Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 538 Ling Rui, we are finished!

Chapter 538 Ling Rui, we are finished! (3)
Bai Zizheng, Bai Zizhao, and Quan Xusheng were also greeted by Jun's family and took their seats.

Bai Fengju stayed behind, and continued to lobby Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin on the side, using Tang Shishi and Ling Rui as examples, urging Jun Nuanxin and Quan Shaobai to get the certificate quickly.If the marriage between Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin does not come to fruition for a day, Bai Fengju will always be in fear, always afraid that the night will be long and dreamy, and she will not be able to sleep soundly.

Sun Xiaofen and Sun Xiaotong looked at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, and said a lot of blessings.

Tang Shishi hadn't seen Sun Xiaofen for a while, and found that she was much thinner than before. Compared with Sun Xiaotong, her face was so thin that it was out of shape. Now it's the first time I met someone, and I can tell at a glance The difference between the two sisters came.

"Aunt Sun, you have to ensure your health. The past is all over, so you should relax." Tang Shishi looked at the haggard Sun Xiaofen and comforted her.

Sun Xiaofen almost shed tears when Tang Shishi said a word, and Sun Xiaotong who was beside her hastily turned her elbow quietly.

Only then did Sun Xiaofen realize her gaffe, and said apologetically but gratefully, "Thank you, Shishi, Auntie lost her composure!"

Tang Shishi shook her head indifferently, Sun Xiaofen's appearance made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Shishi, take a look at the gift Auntie gave you, do you like it?" Sun Xiaofen said, opening an exquisite box in her hand, inside was a pair of jadeite bracelets, that thick emerald green, plump Yingrun, at first glance, is the best.

"Aunt Sun, this is too precious!" Tang Shishi didn't expect that Sun Xiaofen would give her such a pair of top-quality imperial green bracelets as a congratulatory gift, and quickly declined.

"It's fine if you like it. Auntie originally wanted to keep it as a dowry for her daughter, but now—" Sun Xiaofen said, almost emotionally, she took a deep breath, raised her face and looked at Tang Shishi with a smile Said: "Auntie just wants to give it to you now."

Tang Shishi still wanted to refuse, but Sun Xiaotong on the side said: "Girl Shishi, please let her have her way, otherwise she will feel even more uncomfortable."

Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen and Sun Xiaotong, then at Ling Rui, nodded and took it, and put the box away carefully.

Sun Xiaofen finally showed a gratified smile, and sat down with Sun Xiaotong and Bai Fengju in peace.

"How is Bai Mo?" Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen's back and couldn't help asking Ling Rui.

"What do you think?" Ling Rui reached out to grab Tang Shishi's little nose, but was slapped away by Tang Shishi.

"There are so many people, don't make trouble!" Tang Shishi said angrily.

Ling Rui felt all kinds of eyes floating around, his face turned cold, he touched his nose, and withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

Lu Tao, who was sitting in the distance, watched the small movements between Ling Rui and Tang Shishi without blinking his eyes. Tang Shishi was blocked by Ling Rui. Sensitively captured the coldness at that moment, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

Shen He wobbled to the opposite side of Lu Tao and sat down. Seeing Lu Tao staring in the direction of the door with piercing eyes, he couldn't help but tease: "Dong Lu, how do you feel about attending the wedding banquet of your ex-wife?"

Lu Tao was startled when he heard Shen He's voice, he turned his head to look at Shen He, took a sip of tea from his teacup, and said leisurely: "Master Shen, the woman he likes got married twice, and the groom is not you, what do you think?" how?"

Shen He was so sharply rebutted by Lu Tao that his face was full of anger, but when he saw Lu Tao drink tea absently and keep his eyes on Tang Shishi and Ling Rui at the door from time to time, when his face was solemn, he was cold. He smiled coldly and didn't speak again.

Du Haoze came with his parents.When he saw that the figure he had been dreaming of day and night did not appear around Tang Shishi, he was both disappointed and secretly relieved. He will soon go to City A, maybe when he gets there, he will be able to leave the control of his family. I secretly went to G City to take a look at Wang Yueshan.

Du Haoze was thinking about it when he inadvertently heard Du Haoyang talking on the phone, seeing a rare gentle expression on Du Haoyang's face, he didn't know who he was talking to, and from time to time pointed his phone in the direction of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui , his face sank.

These days, Du Haoyang basically never went back to Du's mansion, and even his father couldn't help complaining that he was spending too much time recently. In fact, Du Haoze knew that Du Haoyang didn't go out to spend time at all, but flew to G City.

Thinking of Du Haoyang coveting Wang Yueshan all this time, Du Haoze became restless, but because of his parents, he was afraid of causing harm to Wang Yueshan, so now he felt like a prisoner who was restrained, depressed!

When the guests were almost here, Chang Guiru, who had been helping to greet the guests, couldn't help but walked up to Ling Rui, took a peek at Jun Mubei who was bickering with Mo Youyou, and asked in a low voice: "Boy Rui? , your elder brother, didn’t you promise to come today? Why is there no one around yet?”

"Auntie, brother may have something to do, so let's delay, but since he said he would come, he will definitely come." Ling Rui said comforting Chang Guiru.

Since that incident happened, the eldest brother left home for several years and never came back. He hasn't seen his parents in the past few years, so it's no wonder that the eldest aunt is so anxious.

"Hmm." Chang Guiru suppressed the urgency in her heart after hearing Ling Rui's words, and started to greet the guests again, only keeping her eyes on the door from time to time.

"On a day like this, it's already giving him face by letting him attend, but he's still showing off!" Jun Mubei said angrily after Chang Guiru left.

"Second brother, it's been so many years, what's going on, you're so narrow-minded!" Tang Shishi couldn't help complaining when she thought of her elder brother Jun Haodong.

"Thief woman! You..." When Jun Mubei heard that Tang Shishi was helping Jun Haodong, he blew his beard and stared angrily. He was about to teach Tang Shishi a lesson, but was interrupted by a low voice. .

"Shishi, you are right, some people are narrow-minded!" As soon as Jun Haodong came in, he heard Tang Shishi and Jun Mubei talking about himself, and interrupted with a warm smile.

Hearing the voice from behind, Jun Mubei breathed heavily, then stood aside, glanced elsewhere, with a cold expression on his face.

When Fang Ziming, Du Haoyang, and Quan Shaobai saw Jun Mubei's expression, they cried out inwardly. The battle between these two people a few years ago was brutal, and they still remember it vividly. Now they see this pair of enemies Gathering together, he was secretly on guard, Fang Ziming had even planned his own escape route in advance.

"Brother, why is it so late, I thought you weren't coming!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Haodong and spoke enthusiastically, but Tang Shishi was also very surprised at the moment, why did Jun Haodong come by himself, could it be— —Tang Shishi glanced at Jun Mubei, who was like an ice sculpture, and a gleam of understanding slipped in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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