Chapter 550
"Senior, is something wrong? If you are in trouble, I can leave by myself." Tang Shishi saw a trace of surprise on Shen He's face, and said softly.

Ling Rui has made great moves in the past two days. Tang Shishi doesn't need to read any newspapers or magazines. She can just feel it from the way the proprietress looks at her every time. What's more, all of this is within her expectation .

Shen He looked at the sensitive Tang Shishi, smiled slightly, and explained: "It's not your business, I just came from the East Lake, and Ling Susu died."

"Dead?" Tang Shishi opened her eyes wide in surprise, and then murmured, "East Lake, did you drown?"

"Hmm." Shen He thought of Ling Susu's soaked white and swollen body that he saw just now, and nodded.

"I really didn't expect..." Tang Shishi looked at Shen He, then lowered her eyes to hide the panic in her eyes, and said.The voice was light and fluttering, extremely unreal.

Ling Susu's death has something to do with the person in front of her, right?
"It's not necessarily a good thing that she died." Looking at Tang Shishi like this, Shen He didn't think about it carefully. The reason why he told Tang Shishi the news of Ling Susu's death was that Tang Shishi should know. These days are all because of Ling Susu's participation.

Moreover, it was also because of Ling Susu that Tang Shishi was pushed into Ling Rui's arms!
"That's right." There was an inexplicable smile on Tang's face. She had experienced Wang Fengzhen's methods.

It's just that at that time, no matter how hard Wang Fengzhen could not look down on her, she was still afraid of Lu Tao. She would pick on Lu Tao when she was away, and dare not leave too many traces. Ling Susu asked Wang Fengzhen to follow her at the wedding. Lu Tao was humiliated and trampled on the face of the Lu family. The trampling was terrible. In addition, she was barren and lost her status as the mayor's daughter. One can imagine what would happen to Ling Susu like this.

Tang Shishi really couldn't figure out why Ling Susu insisted on marrying Lu Tao, if she would bet her own life just to gamble, then she is really a stupid and crazy gambler!
She had expected Ling Susu's miserable ending long ago, but she didn't expect Ling Susu to die so soon!
"Shishi, I'm here to pick you up to the military region today, are you ready?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi and asked nervously.At this moment, he was suddenly afraid that Tang Shishi would change his mind.

"Senior, will it be inconvenient? I..." Tang Shishi's face was obviously struggling. At this moment, the expression on her face was extremely real, without any hypocrisy.

When Shen He appeared in front of her that night, Tang Shishi no longer knew what kind of mentality she should use to get along with Shen He.

In the past two days, she stayed here, thinking a lot back and forth, thinking of their days at T University, thinking of her being kidnapped last time, thinking of her sneak attack by Scarface, Shen He risking her life for each other, thinking of the last time When Feng Yunxiao was murdered, thinking of the "Nightingale" in Bai Mo's hand, and thinking of Shen He's real identity that Ling Rui told her, Tang Shishi looked at Shen He's face at this moment, feeling a little dazed. Suddenly, I don't know how to judge Shen He!
Tang Shishi will never forget the morning before the wedding.

At breakfast that day, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were a little unhappy because of the child's affairs. Ling Rui took Tang Shishi back to the room, and the two had an "open and honest" conversation. The text messages on the mobile phone were shown to Ling Rui one by one. After Ling Rui read them, he hugged Tang Shishi tightly and didn't speak for a long time. When Tang Shishi was in a dark mood, Ling Rui suddenly told Tang Shishi, The truth about the reason why he avoids children every time.

When Tang Shishi learned that she had lost a child because she fell down the stairs, she almost collapsed.She remembered that she had been lying on the bed for nearly a month at that stage, and her family held her like a fragile porcelain doll. Watching myself very tightly, not letting you open the window, not letting you get out of bed, not letting you go out, remembering...

Tang Shishi felt that she was really the biggest idiot in the world, and she was coaxed by Ling Rui's lame excuse of falling downstairs, hitting her stomach, and hurting her uterus, and she didn't even notice such an obvious abnormality in her family , Now that I think about it, those phenomena are obviously no different from women's confinement after a small childbirth.

"Ling Rui! You just treat me like a fool!" Tang Shishi cried and beat Ling Rui.

"Be good! It's my fault! At that time, your health was not good. I wanted to wait for your health to get better, and then find a chance to tell you, but the more time passes, the more I can't speak." Ling Rui Embedding his chin on Tang Shishi's shoulder, his voice was hoarse and outrageous, he hugged Tang Shishi tightly to prevent Tang Shishi from being overly emotional and hurting himself, and also gave himself a reason to hold on .

If it wasn't for this incident, he really didn't know how and when he would have the courage to speak out about the child.

"That day, you and your parents went to the funeral, didn't you..." Tang Shishi asked with a choked up feeling when she recalled that day when she was in a state of restlessness.

"Well. Mom said you like your daughter, so I—" Ling Rui took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and tried to suppress his unbalanced tone. After a long time, he continued: "I give our daughter, Name it Ling Xiaoxiao."

It turned out that her restlessness that day was because of this. Is this the telepathy that others said?It's just that her baby who hasn't had a chance to come to this world yet - Tang Shishi thought of this, hugged Ling Rui tightly, and silently shed her hot tears on his chest.

At this moment, the two of them could only rely on a tight, silent hug, expressing their emotions repressedly.

"What's the matter with this child? Who is manipulating all this behind our backs?" Tang Shishi cried for a while, squeezed her mobile phone, looked at Ling Rui's red eyes and asked, with your chilling aura in her tone , even she herself didn't feel it.

Ling Rui gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Tang Shishi's eyes, then exhaled, and said two words in Tang Shishi's ear: "Shen He."

"Impossible!" Tang Shishi was taken aback, quickly covered her mouth with her little hand, looked at Ling Rui in disbelief, and said in a low voice.She wanted to see even a hint of a joke on Ling Rui's face, but there was none!Not at all!

"Stupid girl! I don't even know that I've been missed for so many years!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's appearance, and tugged Tang Shishi's nose angrily, but he was extremely grateful in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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