Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 555 Tang Shishi, now you are finished!

Chapter 555 Tang Shishi, now you are finished! (2)
Shen He's outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

He had never seen such a strong hatred on Tang Shishi's face, and he couldn't turn his head for a while.


Shen He stretched his hand forward uncertainly, but when he saw the teardrops dripping from the corner of Tang Shishi's eyes, he let his hand hang down by his side dejectedly, clenched into a fist.

The weak trust he had built up with Tang Shishi with great difficulty was shattered!She shrank back to the same look she had when he found her that night!
"Heh!" Shi Qian's mournful voice sounded from behind Shen He, full of tenderness and tenderness.

Shen He suddenly turned around, looked murderously at Shi Qian who was wrapped in a quilt and fell to the ground, and when her eyes fell on her bare arms and thighs, the cold light shot out of her eyes seemed to kill her. Shi Qian was late!
"Heh!" Shi Qian called out Shen He again sadly, looking at Tang Shishi who was curled up on the bed, her eyes flashed with murderous intent!
How could this daughter sleep in the eldest son's bed?And now why does she act like she has been wronged?She was the one who was obviously hurt!

Tang poetry!
Shi Qian bit her lip bitterly.

"Shi Qian!" Shen He looked at the undisguised murderous look in Shi Qian's eyes, and the anger in his heart had reached the extreme. He looked down at Shi Qian from a high position, and suddenly yelled violently.

"Heh!" Shi Qian was frightened by Shen He's anger and trembled. She looked at Shen He tenderly, her eyes filled with tears of grievance. , very fragile, when she noticed that the anger on Shen He was getting stronger and stronger, Shi Qian finally shouted in a low voice unwillingly: "Young master."

As the words fell, tears dripped onto the floor, and the voice was clearly audible in the silence before dawn.

Seeing Shi Qian's delicate and pitiful appearance, Tang Shishi sneered in her heart!
If it was someone else, seeing Shi Qian like this, she would definitely feel pity for her, wishing she could turn into soft fingers and wrap her tightly around her. Unfortunately, she had already seen that Shen He didn't have the slightest affection for Shi Qian. Well, Shen He has no feeling for her current appearance at all!
A woman's tears and a woman's fragility are sometimes the most powerful weapon to win a man's sympathy, but the premise is that the man's heart is on you.

In the war between women, the success or failure never depends on the number of tears, but on the heart of the man!
If a man's heart is on you, even if you are wrong, you are right in his eyes. If a man's heart is not on you, even if you are right, you are also wrong in his eyes!

Shi Qian just called Shen He three times "He", one more charming, one more sad, one more pitiful, the purpose is nothing more than to remind herself how close her relationship with Shen He is, right?Intimate enough to have the key to his room, intimate enough to climb into his bed naked in the middle of the night?

A sneer appeared on the corner of Tang Shishi's mouth!
stupid woman!
"Why did you come here?" Shen He looked at Shi Qian, his voice was cold and hard like an ice arrow.

"Madam asked me to take care of the young master's daily life." Shi Qian looked at Shen He with teary eyes, bit her lips and said, after she finished speaking, she lowered her eyelashes and gave Tang Shishi a provocative look.

She came here openly, unlike some people whose origin is unknown!

How could Tang Shishi fail to understand the hostility in Shi Qian's eyes, especially when Shi Qian deliberately said "take care of the daily life of the young and old", the words are so meaningful!

Unfortunately, Shi Qian overestimated her own charm.

"Get out! Get out! Stay away from me!" Tang Shishi hugged her knees tightly and said sullenly.

"Get out!" Shen He yelled at Shi Qian when he heard Tang Shishi's words.

"I—" Shi Qian didn't expect that Shen He would disrespect her so much in front of Tang Shishi, and her complexion became very ugly.

"What? Do you have doubts about my words?" Shen He narrowed his phoenix eyes and asked in a low voice.

"No!" Seeing the dullness on Shen He's face, Shi Qian replied unwillingly.At this moment, the dangerous breath in Shen He's tone was like a sharp blade, cutting on her heart.

"Then get out!" Shen He spat out three words.

Shi Qian wanted to get up from the ground in embarrassment, but the calf injured by Tang Shishi's kick was not heavy, and she couldn't stand still and fell to the ground again. She was so painful that she broke out in cold sweat.

When Shi Qian sat down on the ground, she raised her eyes and took a peek at Shen He, and found that Shen He only left herself with an indifferent back, and put all her energy on Tang Shishi.

"Shishi, it's okay! It's okay!" Shen He coaxed Tang Shishi softly. He originally wanted to pat Tang Shishi on the back, but before his hand landed on Tang Shishi, he saw her staring defensively. His body tensed up so badly that he seemed to stop breathing, and Shen He quickly took a step back in fright.

Seeing Shen He's two completely different attitudes, Shi Qian glared at Tang Shishi angrily, then got up, and limped out!

She originally wanted to pick such a time, so that when Tang Shishi woke up the next day, she would see herself and Shen He sleeping in the same bed, giving Tang Shishi a blow, but she did not expect that this battle would be a tragic defeat!

"Shishi, don't be afraid, it's safe here!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi who was frightened, and blamed herself in her heart. She must have remembered those terrible experiences a few days ago, right?
"Get out!" Tang Shishi spit out three words faintly, with tears in his eyes.

"Shishi, it's all my fault, I'm sorry! I—" Shen He anxiously wanted to explain, he was not reconciled to the trust he had finally built up in Tang Shishi's heart, and it just disappeared.

"Get out! Get out!" Tang Shishi roared hysterically!
"Okay, okay! I'm going out! Go out! You have a good rest!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi, who was a little crazy, and was afraid that she would do something extreme and hurt himself, so he had to compromise.

"Young master!" Shi Qian was already fully dressed, looking at Shen He who came out of the master bedroom, she yelled uneasily.

Shen He carefully closed the door for Tang Shishi, turned around and grabbed Shi Qian's neck, and asked sullenly: "Who allowed you to come? Who allowed you to run to her room in the middle of the night? Who allowed it? "

"Young master! I—I'm not... Madam asked me to come here! I...I don't know where she sleeps, I thought it was you...I..." Shi Qian was frightened by the terrifying aura around Shen He His legs felt weak, especially when Shen He pinched his neck, and it was difficult to breathe, so he stammered and explained.

"You think it's me sleeping inside, so you can't wait, wanting to climb into my bed like a bitch?" Shen He squinted his eyes, looked at Shi Qian's flushed face, and said ruthlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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