Chapter 553
Tang Shishi silently picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of the dish, her eyes widened in surprise.This taste, authentic Jiangxi cuisine!
"The taste is good, right? Heizi is an authentic Jiangxi native, and he cooks well." Naturally, Shen He did not miss the look on Tang Shishi's face, with a look of complacency.

"Hmm." Tang Shishi nodded, she didn't expect Shen He to enjoy herself so much, even though she lived here, she didn't criticize herself at all, she was a bit like someone!But it's a common problem of "dandy" children!

"Shishi, you live here these days, tell me where you want to go, and I will take you there. If you have nothing to do, try not to go out and run around. You know, this place is no better than other places. People who come to my place are all He is a trustworthy person." Shen He told Tang Shishi.

"I don't want to go anywhere." Tang Shishi said with a weary look.

Seeing Tang Shishi's listless look, Shen He couldn't help but joked: "Isn't he just a man! Look at your talent, I think I was almost dumped by a half of the girls in T University back then, and it's also true I haven't seen me look like you, such a ghost! What can't be overwhelmed!"

Tang Shishi couldn't help but frowned in disgust when she heard the girl who was one-half the size of T spit out from Shen He's mouth: "I'm not as casual as you!"

Although, Tang Shishi knew that what Shen He said was exaggerated, and also knew that what he said was ironic, but she just didn't want to give him a good face!

Shen He choked on Tang Shishi's words, wishing he could slap his own mouth!
He still wanted to try his best to repair his image in Tang Shishi's mind, but now he completely ruined it!

Why are you so dumb!Shen He was very annoyed.

Although he was disgusted by Tang Shishi, he finally saw some normal emotions on Tang Shishi's face, Shen He was happy, and he didn't care. Anyway, he was hurt by Tang Shishi, not bad for a while !
As long as Tang Shishi can get rid of this half-dead and listless look, it doesn't matter how many times he hurts him!
After dinner, Tang Shishi took the initiative to clean up the dishes: "Senior, I'll clean up here, you can go to the study." Tang Shishi glanced sideways at the light that was still on in the study, and said.

"Okay." Shen He nodded in agreement, but he was not in a hurry to leave, but leaned against the kitchen door, watching Tang Shishi wash the dishes and put them in the disinfection cabinet.

"Tang Shishi, in fact, you are so quiet, you don't look like you are fighting, you are quite quiet and at home." Shen He sighed.

"..." Tang Shishi didn't speak, and bypassed Shen He and left the kitchen.

"Hey! Tang Shishi, if I kindly take you in, we will live together!" Shen He's unscrupulous tone sounded from behind Tang Shishi.

"Senior, are you trying to charge me rent and food?" Tang Shishi looked confused.

Shen He shrugged helplessly, then walked into the study, and when he was about to close the door, he said, "I'm just kidding! You have nothing to do, wash up and sleep. There is a separate bathroom in the master bedroom. Remember to close the door to prevent wolves!"

After Shen He finished speaking, he closed the door of the study angrily, how could he not see that Tang Shishi was pretending to be confused on purpose!

Although he knew that Tang Shishi should be given more time, Shen He couldn't help but want to stimulate her when he saw Tang Shishi's appearance.

Tang Shishi looked at the rare and awkward Shen He, shook her head and went back to the bedroom, closed the door, took out her pajamas, took a shower, found another set of clothes, and dressed neatly.

Tang Shishi prefers clothes with pockets recently, and this is what Ling Rui has especially emphasized. He is afraid that he will lose the tracking and eavesdropping thing.

The news that Shen He brought Tang Shishi into the military area of ​​City B reached Yu Manqing's ears immediately, and Yu Manqing angrily smashed his favorite set of celadon teacups to pieces!

"I said, why is he so cooperative this time, and asked the Han family to bring Han Jing back, so it's all because of that bitch!" Yu Manqing's face turned livid, and her body couldn't help shivering.

"It may not be a good thing for him to control that woman!" Shen Kui glanced at Yu Manqing lightly, took a sip of tea leisurely, and said.

Seeing Shen Kui, Yu Manqing knew that she had lost her composure. She ordered the servants to clean up the pieces, then sat on the sofa, looked at Shen Kui and asked, "What do you mean by that? You don't know, that woman is a scourge , People in City B have nicknamed her, 'Banquet Poison', you say that such a thorny person, is it okay to be with Shen He? Isn't Ling Rui just in her hands!"

"The old ones in Jun's family like her very much." Shen Kui glanced at Yu Manqing, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Ever since the farce happened at Ling Rui's wedding, even though the illegitimate child matter had been covered by Jun Haodong in the end, the matter has just passed away, and the Jun family and the Ling family kept silent about any child-related topics, but the two The old things have repeatedly stated that the only granddaughter-in-law they recognize is Tang Shishi, and their attitude is affirmative and tough.If Shen He controls Tang Shishi, it may be an extremely useful trump card, which can make Jun's family fight against the rat!
"It's just a wild girl. Those two old foxes are very cunning. Who knows if what they said is true!" Yu Manqing's attitude was a little loose after being mentioned by Shen Kui, but he still had a very hostile attitude.

"No, I have to let someone look at that woman!" She can't let a woman like Tang Shishi harm his son. Tang Shishi and Ling Rui haven't divorced yet, and now she's messing with her son again, don't To discredit his son!
Yu Manqing called Shi Qian. Shi Qian's arrangement for Yu Manqing was of course what she wished for. In addition, Yu Manqing gave Shi Qian some bad checks to appease Shi Qian. Wing flew to Shen He's side.

Although Tang Shishi's "hiding" in the military area of ​​City B has long been planned, and as far as it is concerned, the opportunity is progressing very smoothly, but when Ling Rui detected the specific location of Tang Shishi, he still couldn't help but burst into anger. Go into the gold powder and clean up Jun Mubei well!
"Jun Mubei, you bastard! You sent my wife to the wolf den, do you know that?" Ling Rui beat and scolded, full of resentment.

"Ling Rui, you brat! Tang Shishi is now a member of the Meibu. She is obeying orders. Why do you have any objections?" Jun Mubei yelled at Ling Rui unwilling to show weakness while fighting back. called!
This brat has lost his nerve several times in the past two days!

Originally, he wanted to get rid of Tang Shishi, a woman who was a disaster for the country and the people. He could live a comfortable life at home for two days, but he didn't expect his grandfather and others to ignore her, his parents didn't want to see him, his uncle and aunt looked down on him, and even Ahua They have deliberately alienated him. He is loved by others, the car is seen by the car, and the flowers are blooming. This time, Jun Shao has become a veritable "dog ignores!", unable to return home!
(End of this chapter)

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