Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 558 Tang Shishi, now you are finished!

Chapter 558 Tang Shishi, now you are finished! (5)
She didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to enter the scientific research building so smoothly, but didn't this opportunity come too easily?
After changing her clothes, Tang Shishi pinched the little gray bean in her hand, hesitated for a while, and put it in a place in the room that was neither obvious nor hidden, the corner of the window.

When Tang Shishi opened the door and came out, Shen He's eyes straightened.

Tang Shishi was wearing a pine green military uniform with a simple ponytail tied up, and she was standing pretty at the door, her big black eyes were as bright as stars, and the two rose-colored lips under her nose, in this pine green Against the backdrop of the greenery, Shen He truly responded to the phrase "a little red in the green bushes". The red is so enchanting that Shen He felt a sense of hotness floating in his body.

"What's wrong? Isn't it awkward?" Tang Shishi saw through the emotions called desire in Shen He's eyes at a glance, and pulled the clothes on her body with her lowered eyes pretending to be puzzled, but she was cursing in her heart: Bastard!

"No....No!" Shen He replied dryly, seeing Tang Shishi's eyes were clear, looking at him in confusion, put his hands on his lips in embarrassment, pretended to cough twice, and then looked at Tang Shishi in a serious manner. Tang Shishi said: "Put on the military uniform, and you are a soldier. Without my order, you are not allowed to run around, touch, look at, or move around for a while, you know?"

Tang Shishi gave Shen He a sideways look, did she regard herself as a primary school student?She is not Grandma Liu who has never seen the world, besides, she has never seen anything in the gold powder!

Shen He also knew that what he said was superfluous, just to cover up his gaffe just now, and moreover, he just said it for Shi Qian and Heizi to listen to.

Under Shi Qian's eyes of envy, jealousy and resentment, Tang Shishi and Shen He left the dormitory building and went to the scientific research building.

As soon as she entered the scientific research building, she had to go through three scans. Tang Shishi was glad that she left the little gray bean in Shen He's dormitory.

Inside the scientific research building, what Shishi thought was a little different. She thought that the inspection outside would be so strict that the atmosphere inside would be tense and depressing. Who knew, that was not the case at all.

Tang Shishi looked at those people in the scientific research building who walked at a relaxed pace but not frivolous, going back and forth, coming in and out, with surprise in her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Shen He obviously noticed the change of Tang Shishi's mood and asked.

"Nothing." Tang Shishi shook her head.

"Take you to my design room!" Shen He reached out to take Tang Shishi's hand, but Tang Shishi dodged it defensively.

Shen He touched his nose embarrassingly, and then said in an uncomfortable tone: "Follow closely, don't get lost!"

well!What a little hedgehog!Shen He didn't succeed in holding Tang Shishi's hand, thinking with great regret in his heart.

Tang Shishi nodded expressionlessly, but couldn't help complaining in her heart: Rogue!
Shen He's laboratory is on the fourth floor. When Tang Shishi and Shen He climbed the stairs to the second floor, they almost bumped into someone head-on.

"What are you doing? Reckless!" Shen He scolded.

"Colonel Shen!" Bai Hexuan slammed on the brakes. Seeing that it was Shen He, he quickly saluted, and then said: "My grandpa is sick. I asked for leave and am in a hurry to go back."

After Bai Hexuan finished speaking, he smiled apologetically at Tang Shishi who almost bumped into him, but when he saw clearly the person standing in front of him, he was completely stunned!

Bai Hexuan rubbed his eyes, rubbed his eyes again, then pointed at Tang Shishi, stammeringly said: "You—you...you..."

"Brother Bai!" Tang Shishi helplessly interrupted Bai Hexuan, if he let him go down like this, I don't know when it will be the end.

Isn't this guy in a hurry to go home?Why did Grandpa Bai suddenly fall ill?I don't know if it's serious or not!

"Shishi, it's really you!" Bai Hexuan was both surprised and delighted, he glanced at Tang Shishi and then at Shen He, his face was puzzled, and his brows were all knit together.

"Shishi, it's great that you're fine. Grandpa Jun and Grandpa Ling have been thinking about food and drink for you these past few days. Why are you here? Does Major General Ling know? You..." Bai Hexuan said a lot in one breath talk.

"Brother Bai, don't mention him to me again, and don't mention me to him. Just pretend you haven't seen me." Tang Shishi interrupted Bai Hexuan, and said with a disappointed face, her voice was tinged with a touch of sadness, After listening to it, people feel unbearable to refuse.

"Shishi, you—" Bai Hexuan glanced at Shen He, then at Tang Shishi, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Although Colonel Shen is someone he admires in terms of design, but in terms of personal style, he is not someone Bai Hexuan can admire. Tang Shishi is walking with him, and Bai Hexuan is very worried.

"I'm fine." When Tang Shishi said this, her voice was tinged with bitterness, and her swift movement of bowing her head, in the eyes of Shen He and Bai Hexuan, was clearly trying to cover up.

"Brother Bai, don't you want to rush back to see Grandpa Bai? Go quickly. I'm fine, remember not to tell what you saw me, please!" When Tang Shishi looked up again, she had already changed into a A smiling face, but in the eyes of Bai Hexuan and Shen He, they automatically interpret Tang Shishi's expression as a forced smile.

"Yes! I'm leaving first! See you next time! Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense!" Bai Hexuan was reminded by Tang Shishi, and hurriedly left with a word.

"I don't know what happened to Grandpa Bai!" Tang Shishi looked at Bai Hexuan's back and sighed.

"Let's go." Shen He automatically ignored Tang Shishi's words, and called Tang Shishi to go upstairs to visit his design room.

Shen He's design room is very large, filled with all kinds of guns, almost like Jinfen's secret room. Tang Shishi's eyes flicked over the rows of guns, feeling a sense of familiarity.

Shen He watched Tang Shishi staring at the rows of guns, picked up a silver pistol casually, weighed it in his hand, and made an aiming motion.

"How about this one?" Shen He handed the pistol to Tang Shishi and asked.

Tang Shishi put the pistol in his hand and weighed it, with a little nostalgia in his eyes, and said: "I once had a pistol, which was also silver, similar to this one, called Nightingale. Yours is heavier than mine. , more suitable for men."

Tang Shishi didn't deliberately conceal her affairs in Jinfen. Since Shen He was able to get his gun out of Jinfen, it's not surprising that he knew what he had done in Jinfen.

"This is my new design. It is indeed a men's model." Shen He looked at Tang Shishi with strange emotions in his eyes.

Tang Shishi skillfully disassembled the pistol, then reinstalled it, and handed it to Shen He.

"Shishi, in fact, you don't have to live so hard." Shen He looked at Tang Shishi and said.

(End of this chapter)

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