Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 537 Ling Rui, we are finished!

Chapter 537 Ling Rui, we are finished! (2)
Lu Tao glanced at Jun Mubei, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and felt that the two brothers of the Jun family had a sinister temperament today. He hesitated for a moment, but turned around when he refused: "Okay."

Originally, Lu Tao was going to leave today after delivering the congratulatory gifts. After all, as Tang Shishi's ex-husband, it was hard not to be criticized when he appeared on such an occasion. Pointing and pointing, but because of that phone call, Lu Tao changed his mind.

He is no longer qualified to be happy, so at least let him witness Tang Shishi's happiness with his own eyes. Although he never denied that he has been unable to let go of Tang Shishi, as long as she can truly live a happy life, even if he is in his heart With tears in my eyes, I will also bless her with a smile.

The struggle on Lu Tao's face and the unexpected answer made Jun Mubei frowned, but he politely let Lu Tao into the wedding banquet hall and arranged him on the seat next to their table.

Lu Tao's mood is a bit abnormal today, he'd better stay close, it's better to keep an eye on him.

Shen He also came early, today he was wearing a silver-gray tuxedo with a wine-red bow tie, his hair was neatly combed, and his shiny black hair stood upright.

"Shishi, what's up, I'm like this today, don't I embarrass you?" Shen He quickly hid the astonishment in his eyes when he saw Tang Shishi, and asked casually. That tone made Tang Shishi very conscious So the land classified him and Jun Mubei into the same category.

"It's our honor that the young master of the Shen family can come!" Feeling Ling Rui's big hands around her waist tightened, Tang Shishi said to Shen He very officially.

"That is, am I more handsome than today's groom in my body?" Shen He said proudly as if he didn't understand the politeness in Tang Shishi's words.

Tang Shishi took a closer look at Shen He's complacent face, and then turned her head to look at Ling Rui's cold side face with her lips pursed at the moment. She suddenly felt a little familiar, and she didn't speak in a daze.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence!" The expression on Shen He's face became more and more complacent, like a peacock with its tail open.

"Senior Shen He, it's time for you to find someone to settle down with. You always play around in the world of mortals like this. Shishi and I are also worried, right, wife?" Ling Rui instantly melted the frost on his face, and turned to Shen He. He showed a look of concern, but the ruffian in his eyes, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, appeared in front of Shen He without any concealment.

When Shen He heard Ling Rui yelling the word "wife" deliberately ambiguously and ecstatically, his heart was shocked, and he shot a row of extremely sharp ice arrows towards Ling Rui, but when he turned his head to look at Tang Shishi, The corners of his mouth curled up flirtatiously. Obviously, he was also looking forward to Tang Shishi's answer.

"Of course, senior, you are also quite old, it's time to find a woman to settle down and live a good life!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He sincerely and seriously and said.

Shen He's heart felt extremely bitter for a moment, he also wanted to find a woman to live a good life, but when these words came from the mouth of the woman he had always admired, he felt quite uncomfortable.It's just that Shen He's heart is no longer in a good mood, and he never showed it on his face. He looked at Tang Shishi, smiled even more wickedly, and said, "Then senior, I will leave it to you, my senior, for my life. Be responsible to me!"

After hearing Shen He's words, Ling Rui's face turned cold again. Although Tang Shishi was a little awkward when she heard Shen He's words, she didn't know what was wrong, so she smiled and agreed: "Okay, I will help the senior to pay attention. of."

"Then it's settled!" Shen He gave Ling Rui a playful smile after listening to Tang Shishi's words.

The anger on Ling Rui's face, when he saw Shen He's smiling face, became strangely quiet, and "kindly" suggested to Tang Shishi: "Wife, that Liu from Ahua's adulterer's family Nice girl."

"You mean the granddaughter of Grandma Liu in our compound?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui puzzled, and asked tentatively.

"Well, after much deliberation, no matter in terms of family background or talent, only Miss Liu can match Senior Shen He, she can be said to be a talented woman!" Ling Rui said solemnly.

"But that Miss Liu is good, but she is a little fatter." Tang Shishi met Tang Shishi a few times with the Miss Liu that Ling Rui was talking about. bearable.

"The heart is wide and the body is fat. Besides, it's better for women to be plump. They have sensuality and are comfortable to hold. You should also be fatter." Ling Rui said, the other arm unconsciously wrapped around Tang Shishi's slender waist, and two paws Doing restless things in full view.

"That's right, Miss Liu is a bit fatter, but her character is excellent." Tang Shishi slapped Ling Rui's restless paws away embarrassedly, and gave him a coquettish sideways glance, with a faint smile on her fair face. pink.

When Shen He heard that Shen He and Ling Rui pushed himself irresponsibly to a fat man in a few words, the top of his head was about to smoke with anger, but he still had to pretend to be romantic and curious, and said : "Then Shishi, when will you invite someone out, and introduce to me."

"There's no need to change the day, just today, Miss Liu will definitely come later." Ling Rui said to Shen He with a bright smile on his face.

"When someone comes, please remember to introduce Shishi to me." Shen He ignored Ling Rui, still looked at Tang Shishi and said with a smile.

"Okay, I—" Tang Shishi smiled and nodded.

"Shishi and I will be very busy later on. Ms. Liu has more obvious features. After a while, senior Shen He will see that she is the fattest woman at the banquet." Ling Rui interrupted Tang Shishi, looked at Shen He, and the corner of his mouth curled up. The smile is profound.

Shen He gritted his teeth secretly, and gave Ling Rui a gouged look: You will indeed be very busy!

Ling Rui deliberately ignored Shen He's expression, turned around slightly with Tang Shishi in his arms, greeted the old man Bai's family who came in, and said with a smile: "Grandpa Bai, Uncle Bai, Aunt Sun, Aunt Bai, Uncle Quan, welcome! "

Shen He glanced at the direction of the door, turned around and warmly greeted Ling Yue who was helping to greet the guests, then glanced at Jun Zeyu who was beside Ling Yue, and entered the table without saying anything.

Ling Yue didn't notice the difference in Shen He's attitude towards her and Jun Zeyu. At this moment, her full attention was attracted by the Bai family.

Mr. Bai led the whole family of the Bai family, walked in grandly, looked at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, who were a golden boy and a jade girl, and smiled from ear to ear, and said, "Shishi girl, boy Rui ,congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Tang Shishi looked at Mr. Bai and said shyly.

After Mr. Bai presented his gift, someone specially led him to the table between Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling to talk.

(End of this chapter)

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