Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 562 Tang poetry, where did it go?

Chapter 562 Tang poetry, where did it go? (5)
Tang Shishi secretly sighed, it's really difficult for someone like Bai Hexuan to lie.

"Brother Bai, did you tell me about my being here?" Tang Shishi looked at Bai Hexuan and asked tentatively.

"Shishi, I—I didn't do it on purpose!" Bai Hexuan looked at Tang Shishi in surprise and nodded.

"Bai Hexuan, what did you say?!" Shen He angrily grabbed Bai Hexuan's clothes after hearing Bai Hexuan's words.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Bai Hexuan looked at the violent Shen He, but this time he spoke a lot smoother: "I just accidentally said that I saw Shishi in the army, I really didn't leak the secret on purpose! ".

"Ling Rui knows?" Tang Shishi took a step back in horror and asked.

"En." Bai Hexuan looked at Tang Shishi and nodded apologetically.

Tang Shishi took another step back in horror, and hit the wall with a bang.

"You bastard!" Shen He pushed Bai Hexuan away, then nervously stepped forward to grab Tang Shishi's arm, and asked, "Shishi, how are you? Don't be afraid, he won't find you! "

"I'm afraid Major General Ling will be here soon!" Bai Hexuan said guiltily.

Shen He turned his head sharply, and gave Bai Hexuan a deadly stare. Bai Hexuan's face turned pale when Shen He stared at him, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

In Bai Hexuan's impression, Shen He was funny, talkative, knowledgeable, and it was the first time he saw Shen He like this, full of hostility, his eyes seemed to eat people.

Bai Hexuan glanced at Tang Shishi worriedly, wondering how Tang Shishi came here these days.

As soon as Bai Hexuan finished speaking, there were noisy voices from the scientific research building, and Ling Rui was calm, steady and firm, and a firm voice sounded: "Back me around and guard the entrance and exit! Search! "

After hearing Ling Rui's words, Shen He was extremely angry!
This guy moves so fast, this is going to search the building!
"Senior Shen He, what should I do? What should I do?" Tang Shishi tugged on Shen He's sleeve in shock and fear, and helpless moisture began to gather in her eyes.

"Follow me!" Without saying a word, Shen He took Tang Shishi's hand, turned and entered the laboratory, then closed the door, opened the secret design room, and locked Tang Shishi in.

"Stay inside, don't make a sound!" Shen He warned, then quickly went out and closed the organ.

When Shen He had just finished all this, Ling Rui had already rushed up with someone, kicked open the door of Shen He's design studio, and barged in.

Shen He, who was buried in his official duties, turned around in shock, looked at Ling Rui, and asked sullenly, "Ling Rui, what are you doing?"

"Shen He, where did you hide your poems?" Ling Rui looked at Shen He with a frantic look on his face: "I knew it was you, a villain, who did it? Is that child also your seed? "

"Ling Rui, was your brain kicked by a donkey or caught by a door?" Shen He roared at Ling Rui angrily!

"Give Shishi back to me!" Ling Rui walked up to Shen He, looked at Shen He, and roared angrily.

"I really don't know what you're going to say!" Shen He looked at Ling Rui's face and said with contempt: "You behaved badly, made Shishi a cheap mother, forced Shishi away, and came to me to slander you." What wild?"

"Who is misbehaving, you know it yourself!" Ling Rui said through gritted teeth.

"Don't tell me, that child really looks more and more like you, as if it was carved out of the same mold!" Shen He ignored Ling Rui's implication, and directly poked Ling Rui's sore spot!
"Shen He, don't go too far! Shishi has always only regarded you as a senior!" Ling Rui roared.

"Ling Rui! It's always been you who went too far! You don't cherish her when you get it!" Shen He also became angry, and when he thought of Tang Shishi's terrified and helpless appearance when he found him, he wished to send Ling Rui away. Give fat a beating.

"This is our couple's business, and it's not up to you!" Ling Rui looked at Shen He with scarlet eyes and said, "Where is Shishi! Give her back to me!"

"Are you out of your mind?" Shen He glared at Ling Rui angrily, and said, "I have such a big place here, so you should find someone for me to have a look!"

"You—search for me!" Ling Rui glanced at Shen He angrily, and then waved to Leng Maolin and Zhou Hu behind him.

Soon, there was a crackling sound in Shen He's design room. Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin were definitely the real searchers. Everything is broken.

"Oops! You were careless again!" Zhou Hu's angry voice sounded out. He was diligent and studious at this stage, but he learned Ling Rui's naughtiness by ten percent.

"Damn! This thing is always blocking my way!" Leng Maolin was more aggressive than Zhou Hu, he always liked to be more direct.

Shen He's face was ashen, this is the first time these two people have "wailed and marveled" like this!

Finally, when Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin had kicked and searched the trash cans by the wall, Ling Rui beckoned them to call it a day.

"Shen He, I won't just let it go!" Ling Rui said a harsh word, and angrily led him away.

"Ling Rui, I won't let it go!" Shen He looked at Ling Rui's back and roared angrily!

Ling Rui, who was walking in front, listened to Shen He's words, and left happily like a fighting rooster, almost humming a ditty!
Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin who were following Ling Rui looked at each other puzzledly.

I didn't find anyone, but the master is still in such a good mood, isn't it a little too abnormal?
Ling Rui suppressed his smile, and cast a displeased glance at Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin only felt chills in their backs, so they quickly put on a straight face, followed Ling Rui solemnly, and left the scientific research building.

The entire scientific research building was immediately disturbed by Ling Rui's disturbance.

However, no one came forward to complain about Ling Rui's "unreasonable making trouble".

Many people here have attended Ling Rui's wedding, and they can clearly see the farce of the day. In addition, in the past few days, although Shen He and Tang Shishi went in and out of the scientific research building very low-key, they were still shown by caring people in the eyes.

Today's match was clearly a battle between the Jun family and the Shen family. Smart people know how to keep silent and pretend to be deaf and dumb, so as to avoid a mistake and trap themselves in this whirlpool, making them cannon fodder!

After Ling Rui left for a long time, Shen He made sure that Ling Rui would not go back and then opened the door to let Tang Shishi out.

"Has he left?" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He in panic and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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