Chapter 568 Contest! (3)
"Just what? Is there something wrong?" Shen He's tone became serious when he heard Heizi's words, with obvious eagerness.

This round may be the last round of his contest with Ling Rui, no matter what, there can be no mistakes.

"It's just that young master really thinks about doing this?" Heizi asked hesitantly, looking at Shen He with some expectation.

Shen He glanced at Heizi calmly, then nodded affirmatively, and said, "Just do as I say!"

"But - what about Madam?" Seeing Shen He's resolute attitude, Heizi had no choice but to carry Yu Manqing out.

If Madam knew that Young Master would do such a thing, she would definitely not agree, not only would she not agree, she would even go crazy!

"Don't tell her this beforehand!" Shen He heard Heizi mentioning Yu Manqing, his eyes flickered, and after thinking for a while, he said: "You can just let go and do it. My mother will take care of everything."

Shen He saw that Heizi still had a hesitant look on his face, and asked worriedly.

"Yes!" Heizi saluted Shen He.

"Okay, help me up!" Shen He said to Heizi seeing that Heizi had dispelled his doubts.

"Young master, don't you want it this time?" Seeing that Shen He wanted him to help him take a cold bath, a look of embarrassment flashed across Heizi's face.

For the sake of a woman, young and old really gave up his life!

"I'll just soak for a while this time, I know it! This is the last time!" Shen He had an abnormal blush on his face and a weak smile on his face, but his attitude was extremely firm.

Heizi had no choice but to go to support Shen He and lead him into the bathroom. Seeing Shen He sitting in the bathtub full of cold water, Heizi turned his face away a little uncomfortable, and couldn't bear to watch this scene.

The cold water melted some of the scorching heat on Shen He's body. Those cold feelings made his brain clearer, but soon, his already weak body was overwhelmed, and his cold teeth chattered. For a while there was an abnormal blush, and for a while it was ashen-like white.

Even so, Shen He's mind was clearer, he closed his eyes, let out a deep breath, his heart fluctuated.

Shishi, this time, will you still choose to follow me?
"Young Master! It's ready!" Heizi watched Shen He's face getting more and more ugly, and reminded in a hoarse voice, full of hatred for Tang Shishi in his heart!

It's all that woman!Otherwise, the young master wouldn't torture himself like this!
"This body really doesn't live up to expectations!" Shen He opened his eyes, looked at Heizi's worried face, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Young master, it's just a woman!" Heizi couldn't hide his words after all, and said bitterly.

"Heizi, you don't understand! She is the catastrophe of my life! A man who can meet such a catastrophe in his life is not in vain!" Shen He came out of the bathtub and said with emotion, his eyes appeared again. When I saw Tang Shishi, her pure and tender face, such a shy smile.

While helping Shen He wipe his body, Heizi complained disapprovingly in his heart: I know it's doom, why do you still care about that woman so much?Could it be that he was burned stupidly, right?Why can't he understand what he said?

In fact, the young master is also resentful in his heart, right?Just can't let go!

After Shen He was settled properly, Heizi greeted the person who secretly protected Shen He, and went out to work. Although the eldest said that there was no need to guard against Tang Shishi, Heizi was very worried about Tang Shishi. She felt that Tang Shishi That woman was too ruthless to guard against.

For such a good man as Eldest Young Master, she could bear to break his heart, who knows if she will add new wounds to Eldest Young Master's wounds while she is not around!

Heizi walked out of Shen He's dormitory, found a secluded place, took out his mobile phone, after several hesitations, he finally made up his mind, dialed a number, and told the other party Shen He's plan.

"I see, you secretly pay attention to the movement over there, and you must not let Shen He have an accident!" The man on the other side of the phone spoke coldly.

"Yes!" Heizi was frozen by the air-conditioning over there, and he became serious unconsciously. He held the phone in one hand and did not forget to salute, as if the people over there had clairvoyance and could see through the phone line. Same here.

After receiving that person's instructions, Heizi felt a lot more at ease. That person was right, no matter what, nothing happens to the young and old, that's the most important thing!
When Tang Shishi woke up, it was already dark. She was really tired from taking care of the sick Shen He these few days. At this moment, she was lying on the bed, staring at the still unfamiliar ceiling, and vomited faintly. Take a breath!
After Shen He's senior fell ill, the design work stopped temporarily, and her task was delayed because of Shen He's illness.

You old hooligan these days, should you be in a hurry?
Tang Shishi remembered that early in the morning, after Ling Rui indulged, she hugged her and refused to let go. She insisted on giving her a deadline, saying that if she exceeded the deadline, he would not be so "sympathetic" after returning home!

When Tang Shishi thought of Ling Rui saying the words "pity the fragrance and cherish the jade", she couldn't help showing a hazy smile on her face. The old rascal always behaved fiercely in bed, and he never gave up after tossing her to pieces The words "pity the fragrance and cherish the jade" are completely out of line with him!

Fortunately, he also had the nerve to say it!

The time promised to Ling Rui has passed long ago, and Tang Shishi is really looking forward to what Ling Rui will do if he doesn't "pity the fragrance and cherish the jade"!

After realizing that an evil thought had sprouted in her mind, Tang Shishi's face turned red all of a sudden, and she rolled on the bed several times clutching the quilt!
Alas!She must have been infected by the old rascal!
Ever since Shen He fell ill, Shen He has become outrageously picky about food, even more troublesome than a pregnant woman!Originally, he didn't eat much, so he was picky and picky, and sometimes he didn't see him eat a few mouthfuls after eating a meal for a long time.

As soon as Tang Shishi came out of the bedroom, she heard Shen He's weak and picky voice: "There are chopped green onions in here, take them away! Smelling this smell makes my stomach churn uncomfortable!"

As soon as Tang Shishi heard it, she knew that Shen He's picky eater had committed it again!
"Young master, wait a moment, I'll make you a new bowl right now!" Heizi replied in a good-tempered manner.

Tang Shishi couldn't help sighing, a patient man like Heizi is really rare nowadays!
"Don't eat! You smell like chopped green onion, I feel sick to my stomach when I see you!" Shen He's voice sounded like a child's anger.

"Young master! Your body is weak, how can you not eat!" Heizi couldn't help but raise his voice when he heard that Shen He didn't want to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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