Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 554 Tang Shishi, now you are finished!

Chapter 554 Tang Shishi, now you are finished! (1)
"Jun Mubei, since you like those pieces of broken paper so much, why don't you let Mo Youyou steal them? You know that bastard Shen He has been coveting Shishi all the time, and let her go, why are you so peaceful?" Ling Rui punched Jun Mubei's chin and said.

"Hiss! You brat, you are serious!" Jun Mubei yelled in pain: "How can that idiot Mo Youyou be worthy of such a big job!"

After what Ling Rui said, Jun Mubei remembered that there was a man from the family of thieves here, but when he thought of the last time Mo Youyou went to "geoduck" in his room, Jun Mubei immediately gave up on this matter. Favorable resources!

joke!Mo Youyou's natural dullness, even if he meets such a calm gentleman like himself, if he steals the geoduck and puts it on Shen He's bed, there will be no bones left!
They and Uncle Mo's family are old acquaintances, so how dare they send Uncle Mo's daughter to Shen He's bed as a sacrifice!
"Jun Mubei, don't use this high-sounding face to cover up your sordid selfishness! Let me tell you, you will have a bad life in the future!" Ling Rui kicked Jun Mubei two or three meters away Far, said angrily.

"You still say! Ever since Tang Shishi's thieves lived in the Jun's compound, have I had a good day! Now even grandpa doesn't want to see me! Whenever he sees me, he shouts to run away from home!" Jun Mu Bei complained angrily and aggrieved!
"You are self-inflicted, you can't live!" Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei who had been nestled in the gold powder for two days, and asked angrily: "I ask you, is it because he lives at home for a day and you don't go home for a day?" ?”

This him, of course, refers to Jun Haodong.

"You all have big brothers, what do you want my second brother to do!" Jun Mubei glanced at Ling Rui, drooping his head like an abandoned dog.

He doesn't want to go home, especially after knowing what Han Jing did, knowing the truth of what happened back then, knowing that he misunderstood Jun Haodong, and cut off a section of Jun Haodong's little finger. I feel that I can't face Jun Haodong.

"Look at how cowardly you are! No wonder that idiot Mo Youyou despises you!" Ling Rui spat at Jun Mubei bitterly.

"Don't lower your style! How can you compare Mo Youyou to me!" Jun Mubei got up from the ground angrily, sat down on the sofa, and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Ling Rui adjusted his clothes and was about to go out.

"When did you plan to deal with that 'son' of yours?" Seeing that Ling Rui was about to leave, Jun Mubei hurriedly said.

"Let it dry first, just use them to test how muddy the water in Han's house is!" Ling Rui stopped, looked at Jun Mubei and said, "Why, you don't mean to look at that woman, do you? "

"Get out!" When Han Jing appeared as Ling Baobao's mother, Jun Mubei could already guess a thing or two about what happened back then. This woman is the shame of Jun Mubei in his life!

"Promise!" Ling Rui rolled away as Jun Mubei wished, but instead of going home, he went back to the military area. Tang Shishi went deep into the tiger's den alone. How could he go home and sleep with peace of mind? I really don't know Junmu Who is this idiot Bei tormenting this time!Do stupid things!But thinking of the little wild cat's stubbornness, Ling Rui felt deeply helpless again!

This time, let her do it according to her temperament, so that she can see clearly what kind of person Shen He is!
Tang Shishi also tossed and turned sleeplessly that night, Shen He had been busy in the study all night, so she didn't wait for the opportunity to go to the study to find out, and fell asleep in a daze in the middle of the night.

When Tang Shishi fell asleep, she realized that someone had entered the bedroom, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

However, Tang Shishi did not react immediately, but continued to close her eyes and pretended to sleep.She wanted to see what Shen He wanted to do.

When the sound of undressing was heard, Tang Shishi's heart was cold. Although the things Shen He did before made her unbelievable and heartbroken, she still did not expect that Shen He would touch her in the dark. In her room, she wanted to do something wrong!

The hypocrite!It's vile and obscene!
Tang Shishi gritted her teeth secretly, this time she must teach Shen He a profound lesson that she will never forget!

Feeling that the man stripped off his clothes and touched her bed, Tang Shishi counted her steps silently in her heart, and waited until the other party was getting closer and closer to the head of her bed, and realized that the other party was about to pounce on her, and pushed herself When she was pressed under her body, Tang Shishi suddenly lifted the quilt to cover her opponent, then quickly turned over and jumped out of the bed, punching and kicking the person under the quilt!
"Ah—" A shrill scream resounded in the master bedroom!
"Ah—" A more shrill and sharper scream sounded, covering the first scream!
When Tang Shishi heard the other party's scream, she was stunned for a moment, and a stern look flashed across her eyes. She also opened her throat and screamed while beckoning her fists and feet to the visitor quickly and ruthlessly.


"Little wild cat!"

Tang Shishi's shrill, earth-shattering scream made Shen He, who was busy in the study, and Ling Rui, who was in the office, shout out in horror.

Ling Rui panicked and grabbed the monitor on the table like a leopard, and rushed towards Shen He's residence, but when he heard the voice coming from the monitor again, he stopped in his tracks, and then glared angrily. Glancing at the first-quarter moon in the night sky, he took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep puff!
Little wild cat!You fucking want to play dead!
Standing in the night, Ling Rui listened to the ghostly screams coming from the monitor, the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up, and the expression of urgency and hatred on his face just now was replaced by an uncontrollable softness.

Little wild cat!You really make me love and hate you!Damn!Grandpa really wants to give you, put you under him, and toss you hard!

Shen He was so frightened by the screams in Tang Shishi's room that his heartbeat almost stopped. He yelled and ran to Tang Shishi's bedroom quickly, and turned on the light with a snap, but he was looking at the situation in the room clearly When it's time, stay still!
"Ah—get out! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Get out! Get out!" Tang Shishi hid on the bed, huddled together, buried her small head on her knees, her whole body trembling as if she was just being Surrounded by fear, the little beast is terrified and helpless, making people feel distressed for no reason just by looking at it.

"Shishi! What's wrong with you? Shishi! It's me! I'm Shen He's senior!" Seeing Tang Shishi's appearance, Shen He walked forward slowly, trying to comfort her gently!

"Get out!" Just when Shen He's hand was about to touch Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi suddenly raised her head, her red eyes filled with tears were full of resentment and defense, and coldly uttered a word to Shen He. Character.

(End of this chapter)

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