Chapter 565 The Tank Affair (5)
No wonder Tang Shishi's wife-in-law often said that he had problems with his eyesight. It seemed that he really needed to get a pair of glasses to correct his eyesight.

"I've been planted this time! I've been planted in that woman's hands!" Du Haoyang admitted generously without being pretentious in front of his brother.

"What are you going to do?" Jun Mubei was originally the most jealous of men who would have misleading thoughts about his brothers and women, but since Jun Haodong came back, he wanted to open up a little bit. Besides, Du Haoyang, Du Haoze and Wang Yueshan are too close. Too complex, none of which is simple.

"If I knew what to do, I wouldn't have to worry about it here!" Du Haoyang gave Jun Mubei an angry look.

That woman Wang Yueshan didn't know why she went crazy these two days, she picked her nose and eyes when she saw him, and felt uncomfortable if she didn't bother him, which made him dare not take it with her in G City these days, so dejected He ran back to City B to hide.

He only hoped that if he hid far enough this time, the woman's ignorance and karma would disappear sooner. With such a big belly, how could everyone guard her by her side?

"Women are double-faced!" Jun Mubei leaned his head on the sofa and couldn't help sighing, "You don't know how many faces they have!"

"In the past, brother, I thought this woman was like that anyway, and neither men nor women could escape that kind of thing, but now, I finally understand that if this man wants to become infatuated, it's really moving. It's an exaggeration, but if this woman becomes unfeeling, it will be so perverted that you can't even imagine it!" Du Haoyang looked deeply touched.

"Sure! It sounds like it's true!" Seeing Du Haoyang's appearance, Jun Mubei couldn't help but sneered, and didn't take his words to heart at all.

"Hey! I'm telling you this because I treat you like a brother! Let me tell you, don't take this seriously. If you really wait until that day, you won't even cry!" Du Haoyang heard Jun Mubei's attitude is that he didn't listen to his own words.

"What does this have to do with me!" Jun Mubei said in surprise.

"Why doesn't it have anything to do with you? That Mo Youyou, if you really have an idea in your heart, you should act quickly, otherwise you will be preempted by others, and you will be left to stare blankly!" Du Haoyang continued to enlighten Jun Mubei and said.

"I really have nothing to do with her!" Jun Mubei declared with a serious face, his attitude was serious enough, but mixed with a little bit of inconspicuous irritability.

"Cheating ghosts, right? It's nothing. You'll let someone pull out the baby almost? After all these years, which woman have you let in?" Du Haoyang squinted at Jun Mubei, as if you were pretending!
"I said it all, it was an accident! How many times do I have to say it before you will believe it!" Jun Mubei was completely irritable this time!
"Okay! Unexpected accident! You just bite your tongue!" Du Haoyang believes in Jun Mubei's words, so it is called a ghost!As soon as Jun Mubei mentioned Mo Youyou's distraught appearance, if he had nothing on his mind, he would screw his head off and give this shit a kick!
"I'm too lazy to explain to you!" Jun Mubei raked his hair, but he was thinking in his heart, plus today, he hadn't seen that idiot Mo Youyou for four and a half days. In Tang Yuan's Internet company, she said she took her big snake to be a game spokesperson. The guy Tianjun Haodong took several groups of photos for her and the big snake the day before yesterday. According to family members, the effect Very stunning.

That idiot, no matter how you look at it, looks stupid, how can it match the word stunning?It's all dazzled!

cut!Didn't you want to attract my young master's attention, how stupid am I to be my young master?joke!
"Forget it! This kind of thing is something that others can't help you. You have to rely on yourself!" Seeing Jun Mubei's appearance, Du Haoyang knew that it was useless to talk too much, so he simply didn't waste his saliva Xingzi woke up, leaned back relaxedly, and leaned on the sofa behind him.

The two extremely handsome guys just slumped on the sofa without any image, quietly, not talking for a long time!

In the end, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui both ceded land for compensation and signed an unequal treaty, so they finally made sense of him, but the result was that this old hooligan kept tossing him around until he was extremely tired. Tired, tired, fell asleep.

What Tang Shishi didn't know was that when her body was blooming under Ling Rui's body like a flower, a figure stood outside the tank for a whole night, almost standing like a sculpture until dawn When it was over, he left sadly.

Tang Shishi was awakened by a sound of uniform running.

"One-two-one, one-two-one..." Tang Shishi opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Ling Rui was busy on her body, and she was still chanting, echoing the sound of running outside. She struggled to open her eyes. Open your eyes, look at Ling Rui, a small face is hot like a fire!

"Old rascal! What are you doing!" Tang Shishi shyly pushed Ling Rui who was on her body, and scolded coquettishly.

"Don't move around, I'm studying a profound life topic!" Ling Rui said solemnly.

Tang poetry tears!Could this man be any more shameless?
"One, two, one, two!" Ling Rui shouted and moved rhythmically, and after a few times, he laughed foolishly.

Tang Shishi was about to get angry when she saw the smile on Ling Rui's face suddenly, like a hibiscus blooming and the spring breeze blowing her face, Tang Shishi felt that she was bewitched!
I can't blame myself for treating the old hooligan as the top card when we first met, this girl definitely has the potential to be the top card!

"One-two-one, one-two-one..." The loud slogans from the soldiers outside came, and Ling Rui was having a great time playing by himself!
"Husband, I should go back!" She disappeared all night, not knowing what was going on outside!

"No hurry, it's only four o'clock!" How could Ling Rui let go at this time, pestering Tang Shishi and refusing to let go!
"I've been out long enough!" Tang Shishi angrily pushed Ling Rui hard!However, I indulged too much yesterday, and I didn't have any strength in my body, so I couldn't push Ling Rui's body like a mountain at the moment.

At this moment, Tang Shishi felt that she was the monkey grandson who was suppressed by Wuzhishan, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape Lingrui's Wuzhishan.

It's another meat feast at the mercy of others!

When Tang Shishi was fully dressed and got out of the tank, she felt that her calves were trembling all the time. This is the end of excessive indulgence!
Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi in his arms against the tank and kissed her fiercely. It was not until Tang Shishi's body was limp and unsteady, and she kept slipping down, that Ling Rui reluctantly let her go.

"Do you remember what I told you?" Ling Rui asked again worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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