Chapter 549
The damage has already been done, what's the use of talking about these hypocrisy now?

As soon as Shen He thought of Tang Shishi's heartbroken look when he found Tang Shishi two nights ago, he couldn't help but feel a throbbing pain in his heart. After the throbbing pain, he was full of resentment towards Ling Rui again!
At three o'clock in the morning two days ago, when Shen He had just come back from outside and was about to go to bed, Ling Rui came over to find Shen He himself. Shen He dealt with it skillfully, and said some true and false words, and the general Ling Rui was temporarily bluffed.

"Young master, why is this woman worthy of your painstaking efforts?" Shi Qian looked at Shen He and the content in the newspaper, feeling very distressed, and finally couldn't help but speak.Not only the young master, but even the Jun family members were fascinated by Tang Shishi, a woman from a humble background, just like she had lost her mind!
I heard that the Bai family was also worried about Tang Shishi's disappearance. She really didn't understand what kind of virtue and ability Tang Shishi, a woman with no background, could do.Can so many people do this for her?

Thinking of the information her family revealed to her two days ago, Shi Qian wished she could tear Tang Shishi into pieces!

Blame Tang Shishi!Otherwise, Shen He would definitely reject all opinions and marry her!Over the years, I have been conscientiously working for the Shen family, and I have worked hard without credit. The Shen family will not let me ignore it!
Thinking of this, Shi Qian looked at Shen He with greedy eyes.

"Shi Qian, take care of yourself. From now on, I don't want to hear any disrespectful words from you." Shen He closed the newspaper in front of him, staring at Shi Qian coldly with a pair of unusually handsome phoenix eyes, Said.

Seeing the indifference in Shen He's eyebrows, Shi Qian nodded unwillingly.She can't disobey her master openly.

When Shen He returned to the army, the car was still at the door, and was stopped by Ling Rui.

"Ling Rui, what's the matter with you?" Shen He looked at Ling Rui, with frost and snow hanging on his face.

"Shen He, let me ask you again, have you seen Tang Shishi?" Ling Rui's appearance at the moment is extremely bad, like a recruit who has just passed a wire barrier in muddy water.

"Ling Rui, your own wife can't stand it, what will happen to me?" Shen He said with a flirtatious tone, with undisguised sarcasm, and said with a hidden needle in his words.

"Shen He, don't forget, you're bleeding—" Ling Rui was so stimulated by Shen He's words that he lost his mind and was about to shout out.

"Isn't it the blood you gave?" Shen He smiled frivolously and said, "So what?"

"You—" Ling Rui once again succumbed to Shen He's place, and his breath became heavy in anger.

Just when Ling Rui and Shen He were at a stalemate, Zhou Hu rushed over and said to Ling Rui in a panic: "Boss, a female corpse was found at the East Lake. Our people suspect that People are... are..." As soon as Zhou Hu heard the news, he came to tell Ling Rui, so excited that he even forgot to salute!
"What did you say?!" Ling Rui raised Zhou Hu's body and roared excitedly. It turned out that there were a pair of blood-red eyes, which were extremely coquettish.

"Boss——" Zhou Hu reminded Ling Rui with difficulty breathing, Ling Rui seemed to have come to his senses, left Zhou Hu behind, then jumped into Shen He's car, and spoke to him in an orderly tone Said: "Go to East Lake!"

Shen He also heard Zhou Hu's words, now without further ado, he started the car, and drove away like an arrow like the East Lake.

T University is near the East Lake, so Shen He was very scared, afraid that he would not show up these two days, Tang Shishi couldn't wait, couldn't think about it, so he left them like this.

The silence in the carriage was terrifying and oppressive, almost suffocating.

When the two of them rushed all the way to East Lake, the police had already sealed off the scene. When Wu Mingen saw that Ling Rui had arrived, a look of surprise flashed across his face, but then he thought that one of the things that newspapers, magazines, and news media have paid a lot of attention to these days is Let someone let them in.

"Young Master Ling, Young Master Shen." Wu Mingen greeted Ling Rui and Shen He.

Ling Rui nodded, looked at Wu Mingen and said, "Where's the person?"

Seeing Ling Rui's eager look, Wu Mingen led Ling Rui and Shen He to the corpse that had been covered with white cloth.

"Young Master Ling, this is it! This person actually has something to do with Young Master Ling!" Wu Mingen looked at Ling Rui and said carefully.

"What did you say?!" Hearing what Wu Mingen said, Ling Rui visibly paused, and his steps were so heavy that he couldn't move his legs.

"Impossible!" After listening to Wu Mingen's words, Shen He shouted loudly, then pushed away Wu Mingen and Ling Shao, rushed to the front, and pulled the white cloth away violently.

The white cloth was lifted, revealing the soaked and swollen corpse inside, Shen He paused for a moment, and at the same time felt relieved.

When Ling Rui's eyes saw the true face of the corpse, he also paused, and at the same time he was relieved.

Take a deep breath.Ling Rui's tone became much calmer. He looked at Wu Mingen and asked, "What's going on?"

The person lying there is Ling Susu, and indeed, as Wu Mingen said, it has something to do with Ling Rui, but——Ling Rui looked at Ling Susu's swollen face soaked in lake water, and doubts crossed his mind. From what I've heard, I heard that she specially hired two servants to punish Ling Susu. Ling Susu has indeed suffered a lot these days, but with Ling Susu's temper, she shouldn't commit suicide like this It is!
"The reason is unknown, and it is still under further investigation, but in the previous stage, when I was in the mental hospital, I saw Ling Susu, and it is said that she has mental problems." Wu Mingen also went to collect information by chance, and happened to meet Ling Susu.

"Let's solve the case as soon as possible!" Glancing at Wu Mingen, he left a word and left in a hurry!
Ling Rui's attitude towards Ling Susu's death was within Shen He's expectations and beyond Shen He's expectations. He looked at Ling Rui's back, pondered for a moment, got up and left.

Today, he must bring Shishi into the army, and don't put her under his nose, maybe what will happen, this time it is Ling Susu, next time - thinking of this possibility, Shen He's eyes It's a cloud of prey.

It seems that I have been too tolerant towards those people at this stage, and even made them forget that Shen He has never been such a talkative person!
The appearance of Shen He was expected by Tang Shishi. She stayed quietly in the small restaurant "Love Mala Tang" for the past two days, staying at home, and even except for necessary solutions to physical problems, she did not even go out. Never stepped out of the door.

(End of this chapter)

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