Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 556 Tang Shishi, now you are finished!

Chapter 556 Tang Shishi, now you are finished! (3)
"Young master, I—I was wrong!" Shi Qian was stabbed bloody by Shen He's ruthless words, and her heart was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

"You'd better settle down for me!" Shen He waved Shi Qian aside, looked at Shi Qian who was lying on the sofa coughing, and said coldly: "Otherwise, you should know my means!"

Shen He left behind a sentence, turned around and went to the study, feeling that it was unnecessary to even glance at Shi Qian.

Seeing Shen He's ruthless and indifferent back, Shi Qian coughed until tears flowed down her face, but her eyes were full of gloom.

Tang poetry!you bitch!All this is your fault!

When Tang Shishi heard the movement outside the door, a hint of sarcasm curled up at the corner of her mouth, she put her little hand into her pocket, hid the little gray bean in her palm, and chuckled lightly.

Ling Rui blew out a smoke ring, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, crushed it out with his feet, and couldn't help but cursed with a smile: "Naughty!"

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin, who came out closely behind Ling Rui, looked at the rare gentle expression on Ling Rui's face for the past two days. While heaving a sigh of relief, they couldn't help rubbing their arms vigorously twice!
Master's expression is so turbulent, could it be that sister-in-law has news?

Ling Rui noticed the gazes of Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin not far away, and unconsciously put on a straight face again, and returned to the office.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin looked at Ling Rui's cold back, then rubbed their eyes fiercely, picked their ears together, and finally looked at each other, with common questions flashing in their eyes.

Could it be that everything just now was their illusion?

Tang Shishi thought that Shi Qian had suffered a dark loss since then. In the morning, at least there must be some clues on her face. Unexpectedly, at breakfast, she saw Shi Qian wearing an apron, busy in the kitchen, her face From the beginning to the end, there was a smile like a spring breeze, as if the previous unhappiness did not exist at all, and never happened.

Tang Shishi snorted coldly, she underestimated her!

Shi Qian is obviously not on the same level as Ling Susu and Bai Mo, she is better at pretending and calm than them.

"Shishi, do you want another bowl of porridge?" Shi Qian asked friendlyly after watching Tang Shishi finish drinking the porridge.

Tang Shishi looked at Shi Qian's sincere and enthusiastic face, and sneered in her heart, but looked at Shi Qian with a blank look.

Shi Qian was impatient with Tang Shishi's eyes, especially when she heard Shen He say: "Shi Shi, if you like it, let Shi Qian serve you another bowl." That tone completely gave Shi Qian Treating her like a servant made her even more unhappy.

She just wanted to put on a show in front of Shen He, but she didn't want to really serve a woman like Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi saw the reluctance in Shi Qian's eyes, then silently picked up her own bowl and handed it to Shi Qian.

Shi Qian didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so daring!He stared at the bowl angrily, as if he wanted to smash it to the ground.

Holding the bowl, Tang Shishi looked at Shi Qian's cannibalistic eyes, and a mocking smile flashed across her eyes. When Shi Qian wanted to change her face, she turned her eyes to Shen He, showing a smile on her face. An innocent expression for no apparent reason.

"Shi Qian!" Shen He looked at Shi Qian staring at Tang Shishi, but didn't pick up the bowl. Naturally, he knew what Shi Qiancun was thinking, and couldn't help but roar angrily!
Is this woman, playing tricks in front of her, treating him as a dead person?

"Look at me, I was charmed by Shishi!" Shi Qian smiled and took the bowl out of Tang Shishi's hand, and then sighed seemingly unintentionally: "I didn't expect Shishi to have a good appetite."

This is scolding Tang Shishi as a vixen while scolding Tang Shishi for being heartless!

"I'm full!" Tang Shishi lowered her head, put down her chopsticks, and was about to get up and leave!

"Why do you eat so little? No appetite?" Shen He asked worriedly, pulling Tang Shishi's arm.

Due to her martial arts practice, Tang Shishi never controlled her appetite. When she was in college, Shen He knew that Tang Shishi had a bigger appetite than ordinary girls. Now that she only ate a bowl of porridge, how could she be full.

Tang Shishi broke away from Shen He's hand, pursed her lips, and did not speak.

It's just that Tang Shishi looks like a little daughter-in-law who has been wronged and harshly treated in Shen He's eyes!
"It's so much nonsense to serve porridge! Hurry up!" Shen He urged Shi Qian impatiently.

After hearing Shen He's words, Shi Qian's hand holding the spoon froze, but in the blink of an eye, Shi Qian put on a smiling face, and put a bowl full of porridge in front of Tang Shishi.

"Eat more, tell Shi Qian what you want to eat, and let her make it for you!" Shen He pulled Tang Shishi to sit down, watched Tang Shishi pick up the spoon, and then he was relieved and said.

"En." Tang Shishi agreed timidly in her voice.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Shi Qian wished she could break Tang Shishi's head with a spoon!He really used her as a servant!
Isn't Tang Shishi good at cooking?Why let her be smoky in the kitchen!

Shi Qian was full of indignation, but when she thought of her purpose for coming here, she finally swallowed her resentment back.

Seeing Shi Qian deflated, Tang Shishi was in a good mood, and drank the full bowl of porridge.

After breakfast, Shen He changed into his military uniform and went to the scientific research building.

This is the first time Tang Shishi has seen Shen He in military uniform. I have to say that Shen He is really a good-looking man. No wonder he dared to boast that he was once infatuated by a woman who was half the size of T. , indeed some capital.

The usual playful and cynical temper was gone, replaced by a serious and cautious look, and immediately the whole person's momentum and aura changed.

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He, and thought that he was indeed from a famous family, and the natural majesty that came out of his bones was beyond the reach of ordinary people who wanted to imitate.

Shen He was very satisfied with Tang Shishi's expression when he saw himself wearing a military uniform, which made him suddenly feel reborn. Now, he is eager to wash away the flirtatiousness that Tang Shishi left behind before. He wanted to stand in front of Tang Shishi with a brand new attitude, and let Tang Shishi know that he——is not inferior to Ling Rui!

As soon as Shen He left, Shi Qian's true nature was exposed. She walked in front of Tang Shishi, her eyes were scrutinizing, and she looked down at Tang Shishi who was sitting on the sofa. After a while, the corners of her mouth curled up playfully.

"Tang Shishi, if Lu Tao can't satisfy you, can it be that Ling Rui can't satisfy you too? What do you want to do when you stay here so shamelessly?" Shi Qian said contemptuously.

Tang Shishi raised her lower eyelids, looked at Shi Qian who had removed her disguise and looked like a jealous woman, and smiled coldly.

She didn't care about Shi Qian's clamor at all, it was nothing more than a sour grape mentality.

(End of this chapter)

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