Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 561 Tang poetry, where did it go?

Chapter 561 Tang poetry, where did it go? (3)
Tang Shishi looked at Shen He like this, and a sense of guilt quietly rose in her heart, but when she thought of what Ling Rui said about the kidnapping last time, the illegitimate child who appeared out of thin air, and the farce at the wedding, Shen He was behind it all. It was planned by Tang Shishi, and when Tang Shishi looked at Shen He again, the little bit of guilt disappeared instantly. At this moment, she had nothing but anger and disappointment in her heart!

"Senior, I'm the one who shouldn't be here!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He, then at Shi Qian, and said, "Shi Qian, why do you like Shen He and senior? In my eyes, Shen He Senior He is just like my elder brother, the relationship between us is not as dirty as you imagined!"

"Shishi!" After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Shen He looked at Tang Shishi anxiously.

What Tang Shishi said made Shen He feel very uncomfortable after hearing it!Although, he knew that Tang Shishi had always kept his distance and duty to him, never overstepped, and had always regarded him as a friend, but hearing that she was so serious about affirming the relationship between the two of them with Shi Qian, It still made Shen He very shocked!
"Senior, I'm bothering you these days!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she smiled at Shen He, then turned and left without hesitation.

"Shishi!" Shen He held Tang Shishi's arm firmly, and asked eagerly, "Where can you go at this time?!" Shen He is determined not to let Tang Shishi go out, and there are all Ling Rui's people outside , as long as Tang Shishi leaves his sight, it will definitely fall into Ling Rui's hands soon. At that time - at that time, what if... Shen He can't imagine!
"Senior, where can I actually escape? If this continues, there is no way out!" Tang Shishi smiled shyly.

"Shishi, there will be a way. I will help you as I said, and I will definitely help you!" Shen He held Tang Shishi's arm and did not let go, then looked at Shi Qian who was still standing aside, and roared: "Go away! Do you want to lie down and go out later?"

Shi Qian was so frightened that she hurried away in desperation. When she reached the door, she couldn't bear to look back at Shen He, but Shen He was putting all her energy on Tang Shishi at the moment, and didn't give Shi Qian alms at all. Tang Shishi's eyes collided with Shi Qian who was looking back.

When Shi Qian saw the mocking light in Tang Shishi's eyes, she immediately felt her heart surge with anger, and she knew that she had fallen for the woman Tang Shishi!
But Shi Qian still has a bit of brain after all, and she was not completely irrational by being stimulated by Tang Shishi's provocative gaze. She knew that at this time, Shen He couldn't believe what she said, so she took a deep look at Tang Shishi, Turn around and leave.

Tang Shishi, today's affairs will not be left alone!This is just the beginning, we will have a period later!

After Shi Qian left, the atmosphere in the living room finally eased up a bit, but Shen He looked at Tang Shishi, and the guilt on his face deepened.

"Shishi, don't be afraid of Ling Rui, he won't find this place! You can stay here at ease!" Shen He advised Tang Shishi, looking at her.

"Senior, I can't hide here forever! Besides, Ling Rui and I are still husband and wife after all!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He who was more stubborn than her, and for a while, she didn't know what to say!

Senior Shen He, since when did he treat himself...

Why hasn't she noticed it for so many years?Is he hiding it too well, or is she too dull?If Ling Rui hadn't reminded her, if this incident hadn't confirmed Ling Rui's words, she really wouldn't believe that Senior Shen He would be such a person!

"I can get it! I can get it! Shishi, I said I would help you, and I will definitely help you! Don't worry, at worst, I will change your identity for you. You are still so young, so you can start over!" Shen He looked at Looking at Tang Shishi's eyes, there is a trace of obvious fanaticism.

"Senior—I won't leave for the time being, you let go, you hurt me!" Tang Shishi's arm hurt from Shen He's grasping, and she frowned in some discomfort!

"Okay! Okay!" Seeing Tang Shishi's discomfort, Shen He let go of his hand in fright, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Senior, it's okay! After all, I caused you trouble. Shi Qian just misunderstood the relationship between us. Please find some time to explain to her." Tang Shishi deliberately changed the subject.

"Shishi, I have nothing to do with Shi Qian!" Shen He explained dryly after listening to Tang Shishi's words.

"Senior, manly man, dare to be brave, you say that, it's not authentic, this is not like what you would do! You were not like this before!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He with disapproving eyebrows Said.

Shen He was suddenly speechless by Tang Shishi's words!

At this moment, Shen He hates his indelible past very much. Although, since he met Tang Shishi, Shen He still changes his girlfriends like changing clothes, but he will not have a real relationship with them as before. Over the years, the only time he got married was after Tang Shishi and Lu Tao announced their marriage. He got drunk and hung out with a strange woman all night. So far, he doesn't even know what that woman looks like.

However, even if these were told to Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi wouldn't believe it!

Shen He looked at Tang Shishi and suddenly felt that he was so pathetic!

Without Shi Qian, Shen He and Tang Shishi got along peacefully for a few days.

These days, during the day, Tang Shishi would follow Shen He to the scientific research building, and then Shen He would stay in his "secret base" as usual, while Tang Shishi would read books or play with the guns in Shen He's design room , Draw some artwork or something.

In the evening, Tang Shishi would go back to the room alone after dinner. Shen He could see that Tang Shishi was still a little wary of him, but it wasn't just about him. Through observations these days, Shen He felt that Tang Shishi seemed to be very special to the opposite sex. Maybe it's because what Ling Rui did that night left a psychological shadow on Tang Shishi?

However, Tang Shishi's self-enclosure made Shen He feel a lot more at ease. Her state of automatic isolation from the outside world made the things Shen He was planning progress very smoothly.

When he thought that he would soon be able to take Tang Shishi out of here, get away from all this, and start a new life again, Shen He was extremely excited!
Shen He stretched his waist, glanced at the wall clock in the study, it was already 11:30, he turned off the computer, walked out of the study, looked at the closed door of the master bedroom, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then returned Went to his room and went to bed.

What Shen He didn't know was that in Tang Shishi's room, a fiery passion was going on at the moment!
If you want to ask Ling Rui what it's like to sleep with your own wife on another man's bed, Ling Rui will definitely answer you without hesitation: "Although it's a bit uncomfortable, it's really fucking exciting!"

(End of this chapter)

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