Chapter 566 Contest! (1)
"Remember it all! No matter when, no matter what happens, the most important thing is to protect yourself! You have said it no less than three hundred times, Aunt Ling!" Tang Shishi said with a smile.

"Ah! I really can't do anything about you! I've been planted in your woman's hands for the rest of my life!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's vivid eyebrows and said angrily.

Tang Shishi looked at the disgruntled Ling Rui, and giggled!
When Tang Shishi returned to Shen He's dormitory, Shen He was sitting on the sofa in the hall with a cigarette in his hand, his face was tired and calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.There are a lot of cigarette butts piled up in the ashtray on the table, and it looks like he hasn't slept all night!

"Senior!" Tang Shishi looked at the bloodshot eyes in Shen He's eyes, and a trace of guilt floated in her heart.

"Shishi!" Seeing Tang Shishi, Shen He stood up in surprise, walked over and grabbed Tang Shishi's arm, his expression excited: "Are you okay?".

"It's okay!" Tang Shishi shook her head, looked at Shen He and said.

Originally, she had already thought of a reason that was enough to convince Shen He, but seeing Shen He's appearance, those words stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.

"I'm sorry, let me worry!" All the words finally turned into this sentence.

"It's because I didn't protect you well!" Shen He blamed himself as he looked at Tang Shishi's obviously sleep-deprived face.

Tang Shishi lowered her head even lower.

"It's good that you're fine! You didn't rest last night because you were hiding in XZ, okay? Go back to your room to catch up on sleep! Ling Rui probably won't be here today!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi's dejected look, and pulled Tang Shishi pushed her into the master bedroom, and then closed the door carefully for her.

Shen He didn't ask in detail, and let Tang Shishi feel relieved that she was indeed extremely tired that night.

Tang Shishi took a shower in the room, then put on her clothes, lay down on the bed and closed her eyes to catch up on sleep, while Shen He outside the door looked at the door of the master bedroom with a look of determination on her face, and clenched her hands tightly. fisted.

Because of the search for Tang poetry, Shen He mobilized all the hidden stakes that the Shen family had planted in the military area of ​​​​B City over the years. This time, the loss of the Shen family is not insignificant. The power of the military region has been completely exposed to the eyes of the Jun family!
"Look at this!" Ling Rui threw a list to Jun Mubei, his voice a little bit cold.

"This—is there any discrepancy?" Jun Mubei read the list from beginning to end, and asked suspiciously.

"What do you think?" Ling Rui rolled his eyes at Jun Mubei, thinking that nothing should be associated with the word "two" these days, but the second brother was not like this before, could it be that he was really infected by Mo Youyou?

Jun Mubei glanced at Ling Rui's face, looking at the list in his hand, his eyes completely darkened.

"I didn't expect that Tang Shishi's thieves woman would have such a great charm!" A moment later, Jun Mubei's idle voice sounded again: "This time, it can be said that we have effortless!"

In the future, if the Shen family wants to secretly trip the Jun family in the military area of ​​city B, it will be completely impossible!This is the same as playing cards. After drawing a bad card, he is obviously passive enough, but he still has a clear card. Isn't this the rhythm of death!

There was a charming smile on Jun Mubei's face. Tang Shishi's lady-in-law handled this matter beautifully!
Ling Rui gritted his teeth looking at Jun Mubei's unflattering appearance!
It's really not a big deal to watch the excitement, and it doesn't hurt your back to stand and talk!
What is effortless?He, Jun Mubei, didn't have to do anything, but his little wild cat has been in the enemy camp for more than ten days, and he hasn't had time to sleep for a long time!
"Tell me, is there a problem here? That boy Shen He is not a fuel-efficient lamp. You think he can even startle these people?" Jun Mubei's slender fingers were on the names of the last few people. stroke.

"I've already checked those people!" Ling Rui was also a little puzzled. When he got the list, he was as suspicious as Jun Mubei, but after a secret investigation, these people were indeed from the Shen family. That faction.

"What do you think Shen He is playing?" Jun Mubei sat on the chair, tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, and his eyebrows frowned.

"How do I know?" Ling Rui sat down on the sofa angrily, and frowned irritably. In the past two days, whenever he heard Shen He's name, he became extremely irritated!
Shen He's bastard has been sick for the past two days, and he's still very sick!Originally, when Shen He was ill, he should set off firecrackers to celebrate, but due to Shen He's illness, the time for the little wild cat to complete the task was delayed, and Ling Rui became angry when he thought that the little wild cat would spend a few more days with that bastard Shen He He just wanted to scold his mother, he really suspected that Shen He did it on purpose!
Otherwise, why don't you get sick early, don't get sick late, why do you fall ill at this time?Besides, is a big man really so fragile?
"There's also the matter of Baimo's plan to frame Shishi last time!" Jun Mubei didn't see Ling Rui, who was full of resentment, and muttered to himself, falling into deep thought.

When Ling Rui heard Jun Mubei's words, he raised his head abruptly. Something flashed through his mind, but he couldn't catch it. Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei who was thinking, and an inexplicable flash of light flashed in his deep eyes. streamer.The last time Baimo planted Shishi, it was Shen He who was behind the scenes to fuel the flames. Although their plan was unsuccessful, because of Shishi's gun, they warned them and cleaned the people inside the gold powder thoroughly. Several spies were found.

Thinking of this, Ling Rui became even more irritable, because he felt that he could not understand Shen He more and more!

The exposure of the Shen family's hidden stake in the military area of ​​city B also caused a big disturbance in the Shen family in city A.

"Tell me, what is Shen He doing?!" The old man of the Shen family slapped the table, looking at Shen Kui in the study, his beard was straight up and his body was shaking!

These hidden piles in City B took decades of painstaking efforts of two generations of the Shen family, but they were destroyed overnight by Shen He, an unworthy descendant!

"This prodigal son!" When Mr. Shen thought of all the years of painstaking efforts being ruined, he felt blood surge in his chest, and his eyes turned black.

"You're talking! Are you going to let that brat run amok like this?" Old Man Shen looked at Shen Kui who had been silent by his side, and became even more annoyed.

Although Shen He is the only direct grandson of the Shen family's generation, and he is indeed outstanding, Shen Kui is too doting on this son!
"That thing can only be relied on by Shen He at the moment!" Shen Kui looked at his angry father with a calm face and said in a flat tone. I don't know if it's because he is too good at hiding his emotions. Show a little bit of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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