Chapter 564 The Tank Affair (2)
"Wait!" Shen He suddenly thought of something again, and called Heizi to stop.Heizi thought that Shen He had changed his mind, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Shen He add to Heizi: "People who avoid Ling Rui, don't let them find out!"

"Yes!" Heizi paused, turned around and left without saying anything!
The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders, which is what Heizi has been instilled since he was a child. At this moment, although Heizi knew that Shen He's order was inappropriate, seeing Shen He's unquestionable gaze, he still followed the order and went out.

Heizi knew the meaning of the phrase "everyone" that Shen He specially emphasized, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He didn't expect that the first time the young master mobilized all the potential forces in the military area of ​​City B was to find a woman!
Is this the so-called Hero Sad Beauty Pass?
It's just that this time's action, no matter how secretive it is, will eventually reveal part of the target, and I don't know if the young master will regret it in the future, and if the higher-ups know...

Shen He watched Heizi go out, sitting on the sofa, his eyes were heavy, there was some emotion in it that even he couldn't understand, and even he didn't know what kind of result this desperate bet would bring.After a while, he seemed to remember something, grabbed his mobile phone, and ran out in a hurry. In his haste, he didn't even put on his coat.

Besides, Tang Shishi carefully climbed down along the air-conditioning outlet. As soon as she landed, she saw the people sent by Ling Rui waiting below. Tang Shishi recognized one of them when she was in T City last time, and went to buy it with Zhou Hu. The one with the dishes, so I followed them and left with confidence.

"Sister-in-law, our master told you to wait for him here, and he will come right away." Wang Youde led Tang Shishi to a remote place and said to Tang Shishi.

"Where is this place?" Although Tang Shishi secretly paid attention all the way, but the place was pitch black, and they had to avoid the soldiers on patrol, so they went around, Tang Shishi didn't know that she was brought to the place. where it goes.

"Sister-in-law, let me tell you when my master comes later." Wang Youde said, handing Tang Shishi a thick military coat.

"Thank you!" Tang Shishi took the one-star military overcoat and thanked Wang Youde.Before climbing down from the third floor, Tang Shishi didn't wear any heavy clothes, and just now she was only concerned about avoiding the sentry and patrolling people with Wang Youde and the others. When she stopped, she really felt cold.

Tang Shishi put Ling Rui's military coat on her body, and felt that the cold wind outside was blocked outside, as if nestled in Ling Rui's arms, very warm.

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to thank me. Our master asked you to prepare this." Wang Youde looked at Tang Shishi and smiled embarrassedly. He looked like a simple and honest person.

When Tang Shishi heard Wang Youde's words, her face was a little hot, and her heart was sweet.

Not long after, Tang Shishi heard someone approaching here, she raised her head defensively, and saw Ling Rui's extraordinary, handsome and tall figure at a glance.

Tang Shishi took two steps forward excitedly, just about to throw herself into Ling Rui's arms, but when she remembered that there were so many pairs of eyes around her, she stopped in embarrassment.

"Little wild cat! I finally caught you!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, who was wearing his overcoat, standing delicately next to several big soldiers, like a little ghost who had stolen an adult's clothes. With a doting smile, he stepped forward and hugged Tang Shishi horizontally, and winked mischievously at her.

Zhou Hu, who was following Ling Rui, exchanged glances with Leng Maolin, laughing inwardly.

Grandpa can really pretend!When they didn't know that he went out secretly to have a tryst with his sister-in-law a few nights ago and climbed into bed!
The two of them are innocent, not idiots!

However, this time, my master really did a hard job keeping them a secret!At first, they really thought that sister-in-law couldn't bear to abandon her father!
Tang Shishi exclaimed, and didn't see Ling Rui's hint at all. She reflexively wrapped her arms around Ling Rui's neck, and said shyly and anxiously: "What are you doing, let me down!"

"I don't do anything, I just want to hug you! If I hug my wife, it's not against the law, right?" Ling Rui asked angrily.

Tang Shishi was speechless, and buried her head in Ling Rui's arms pretending to be an ostrich, not daring to look at the strange eyes around her.

She wouldn't be so stupid as to argue with Ling Rui at this time. God knows what shameless words this old rascal would say when he got up. Experience for a long time told her that it's better for her to keep her mouth shut now!

Just the old rascal!Too careless to notice the impact!So risqué!Although Tang Shishi couldn't say it with her mouth, she was full of slander in her heart!

Seeing Tang Shishi being so witty, Ling Rui was a little bit annoyed, but knowing that Tang Shishi was thin-skinned, he didn't say anything, but turned around and said to the people around him: "You are not needed here, prepare to close the net!"

"Yes!" Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin saluted solemnly, then they all turned around and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin leaving, Tang Shishi let go of herself, hooked Ling Rui's neck, arched her little head greedily in Ling Rui's arms, and sniffed deeply at his body. breath.

"Wife! Don't get angry!" Ling Rui's voice became rough because of Tang Shishi's series of small movements, and he gasped.

"Major General, your concentration is really unflattering!" Tang Shishi giggled, and then slipped her little head into Ling Rui's arms. At this moment, she had forgotten that she was outside, Ling Rui's broad embrace, It is a warm harbor where she can dock with peace of mind.

"Poor mouth! You will suffer it later!" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, looked at Tang Shishi and said with a helpless smile.

"It's very windy today, Major General, be careful of your tongue!" Tang Shishi continued to pluck the tiger's hair without any scruples.

In this ghostly weather, Ling Rui just wants to do something, and at least she will take care of her body, it's not good to have a cold or something!So Tang Shishi was sure about this, and he was confident when he spoke.

Ling Rui saw the small calculation in Tang Shishi's heart at a glance, and looked at Tang Shishi's ghost-like appearance, and the corner of his mouth curled up into an arc of unknown meaning.

"Tang Shishi, I hope you can still be so eloquent for a while!" Ling Rui's eyes were full of evil lights, shining in the night like stars.

Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, and was "shattered" by the inadvertent ruffian on his face. Why did she feel that the atmosphere was a bit bad?

"Husband, I didn't succeed today!" To be on the safe side, Tang Shishi felt that it would be safer to talk about the business first.

Although, although the old hooligan cherishes her body, but according to his gluttonous temperament, there is no guarantee that the old hooligan will really give her to Fa-rectification on the spot in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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