Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 535 It's not over yet, it's the best!

Chapter 535 It's not over yet, it's the best! (5)
Tang Shishi basically always wakes up at 05:30 in the morning, but who knows that this time she sleeps until almost seven o'clock before waking up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she vaguely heard Cai Xiaofen's anxious voice outside: "This girl, why is she sleeping so deeply? What kind of day is it today, thanks to her being able to sleep!"

"Auntie, don't worry, this is Ling Rui's special order, not to disturb Shishi's sleep, it's rare for Shishi to sleep late!" Mo Youyou said indifferently.

"This girl is usually very diligent. When do you think she can't sleep late, but why is she lazy on such an important day?" Cai Xiaofen still complained in her voice, and then looked apologetically at the woman who had been waiting in the living room for a long time. Makeup artist, stylist.

"It's not yet seven o'clock, let her sleep for a while." Mo Youyou said nonchalantly: "Auntie, the bigger the day, the more she should keep enough sleep, sleep until the bride wakes up naturally , the skin is the best!"

After hearing what Mo Youyou said, Cai Xiaofen stomped her feet anxiously!She was about to rush in and shout Tang Shishi, but she was blocked by the little girl Mo Youyou, so she could only stare outside the door!
"I'm up!" Tang Shishi didn't expect that she would sleep late for the first time, but she made the people waiting outside anxious, so when she heard Cai Xiaofen and Mo Youyou's words, she quickly sat up and got out of bed He opened the door and said to the person outside the door.

Cai Xiaofen reassuredly said: "Finally woke up!" Then let the stylist and makeup artist go in.

Indeed, as Mo Youyou said, the bride who sleeps until she wakes up naturally is in the best condition. The makeup artist looked at Tang Shishi's delicate face and thought to herself, this is the pure natural beauty that cannot be abandoned!

After about an hour or so, Tang Shishi immediately changed drastically!
The cake-like skirts on the lower body are like layers of romantic and clean lake water, rippling with tenderness patterns; while the simple and generous shoulder-cut design on the upper body exposes the white shoulders of Tang Shishi, which is sensual and sexy. It's amazing to see.

Tang Shishi had just put on her make-up, and Ling Rui, accompanied by four super handsome men, stepped on the spot.

Mo Youyou glanced at Jun Nuanxin who came over when Tang Shishi was putting on makeup, the two of them screamed, and rushed into Tang Shishi's room, then slammed the door and leaned against it with their bodies, the two of them screamed. Zhang Xiao's face flashed with excitement.

Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan saw Ling Rui walking in surrounded by the front and back, and immediately sat upright with serious faces.

"Uncle! Aunt!" Ling Rui called out respectfully. Just after he finished calling, Jun Mubei, Quan Shaobai, Fang Ziming and Du Haoyang who were following him shouted in unison: "Uncle! Aunt!"

That voice, that momentum, was like a military drill. The happy Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen couldn't keep their mouths open, and they agreed again and again: "Hey! Hey!" Then the two took out six big red envelopes, and gave two to each other. Ling Rui, and the other four were given to Jun Mubei and Quan Shaobai respectively.

The few people did not refuse, happily accepted the red envelope, and put it into their bosom happily.

"Go, pick up the bride!" Quan Shaobai suddenly roared!

Ling Rui and Jun Mubei looked at Quan Shaobai with monster-like eyes, and Quan Shaobai turned his face away in embarrassment.

Dude, can you be more obvious?Selling friends and seeking glory is not what you sell!

Brother, I'm sorry, for my bed ticket, I have to work hard!
Ling Rui brought a few people to Tang Shishi's room, and they started banging on the door hurriedly.

"Open the door! Bandits are here to rob, grab a wife and go back to be Mrs. Yazhai!" Fang Ziming yelled at Tang Shishi with his voice unscrupulous.

I heard that there is also a girl who has been pestering Jun Shao these days, which is undoubtedly a huge attraction for Fang Ziming, who is also fond of gossip.

"Bandits also have to abide by the rules of the road. Passing by the top of the sisters' hills, if you are acquainted, you should quickly take money to open the way, and save your money and avoid disasters. I wish you a smooth life!" Mo Youyou also followed Fang Ziming's script, laughing.

"Shout, hunt geese every day, let the geese peck my eyes today, and I haven't met a heroine!" Quan Shaobai gritted his teeth cooperatively, took Fang Ziming's words, and threatened: "If you don't hurry up, open the door and offer me a gift!" Give the beauty to our brothers, don't blame the uncle for being rude!"

"Sister also wants to see how rude you are!" Upon hearing Quan Shaobai's voice, Jun Nuanxin couldn't help but uttered, but there was a hint of sweetness in that voice.

"Master, I will carry you up the mountain, and then—huh! Give birth to a nest of little bandits!" After Quan Shaobai finished speaking, he couldn't help but secretly laugh!

When I think of how loving and sweet I and Jun Nuanxin will be in the future, I can't help but immerse myself in my beautiful imagination and start to rippling.

Ling Rui looked at Quan Shaobai who had started to wander off again, and stretched out his hand to push Quan Shaobai out. This guy took his family's big red envelope for nothing!
Quan Shaobai rubbed his forehead resentfully, the smirk on the corner of his mouth was still hooked.

Ling Rui cleared his throat, and said affectionately to Tang Shishi in the room: "Wife, come with me!"

"If you say I'll go with you, I'll go with you!" Mo Youyou scolded dissatisfied, "This makes us a bride, how embarrassing!".

"If you have any conditions, just say it!" Ling Rui said proudly.

"Red envelope!" Jun Nuanxin yelled immediately when she heard Ling Rui say that the conditions were open at will.

"Success!" Ling Rui took out a few big red envelopes that he had prepared a long time ago from his pocket, patted the closed door, and said, "Open a little gap to stuff the red envelopes!"

Sure enough, the door opened a narrow slit.

Taking advantage of the moment when Mo Youyou and Jun Nuanxin opened the door, Ling Rui slammed into the door with all his strength.

"Ah! No way! You're cheating!" Mo Youyou screamed and protested unconvinced, but when she saw the pile of red envelopes in Ling Rui's hand, she rushed forward to grab them, completely forgetting what her original intention was to do .

After smoothing over Mo Youyou and Jun Nuanxin, Ling Rui set his eyes on Tang Shishi who was sitting on the bedside.

Today's Tang poetry is extraordinarily beautiful and charming, the white wedding dress is holy and beautiful, and the Tang poetry at this moment is dressed up pure and coquettish, and it is shockingly beautiful.

It's just a movement of eyes, a wave of eyes, all so captivating.

"Shishi, come with me!" Ling Rui walked up to the living room with Tang Shishi in his arms.

Tang Shishi nestled in Ling Rui's arms, her quiet and obedient face showed no struggle.

Ling Rui is also handsome in a mess today, with a sharp-edged face, a pair of big eyes that are piercing and radiant, shining with scorching sparks, as if she was about to scorch someone, and she couldn't help but want to get lost in it. At this moment, she is willing to make a candy and melt it in Ling Rui's mouth, bringing a sweet taste to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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