Chapter 548 Can I Trust You? (4)
"Well! I won't run around!" Tang Shishi reassured again and again. Hearing the approaching sirens, Tang Shishi did not hide the anxiety and panic in her eyes, and urged Shen He to say: "Senior Shen He, hurry up!" Let's go! Be careful on the road!"

Ling Rui will definitely send someone to pay attention to Shen He and Lu Tao's every move. If he can't find Shen He, then his goal will be exposed.

Hearing Tang Shishi's worried words, Shen He felt like a husband sent by his little wife to go on a long journey. He was suddenly happy and a little dazed and unreal. He looked deeply at Tang Shishi for a long time before turning around and leaving. .

It's just that Shen He had just walked for less than a minute before turning around and turning back.

"What's wrong?" Tang Shishi looked anxiously at Shen He who had gone and returned.

"Someone is coming this way!" Shen He said, pushing Tang Shishi into her room and closing the door.

In the darkness, the breathing of the two was clearly audible.

Tang Shishi was not used to Shen He's approaching, so she took a step back. Shen He looked at Tang Shishi in the dark. Although there was only a vague outline, which was very unreal, he still couldn't help breathing fast. But when he thought of Tang Shishi's defense and panic, he took another step back consciously, keeping a distance of half a meter from Tang Shishi.

Someone came in from outside to inquire, and Tang Shishi recognized that it was Zhou Hu's voice.

"Miss Boss, why don't you go to bed so late?"

"It's the end of the year, I can't sleep, I need to sort out the accounts!" The proprietress's voice was very kind, and it sounded like spring breeze.

"Miss proprietress, do you see this person?" Zhou Hu said while showing a photo of Tang Shishi to the proprietress.

"No." The proprietress took the photo, carefully looked at the person in the photo against the light, and said.

"Miss Boss, you have to look carefully. This is my sister-in-law. She had a little quarrel with my elder brother today. She lost her temper and ran away from home! If you know her whereabouts, you will be very grateful!" Zhou Tiger asked the proprietress.

"I really don't have any impression." The proprietress looked at the photo again, shook her head and answered affirmatively.

"Okay, thank you! If you have any news, please call me this number, thank you very much!" Zhou Hu left a string of numbers for the proprietress, and in the end he still did not forget to offer material benefits.

"Hey!" The proprietress nodded repeatedly.

Zhou Hu walked out in disappointment, and said to the man sitting in the car outside, "Master, no!"

Tang Shishi froze when she heard Zhou Hu calling for the driver of the car, and her breath was slightly flustered.

Shen He felt Tang Shishi's changes. In the dark night, holding Tang Shishi's hand, he felt the sweat in her palm and frowned.

Tang Shishi hesitated for a while, then pulled her hand out of Shen He's big hand forcefully, then lowered her head, not daring to look at Shen He's lost pair of phoenix eyes.

"Go." Ling Rui, who was sitting in the back of the car, ordered in a deep voice, the cold breath in his tone made Zhou Hu's eyes solemn.

I don't know what this sister-in-law thinks, how can she not believe in the master?This night, they originally thought that the Lord was happy today, and wanted to "celebrate the whole world" and sleep in. Who knew that they would be dug up by the Lord in the middle of the night, and they would search for someone like a carpet!

Zhou Hu got into the car, Leng Maolin started to be courteous, and Ling Rui looked meaningfully at the five words "Love Mala Tang" under the fluorescent light, and a pair of star eyes shone with light.

After the car of Ling Rui and the others drove away, Shen He told Tang Shishi in the dark: "Have a good rest at night, and wait for me to pick you up!"

"Yeah." Tang Shishi's voice was visibly trembling, and she didn't know if she was frightened by Ling Rui's appearance just now, or what.

After receiving Tang Shishi's affirmative answer again, Shen He felt relieved again, opened the door and walked out.

Tang Shishi listened to the sound of police sirens fading away outside, looked at the night outside and the occasional lonely lights that lit up, with mixed emotions in her heart, and finally sighed heavily.

Shen He came out of "Love Mala Tang", walked around for a while, walked to the black car on the opposite side of the road, opened the door, and sat in the back seat.

As soon as Shen He closed the car door, the car started. Shen He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After the call was connected, he gave an order to the people over there: "Evacuate everyone."

When the person on the opposite side heard Shen He's words, he responded without a doubt: "Yes!" Then he waved his hand, and several figures who had been hiding in the dark disappeared quickly and silently into the night.

Tang Shishi, in order not to repeat Ling Rui's retreat, between us, let's start with trust!

Ling Rui would never have thought that Tang Shishi was hiding in a small Mala Tang restaurant, so those people hiding in the dark were useless. On the contrary, once they were targeted by Ling Rui's people, it would backfire and bring disastrous results. necessary trouble.

Since Tang Shishi said she would not leave, then he believed that she would not leave!

Tang Shishi slept very sweetly this time, but it was also simple. She almost didn't even have a dream, and she slept until dawn.

Being tossed about by that guy Ling Rui all afternoon, I can't stand it personally. It is not easy for Tang Shishi to survive until now. No wonder Tang Shishi slept in a deep sleep.

Tang Shishi stayed in "Love Mala Tang" for two days. It was a mess outside these two days and it was not peaceful, but Tang Shishi didn't want to listen to or think about anything. She nestled in the single bed, across the street , Looking at the big T on the opposite side, I don't know what to think, sometimes a few hours of contemplation.

The proprietress of Love Mala Tang is a very talkative and enthusiastic person. Seeing Tang Shishi like this, she can't help persuading Tang Shishi every time, let her vent the dissatisfaction in her heart, and then express the dissatisfaction of the past few days. The newspapers and magazines were given to Tang Shishi to let her pass the time and relieve boredom.

Tang Shishi didn't read what was written in those newspapers and magazines. In fact, she could think of what the proprietress's intentions were. Although this place is just a Mala Tang restaurant, she felt that it was not simple.

Now people in city B are discussing Tang Shishi's disappearance in the streets and alleys after dinner. Ling Rui has always been a calm and considerate character, but he didn't expect that Tang Shishi's disappearance would be dealt with in a high-profile manner this time.All the magazines and newspapers in City B, and even the TV commercials, have a missing person announcement from time to time.

Shen He looked at the newspaper in front of him, the corner of his mouth became colder: Ling Rui, who are you acting for?If you really care about her and love her so much, why would you be willing to hurt her so much?

Shen He glanced at the joint statement issued by Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling again, expressing his hope that Tang Shishi would return home, and scolded Ling Rui mercilessly. When he saw this, Shen He smiled: The hypocrisy is on the face.And the hypocrisy of the Jun family is engraved in the heart, in the bones, and flows with the blood.As before, if Mr. Jun is really like the side he showed to the world, then when Tang Shishi was kidnapped by Ling Rui before, why didn't someone get up and organize this matter?

(End of this chapter)

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