Chapter 563 The Tank Affair (1)
"Well. Don't worry, he can't find you." Shen He comforted Tang Shishi, but he was thinking in his heart that the plan should be implemented as soon as possible to avoid any accidents!
Ling Rui would definitely not come here today to make a fuss, just destroy a few things to vent his anger, and I'm afraid there will be no peace in the future!

Tang Shishi nodded, looking as if she had lost her mind.

Sure enough, as Shen He expected, he had just returned to the dormitory with Tang Shishi, and Heizi had just put his chopsticks on and was about to have dinner. Ling Rui brought people to the dormitory and started searching.

"What should I do this time?" Tang Shishi anxiously walked around the room.

"Shishi, you hide in the room first, and I will say that Shi Qian is taking a bath in it!" Shen He pushed Tang Shishi into the master bedroom, then closed the door, and said.

He would not let Ling Rui open the door unless it was absolutely necessary.

Tang Shishi was in the master bedroom, thinking of what Shen He said just now, she felt very funny in her heart. Can a door and a lie be able to hold Ling Rui?
Ling Rui really didn't believe it, and strongly asked to go in and have a look. Moreover, this time he had the foresight to bring a female soldier over, and it seemed that it was specially aimed at Shen He's inconvenience.

"Ling Rui, don't bully me too much!" Shen He looked at Ling Rui with an angry face, and shouted at Ling Rui, he blocked Ling Rui at the door and refused to let Ling Rui in.

"Shen He, don't tell me, you are guilty!" Ling Rui yelled back not to be outdone.

"Get out!" Shen He stood at the door, pointing at Ling Rui's nose and yelling.

"Shen He, here, I will search for it today!" The more Shen He is like this, the more Ling Rui feels that Shen He has ghosts in his heart, so he must search!
"It's simply tolerable and unbearable!" Shen He looked at Ling Rui's domineering look, and angrily punched Ling Rui.

He wants to kill this bastard right now!

Not to be outdone, Ling Rui punched Shen He, and the two fought back and forth.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin saw that Ling Rui and Shen He were fighting inextricably. Taking advantage of Shen He's unpreparedness, they kicked open the door and sent the female soldier in.

Shen He watched the female soldier enter the master bedroom, his eyes were red with anger, but he was entangled by Ling Rui, and he was powerless, so he could only watch helplessly, helpless!
"Report to the chief, there is no one inside!" Within a minute, the female soldier came out and stood at the door to report.

The two people who were fighting stopped, and rushed into the room together, searched around, but did not find anyone.

Ling Rui sat down on the bed decadently, while Shen He looked at the empty room, but his heart sank.

Tang Shishi, where did she go?

"Didn't you say that Shi Qian was taking a bath in it? Where's the person?" Ling Rui looked at Shen He with an ugly expression and asked.

Shen He glanced at Ling Rui coldly, and searched the room with his eyes. After confirming that there was no figure of Tang Shishi, he felt overwhelmed.

In such a short time, a living person disappeared out of thin air. Shen He looked at the closed window, could it be that he was hiding outside the window?It's such a cold day outside!

When Shen He thought of this, he was anxious, but he couldn't show it, for fear that Ling Rui would see the clues and seize something!
"She's not here tonight!" Shen He looked at Ling Rui and raised his eyebrows. He didn't feel embarrassed by his previous lies. Instead, there was a little provocation in his eyes, as if to say: I'm just kidding you, How about it?Grandpa is not happy to let you in!Bite me if you have the ability!
"Shen He, how long do you think you can hide her?" Ling Rui stood up from the bed and said angrily, grabbing Shen He's clothes.

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Shen He ignored Ling Rui's anger, looked straight into Ling Rui's eyes and said, with a frank and fearless expression.

The two were very close to each other, and their eyes met in mid-air, silently competing.

Zhou Hu, who was standing on the side, seemed to hear the sound of piercing electric currents colliding and converging around him. Seeing Shen He facing Ling Rui who was full of murderous looks, he was still calm and calm, without changing his expression or panting, in his heart She looked at Shen He with admiration.

In any case, under the shock of the high pressure of the master, Shen He's performance is remarkable!

"Shen He, as long as I'm alive, she's mine! You can't take her away from me!" Ling Rui announced domineeringly.This is what Ling Rui has always wanted to say to Shen He, and it is also a positive declaration of war between men.

"Then wait and see!" Shen He put away his cynical tone, looked straight at Ling Rui and said, his tone was unprecedentedly serious.

After Shen He's words fell, Ling Rui's eyes became more murderous, and Shen He was not to be outdone. The eyes of the two fought fiercely in the air, and they both looked like they wanted to pierce each other with their eyes.

"Hmph!" Ling Rui let go of Shen He's clothes angrily, bumped Shen He hard, knocked Shen He against the wall, then waved to the people around him murderously, and said, "Let's go!" !"

Zhou Hu and the female soldier hurriedly followed, and after the female soldier took a few steps, she unconsciously turned her head to glance at Shen He who was still standing in the bedroom leaning against the wall, and then followed Zhou Hu's lead with big strides. footsteps and left.

It's a pity that such a handsome man actually confronted them!

When it was confirmed that Ling Rui and the others had left, Shen He quickly ran to the window, opened the window, and shouted to the bottom: "Shishi, come up!"

As a result, the window was empty, except for the whistling cold wind from time to time, Shen He didn't get any response.

Shen He was impatient, leaned out half of his body, then took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and illuminated the window.

There is a security air conditioner platform outside the window of the master bedroom. Shen He saw that there was no one in the room just now, and thought that Tang Shishi had hidden outside the window, but who knew there was no one there!

What about people?Shen He looked out of the empty window, his heart turned cold for a moment.

"Heizi!" Shen He slammed the window shut and shouted at the servant in the living room.

"Here!" Heizi hadn't heard such a solemn voice from Shen He for a long time, and he immediately shouted to salute!
"Call all the people guarding here and find them for me in various places! Be sure to find them for me! Everyone! Go!" Shen He gave orders to Heizi.

"Young Master?!" Heizi looked at Shen He with shocked and puzzled eyes, and there were deep doubts in his tone.

"According to what I said! Go!" Shen He knew what Heizi was hesitating, but at this moment, Tang Shishi's inexplicable disappearance made Shen He flustered, and he couldn't care about anything else!

If she falls into Ling Rui's hands... Shen He dare not think about it!

"Yes!" Heizi glanced at Shen He, and agreed in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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