Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 557 Tang Shishi, now you are finished!

Chapter 557 Tang Shishi, now you are finished! (4)
Seeing Tang Shishi ignoring her, Shi Qian picked up the fruit knife and peeled the apples leisurely. She didn't look pitiful and innocent in front of Shen He before, and her whole body was even more angry!

"Tang Shishi, you bitch! Let me tell you, with me here, you don't want to climb into Shen He's bed, I will keep an eye on you!" Shi Qian said to Tang Shishi angrily .

"Very good! I wish for it! But what you said is the opposite, you should keep a close eye on Young Master Shen, and don't let him climb into my bed!" Tang Shishi said calmly, looking at Shi Qian who was on the verge of rage .

Sure enough, people cannot have weaknesses. Shi Qian, who was originally calm and rational, became blind and wishful thinking when it came to Shen He's issue!It's really sad that you can't even tell who is pestering anyone!
"Tang Shishi! You vixen!" Shi Qian couldn't bear Tang Shishi's indifferent gaze that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and raised her hand angrily to slap Tang Shishi in the face.

A trace of anger flashed in Tang Shishi's eyes, she raised her hand and quickly grabbed Shi Qian's wrist, and then grabbed Shi Qian, easily pushing Shi Qian down on the sofa, and the fruit knife in her hand was on Shi Qian's neck.

"Ah——Tang Shishi, what are you going to do! Let me go!" The cold touch on her neck made Shi Qian's body stiffen, and she screamed at her throat.

Tang Shishi looked at Shi Qian and frowned. When she saw a smug light in Shi Qian's eyes, her heart trembled, knowing that she had been fooled.

Sure enough, the door opened, and Shen He, who had gone back and forth, was a little stunned when he saw this scene in the living room!
"Young Master! Help me!" Shi Qian looked at Shen He with a terrified expression on her face, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes quickly. In that way, she was wronged, sad and helpless. The interpretation of those expressions is penetrating.

"What are you doing?" Shen He closed the door with an extremely cold voice.

When he went downstairs, he suddenly remembered that he had put down his mobile phone, and when he went back upstairs, he saw this scene.

Tang Shishi was very upset!I thought to myself that the people from this wealthy family who had been trained by their ears and eyes since they were young are indeed not in the same rank as people who grew up under normal conditions like myself.

Did Shi Qian say those words just now to annoy herself?Even when Shen He left and returned, the time was counted accurately, I hate myself for not being on guard!
Tang Shishi didn't take back her hand, nor did she open her mouth to defend herself, because the facts were in front of her, and she couldn't explain it, so she still stubbornly maintained the posture of holding Shi Qian hostage.

"Shi Qian! I told you not to provoke Shi Shi. I didn't expect you to bully her as soon as I left!" Shen He looked at Shi Qian coldly, his whole body full of murderous aura!
"Young Master! I——it's obviously Tang Shishi..." Shi Qian didn't expect that Shen He would convict herself without even asking. She looked at Shen He miserably and defended herself.

"Shut up! I know what kind of person Shishi is! If you didn't take the initiative to provoke her, how could she attack you?" Shen He coldly interrupted Shi Qian's sophistry.

Tang Shishi retracted the fruit knife on Shi Qian's neck, and said in the same cold tone: "I said, I will not let anyone bully me in the future!"

"Tang Shishi! You—" Shi Qian really couldn't argue this time!She gritted her teeth fiercely, looking at Tang Shishi's eyes as if poisoned.

It turned out to be worse!Tang Shishi, you are ruthless!

Tang Shishi didn't pay attention to Shi Qian's hostility at all, she threw the fruit knife, and the fruit knife was firmly inserted on the apple she hadn't finished peeling just now, and then she didn't even look at Shen He in the living room With Shi Qian, turn around and go back to your room.

"Young master! I... am not what you see! It's not..." Shi Qian explained in a flustered manner under Shen He's sinister gaze.

"Of course it's not like what I saw!" Shen He's voice was so cold that Shi Qian's whole body was frozen.

"Young master! Tang Shishi's purpose is not pure, don't be fooled by her!" Shi Qian expressed her inner feelings!
"Get out of here! Get out of here!" How could Shen He hear Shi Qian's words now, especially Shi Qian's words slandering Tang Shishi, which made him feel harsh.

"Young master! I was sent by my wife!" Shi Qian heard Shen He's words, saw his expression, knew that Shen He was not joking with her, and quickly moved her backstage out.

"You use her to suppress me?" Shen He's phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously.

"No! Young Master, I was wrong this time, and there will never be a next time!" Shi Qian promised quickly.

"Remember what you said!" Shen He looked at Shi Qian and let go.

After Shi Qian left, my mother would send someone else, and another person might not be easier to control than Shi Qian!

Shen He found his mobile phone, made a call, and ordered the person on the opposite side to send a set of female military uniforms.

When Shi Qian heard Shen He's words, she was secretly delighted. Today's grievances were not in vain. Being able to follow Shen He to the scientific research building and stay by his side all the time, all the grievances were worth it!

After a while, orderly Heizi knocked on the door and came in, bringing the female military uniform that Shen He wanted.

Seeing Heizi, Shi Qian happily stepped forward to pick up the clothes in his hand, but was stopped by Shen He.

Shen He took the female military uniform, walked to the door of the master bedroom, and knocked on the door.

Seeing Shen He's movements, Shi Qian's face suddenly darkened, and she couldn't help but said, "Master, how can Tang Shishi go to that kind of place?"

She has never been to the scientific research building, which involves military secrets. Why should Tang Shishi go?What qualifications does she have?
"Can you go?" Shen He snorted coldly.

"Young Master! But, but Tang Shishi—" Shi Qian was so angry that she didn't know what to say for a while!

She really didn't know what this man was thinking, Tang Shishi clearly had impure motives.

"I have my own measure! Or do you think you should teach me how to do things now?" Shen He's obvious unquestionable attitude.

Shi Qian shut her mouth unwillingly.

"What's the matter?" Tang Shishi opened the door and asked indifferently.

"Shishi, change into your clothes, and I'll take you to visit the scientific research building." Shen He stuffed the new military uniform into Tang Shishi's arms, obviously flattering.

"I won't go!" Tang Shishi refused without thinking.

"Go and have a look, and learn about my working environment by the way!" Shen He pushed Tang Shishi and her clothes into the room without any explanation, and said before closing the door: "Hurry up, I'm going to be late for work!"

Tang Shishi looked at the closed door, then at the clothes in her hands, and hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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