Chapter 547 Can I Trust You? (3)
After three years of separation, Shen He thought that Tang Shishi got what she wanted and lived happily ever after, but he never expected that Lu Tao and Wang Fengzhen would treat her like that. He investigated the current situation of Lu Tao and Tang Shishi at the fastest speed, and he also made proper arrangements for everything abroad and returned home at the fastest speed.

In order to avoid that his appearance would be too abrupt, he also specifically investigated Wang Yueshan's itinerary, detoured to G City, and arranged a chance encounter. Who knows, when he was full of confidence and wanted to pursue Tang Shishi's love with a brand new attitude At that time, I learned that she married Ling Rui in a flash marriage, and married into the Jun family!

Ling Rui!Your family!
This news almost made Shen He collapse!

Why does he always show up one step later?Why did fate always play tricks on him?Why, why Ling Rui? !

From the moment he heard about Tang Shishi's marriage, Shen He made up his mind, this time, he will not keep silent!

Before losing to Lu Tao, it was because Tang Shishi fell in love with Lu Tao one step earlier, and he recognized it!But Ling Rui, why should he? !

Based on the foundation of his relationship with Tang Shishi for so many years, he doesn't believe that he will lose to Ling Rui who appeared in just a few days this time!

The general election is approaching, and the Jun family is in turmoil. What can Ling Rui do to ensure Tang Shishi's happiness?

Therefore, he shot without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Shen He lightly sniffed the aroma in the pot, and curled his lips in satisfaction, as if he had already smelled the aroma of love.

Shen He was in a good mood while eating and thinking about things, especially when his eyes fell on the quiet Tang Shishi beside him, he felt an indescribable satisfaction and joy in his heart, and couldn't help but eat a lot.

After Tang Shishi finished eating, she put the bowls and chopsticks back to their original positions neatly and arranged them. She still lowered her head, staring at the steaming pot in a daze.

The familiar yet unfamiliar environment here reminds Tang Shishi of those initial persistence, but time has changed, things have changed, and they can no longer return to the beginning!
Shen He looked at Tang Shishi's full of thoughts, knowing that she didn't want to be disturbed at the moment, so he sat quietly with her.

The distance between the two is so close, even if they don't speak and sit quietly, Shen He can feel that he is immersed in happiness at the moment. He believes that sooner or later he will walk into Tang Shishi's heart.

The rapid sound of the police siren, even though it was separated by several streets, was still harsh, and it also broke the warm and quiet atmosphere of this moment.

Tang Shishi stood up from the chair in fear, looked around in fear, like a frightened little rabbit, with nowhere to hide.

"It's him! He must have found it! Senior Shen He!" Tang Shishi hoarsely folded her arms around her chest, squatting on the ground sobbing, her helpless appearance made people feel distressed.

"He can't find us!" Shen He said affirmatively, squatting in front of Tang Shishi, reached out and patted Tang Shishi's back, and said comfortingly.

When Shen He's big hand fell on Tang Shishi's back, Tang Shishi's whole body was obviously stiff. She looked up at Shen He, with some erratic fear and defense in her eyes, which hurt Shen He's heart.

Shen He withdrew his hand and looked at Tang Shishi with firm eyes and affirmative tone: "Trust me! He won't find this place!"

"Senior, can I trust you?" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He, her eyes didn't blink, and there was a layer of watery light inside, which condensed.

Shen He took a deep breath, looked into Tang Shishi's eyes, and replied seriously: "Yes! Tang Shishi, I will never hurt you!"

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He, tears rolled out of her eyes suddenly: "Senior, remember what you said today!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she lowered her eyes, and a drop of tears fell on the ground.


Shen He's heart skipped a beat. He looked at Tang Shishi who hugged him and huddled into a ball and only gave him a top of his head. He put his hand on Tang Shishi's shoulder and said solemnly: "Shishi, from today onwards , I will not do anything to hurt you, I will not deceive you, you can try - trust me! Ling Rui would not have thought that we would be here. "

There was a flash of light in Tang Shishi's lowered eyelids, then she raised her head, looked at Shen He's sincere phoenix eyes, and nodded slowly.

A smile bloomed on Shen He's face for a moment, as happy as a child.

Trust is the first step in all relationships.

"Ah! The car! The car is still outside!" Tang Shishi suddenly stood up and screamed when she heard the alarm sound getting closer.

Shen He took Tang Shishi's arm and said with a comforting smile: "When we were having dinner just now, the car has already been driven away by someone I arranged."

"Oh!" Tang Shishi finally calmed down, but suddenly raised her head and said to Shen He: "My clothes——"

Her clothes are still in the car!
"It's all taken down and put in your room!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi's frowning face, and said amusedly, "I didn't expect you to be so stingy, it's just a few clothes!"

If you want, I can give you everything!Shen He looked at Tang Shishi with burning eyes.

"My room?" Tang Shishi automatically ignored the words behind Shen He, avoided the scorching air in Shen He's eyes, and only grasped the sensitive and useful information, and asked.

It seems that this store is Shen He's invisible business. Tang Shishi did not expect that Shen He would be interested in running a small Mala Tang restaurant.

Ling Rui can't think of it either?
"Well, you live here tonight, and tomorrow, I will take you back to the army." Shen He looked at the astonishment in Tang Shishi's eyes and explained.

"Go to the army? No!" Tang Shishi shook her head resolutely, and stepped back anxiously, looking into Shen He's eyes, she became a little defensive and alienated again.

In the army, it was Ling Rui's territory. If Shen He wanted to take her to the army, wouldn't that mean sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?
"The most dangerous place is the safest place!" Shen He saw the doubts and worries in Tang Shishi's eyes, and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, in the army, although it is Ling Rui's territory, I want to It's no problem to hide you and avoid Ling Rui!"

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He suspiciously. She didn't know where Shen He got such confidence, but when she remembered Shen He's identity, she didn't say anything in the end.

Seeing that Tang Shishi did not object to his proposal, Shen He was even more excited. He called the proprietress and asked her to take Tang Shishi to rest, and then told Tang Shishi some things not to let her run around before leaving.

Before leaving, Shen He glanced at Tang Shishi worriedly, and said, "Shishi, I will come pick you up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest, you won't run around?"

What Shen He is most afraid of is that Tang Shishi will not listen to his arrangement, and sneak away alone while he is not around, and then fall into Ling Rui's hands again. At that time, getting her out again is simply impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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