Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 543 Let me hurt you or I make you hurt

Chapter 543 Let me hurt you or I make you hurt (3)
She believed that Tang Shishi was a human being, and Tang Shishi would never slander Ling Rui with such a thing!Moreover, she also believed that Tang Shishi's feelings for Ling Rui, if she hadn't loved to the extreme, she wouldn't have shown such heart-wrenching pain just now!

"Xiaofen, sit down!" Old Master Bai frowned, looked at the impulsive Sun Xiaofen, and warned.

"Xiaofen, sit down!" Sun Xiaotong hastily pulled Sun Xiaofen's arm, signaling her not to interfere.

This is a family affair of the Jun family, and it is not suitable for the Bai family to intervene.

"Dad! I can't just ignore it! I believe Shishi is telling the truth!" Sun Xiaofen pulled out her arm, and said stubbornly looking at old man Bai.

"What do you care about? What position do you use to manage it? Sit down!" Old Master Bai scolded in a deep voice, his face darkened because of Sun Xiaofen's refusal to listen to persuasion.

"Xiaofen! Listen to Dad!" Bai Zizheng glanced at Tang Shishi with complicated eyes, and said.

"I don't! I don't know and don't want to know about the affairs between you men, but Shishi's affairs are my affairs!" Sun Xiaofen said, walked to Tang Shishi's side, held Tang Shishi's cold little hand, Said: "I believe in you!"

The warmth from her hands made Tang Shishi startled. She looked at Sun Xiaofen, and the tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably, like a wounded little animal being rescued suddenly.

Sun Xiaofen put her arms around Tang Shishi's shoulders, feeling her body was cold at the moment, and hugged her tightly with distress.

Cai Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi's appearance, and her uncomfortable eye sockets were sore. She looked at Ling Rui with a puzzled and tangled expression, but under Tang Guoduan's shaking of her head, she restrained her lips.

"Little friend, what's your name?" Shen He stepped forward, took the little boy's little hand, and asked in a friendly manner.

"My name is Ling Baobao!" The little boy pulled back his little hand, held Ling Rui's clothes tightly, looked at Shen He defensively, and replied politely, that appearance, timid and cute, it was just a sight to see. Taught well.

Just, Baby Ling?When the people in the banquet hall heard the child's answer, their minds became active again.

Ling Yue held her breath, and after hearing Baobao Ling's answer, she sat down on the chair, and with her hands on the table, she pulled the edge of the table vigorously.

how can that be!

"What's your father's name?" Shen He simply sat on the heart-shaped round platform, looking straight at Baby Ling, with an amiable look.

"My father is Ling Rui!" Ling Baobao looked up at Ling Rui as he said that, with a proud face, he added proudly: "My father is a very powerful person!"

A low gasp sounded around, and everyone looked at Ling Rui with thoughts on their faces.

"Ling Rui, do you still want to deny it? That's what he said when I met him at the door!" Tang Yuan looked at Ling Rui, wishing he could beat him to the ground!

When Tang Yuan was released from the gold powder, he rushed to the hotel impatiently. As soon as he reached the door, he bumped into the child. Hearing that the child was coming to find his father, he looked at the child Tang Yuan only felt hatred for Zhang and Ling Rui's miniature faces!

"Tang Shishi, do you also believe what they said?" Ling Rui ignored Tang Yuan's clamor at all. He looked at Tang Shishi with burning eyes and asked in a low voice.

Tang Shishi's body trembled.

"Ling Rui, why are you forcing her? The facts are in front of you!" Sun Xiaofen felt Tang Shishi's body trembling slightly, and couldn't help but stop Ling Rui.

"Ling Rui, I really didn't expect that you are such a person!" Lu Tao looked at Ling Rui with disappointment and pain in his eyes.

"Tang Shishi, I just want a word from you!" Ling Rui became stubborn and looked at Tang Shishi stubbornly, unwilling to let go!

"What do you want me to say? Does what I say now make any sense?" Tang Shishi's voice was soft, faint, but filled with countless sadness.

"You won't believe me after all!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with disappointment in his eyes.

"Ling Rui, what's the use of talking about this now? Hmph! If you have the ability, you can produce convincing evidence!" Tang Yuan roared angrily.

"Boy Rui, whether it's true or not, I won't admit to this kid!" Ling Yue stood up and took the lead in expressing his attitude.

"You said I was your father, so who is your mother? Who sent you here?" Ling Rui looked at Ling Baobao with a piercingly cold voice.

"Father! Woohoo! Don't marry this vixen! Okay?" Baby Ling pursed his mouth and cried, his appearance was indescribably pitiful.

"Don't change the subject, who is your mother? Who sent you here?" Ling Rui's voice turned cold again.

"Ling Rui, he's just a child. Is it necessary for you to do this?" Shen He looked at Ling Baobao's teary face and frowned displeasedly.

"Say!" Ling Rui ignored Shen He and continued to press Baobao Ling.

"Mom didn't let me come, I sneaked here by myself, I don't want you to marry her! I don't want you to leave us!" Baby Ling started crying.

"Ling Rui, it's come to this point, why are you still putting on airs here?" Tang Yuan looked at Ling Rui contemptuously, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"You can't say that. You can't think that this child is Ling Rui's seed just because he looks like Ling Rui. At this time, we have to believe in science!" Jun Mubei glanced at Tang Yuan, and his eyes fell on Shen He , is meaningful.

"Indeed! The result will be known once the DNA is verified." Shen He looked back at Jun Mubei without hesitation, then glanced at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, stood up from the round platform and said, "You guys continue with the wedding!" Then he patted She patted her butt, and walked back to her seat in a chic manner.

continue?How to continue?This is not watching a drama!
Jun Mubei was pissed off by Shen He, but now he couldn't get angry again, his face was livid.

"Continue the wedding? What do you think of as poetry? A piece of wood without thought or emotion? A machine that starts when it says it starts, and stops when it says it stops?" Tang Yuan was furious!

Just as everyone was looking at each other, there was another commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall.

"Baby!" An excited female voice rang out when she saw Ling Baobao who was sobbing on the stage.

"Mommy!" Ling Baobao cried sadly as he looked at the woman who was rushing over here.

"Baby! Didn't Mommy tell you not to run around? Why did you come here!" The woman hugged Ling Baobao tightly in distress, as if she had found a lost treasure, and then picked up Ling Baobao, holding her head down. The head said: "Go home with Mommy!"

"Mummy! I don't want it! I want Dad!" Ling Baobao struggled in the woman's arms, then stretched out his arm towards Ling Rui, crying and shouting: "Dad! Dad! Hug me! Dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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