, wake up the fuck! See whose fault it is!" Ling Rui said with a surge of frenzy in his eyes, looking at Tang Yuan in a serious tone.

"Ling Rui, it's already at this time, are you fucking pretending? Let me tell you, I won't let Tang Shishi, that silly woman, go to tomorrow's wedding. You can play with whomever you fucking love. , we will not accompany you! I will go back and leave here with Shishi, and leave you, a sanctimonious hypocrite!" After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he straightened up with difficulty and was about to pull the door.

"Come here! Catch this lunatic!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Yuan who had already walked to the door and opened it, and gave an order.

Ling Rui's words just fell.Immediately, two black shadows sprang out and captured Tang Yuan effortlessly.

"Ling Rui! You bastard! Let me go!" Tang Yuan yelled at Ling Rui while struggling.

"I will not let tomorrow's wedding go smoothly!" Tang Yuan roared.

"Tomorrow's wedding will definitely be held as scheduled!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Yuan with displeasure flashing across his eyes, and then said to the two subordinates clasping Tang Yuan's arms: "Lock me up until the wedding is over tomorrow Let it out again!"

"Ling Rui! You bastard! You can't do this!" Tang Yuan was completely impatient after hearing Ling Rui's words, and jumped his feet angrily!He wants to go back and take Tang Shishi away, so as not to be put under house arrest by that bastard Ling Rui!

"I can! Tomorrow's wedding, there can be no mistakes!" Ling Rui said domineeringly, and then said to his subordinates: "Take it away!"

Tang Yuan was taken down cursing all the way, Ling Rui looked at Tang Yuan's back, breathed a sigh of relief, frowned irritably, moved his slightly pursed lips twice, and said to himself: " Tang Shishi, what are you tossing about?"

(End of this chapter)

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