Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 544 Let me hurt you or I make you hurt

Chapter 544 Let me hurt you or I make you hurt (4)
"Don't shout! He's not your father! You've got the wrong person!" The woman scolded Baby Ling eagerly and angrily, hugged his small body, lowered her head and wanted to leave, and walked in a hurry!
"Han Jing, seeing so many old acquaintances, did you leave without saying hello?" Jun Mubei's carefree voice sounded.

Han Jing hugged Ling Baobao and pretended not to hear, bit the bullet and walked forward quickly.

It's just that when Han Jing hadn't walked a few steps away, she felt that she was stopped by someone in front of her eyes. If she didn't stop in time, she would have crashed into the arms of the man in front of her!

"So it's Brother Haodong's son! No wonder he looks so similar to Ling Rui!" Fang Ziming looked at Han Jing who suddenly appeared, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile.

After Fang Ziming finished speaking, he abducted Du Haoyang with his arm.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, Brother Haodong still likes to joke so much!" Du Haoyang also said with a bright smile.

Everyone looked at Jun Haodong who was sitting on the seat without speaking. Even Han Jing, after hearing Fang Ziming and Du Haoyang's words, looked at Jun Haodong following everyone's gaze.

Jun Haodong looked at Han Jing and Ling Baobao, but smiled and said nothing.

Han Jing hugged Ling Baobao's arms tightly, and the unnaturalness flashed across her face. She turned her face, smiled wryly at Jun Mubei, and said, "Mu Bei, long time no see."

"I'd rather not see you!" Jun Mubei looked at Han Jing, with a pair of peach blossom eyes flashing a bewitching brilliance, with a smile that was not a smile.

Mo Youyou, who was standing on the stage, looked at Jun Mubei's face, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

After listening to Jun Mubei's words, Han Jing smiled even more bitterly, and said, "Then—as you wish!" After speaking, she tried to walk around Jun Mubei's body and go out.

"Everyone is already here, don't you think it's too rude not to toast to the newcomers? Sister-in-law!" Jun Mubei deliberately raised the voice of the word "sister-in-law" so that everyone around could hear clearly clearly.

Han Jing's body froze, and she slowly turned her head to look at Ling Rui on the stage, with a guilty conscience evident in her eyes.

After Jun Mubei finished speaking, he put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the heart-shaped round platform leisurely.

When Han Jing passed Jun Mubei, her body froze obviously.

Here, it's easy to come, but not easy to leave!

When Jun Mubei rubbed shoulders with Han Jing, he said lightly.

Han Jing only felt that her legs seemed to be filled with lead at this moment, making it difficult to move.

"Sister-in-law, sit here!" Fang Ziming was as lively as a monkey, and brought Han Jing to Jun Haodong's side, "Brother is really, he just teased the brothers like this when he came back! Save some tricks to make trouble in the bridal chamber!"

After Fang Ziming's gossip, the people in the wedding banquet hall began to "warm up" and congratulated Jun Haodong on the birth of his son. Several people got together and talked, as if they didn't remember what happened just now!
Some people even praised Ling Baobao against his will because he looked exactly like Jun Haodong, and he would definitely be handsome in the future. Jun Haodong always responded calmly, elegantly and without losing his gentlemanly demeanor.

Shen He was holding the wine glass, shaking the scarlet liquid inside, a mocking smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, the people who came here are all human beings, and the kung fu of whitewashing the peace is really top-notch.

Looking at Tang Shishi's abnormally white face on the stage, Shen He hid the brilliance in his eyes, no matter what, the result he wanted today has been achieved.

Even if these people, what they say is better than what they sing?As long as you are not blind, you should be able to guess who the child is!

"Mum, isn't the one on the stage the father of Ling Baobao?" Ling Baobao innocently raised his eyes, looking at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi who were on the stage with his ignorant eyes.

The expressions of the people around changed after hearing Baobao Ling's words, but after a while, they started talking and complimenting each other again, as if they didn't hear what Baobao Ling said at all.

Shen He looked at Ling Baobao's flat mouth, showing a puzzled look, and hooked the corner of his mouth again.

The people in the audience deliberately created the sound of "talking loudly", which melted away the sound of the people on the stage.

"Jun Mubei, don't think that by doing this, you can cheat the sky and turn a deer into a horse!" Tang Yuan looked at Han Jing who was seated next to Jun Haodong, recognized her as the woman in the photo last night, and said angrily.

"Uncle Tang, Aunt Tang, please take Tang Yuan and return to your seat." Jun Mubei ignored Tang Yuan's clamor and said to Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen.

"Boy Rui, you can believe it, right?" Tang Guoduan glanced at Jun Mubei, then set his eyes on Ling Rui, and asked in a deep voice.

Ling Rui nodded affirmatively towards Tang Guoduan.

"Okay! Uncle believes you!" Seeing Ling Rui nodding, Tang Guoduan was relieved, grabbed Tang Yuan who was still angry, and returned to his seat.

Cai Xiaofen glanced at Tang Shishi in bewilderment, then followed Tang Guoduan and slowly returned to her seat.

"Uncle Tang! Aunt Tang!" Lu Tao looked at Tang Guoduan and his wife who abandoned Tang Shishi and left, and called out anxiously.

Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen looked back at Lu Tao, sighed, and did not speak again.

Lu Tao's heart suddenly cooled down. He turned his head to look at Tang Shishi's pale face, and there was nowhere to hide the pity in his eyes!

"Dad, how can you believe that hypocrite's words!" Tang Yuan yelled angrily after being thrown on the seat by Tang Guoduan.

"Shut up!" Tang Guoduan glanced at Tang Yuan coldly, lowered his voice and shouted, but the anger that was not restrained deliberately roared like a fire dragon.

Tang Yuan was intimidated by Tang Guoduan, so he kept his mouth shut unwillingly, but still had a stubborn expression on his face.

"Aunt Sun, can you return my daughter-in-law to me now?" Ling Rui looked at Sun Xiaofen who was still hugging Tang Shishi tightly, stepped forward and said, without any emotion in his voice.

Sun Xiaofen hugged Tang Shishi in fear and took a small step back. Feeling the tension in Tang Shishi's body, Sun Xiaofen suddenly looked up at Ling Rui fearlessly, and said, "What do you want to do to her?"

Although Ling Rui only took a step forward and didn't move, Sun Xiaofen was still keenly aware of the dangerous aura in Ling Rui's body, she couldn't just hand over Tang Shishi like this!
"Aunt Sun, this is my family business, you take too much care of it!" Ling Rui frowned in displeasure, and his voice was slightly cold.

"Shishi's business is my business!" Sun Xiaofen still refused to let Tang Shishi go.

"My daughter-in-law, I'll train it myself, so I won't bother you, Aunt Sun!" Ling Rui's voice became colder again.

"Ling Rui, as I said, we're done!" Tang Shishi's voice was sharp, with some shrill trills.

(End of this chapter)

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