Chapter 569 Contest! (4)
"Keep your voice down! You woke up Shishi to sleep, take care of your skin!" Shen He angrily lowered his voice and yelled, hesitating too quickly, and couldn't help coughing violently.

"Young master!" Heizi's voice became hoarse: "Why do you bother!".

"Don't tell me this, get out!" Shen He glared at Heizi angrily, and said in a deep voice.

Heizi turned around and went out, looked up and saw Tang Shishi standing at the doorway lying on his side, and couldn't help but glared at Tang Shishi fiercely.

Tang Shishi looked at the unconcealable redness in Heizi's eyes, and shook her head helplessly.

Shen He really knows how to bring hatred to her!She was already living under someone else's roof, but now, even the orderly doesn't want to see her anymore!
Of course, Tang Shishi would not be so stupid as to really think that Heizi is a simple orderly. The person who can make Shen He feel at ease to hand over his room to the other party must be someone he firmly believes in!

"Kang Dang!" Tang Shishi suddenly heard the sound of a heavy object falling from Shen He's room, she was so frightened that she didn't care about thinking, and rushed towards Shen He's bedroom.

"Senior!" As soon as Tang Shishi entered the room, she saw Shen He panting heavily on the head of the bed, and there were some debris and some porridge scattered on the ground, so she asked quickly: "Senior, what are you doing? Why are you up?" ?”

"It's nothing! Shishi, why did you wake up after sleeping for so long?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he smiled weakly.

Seeing that Shen He's face was redder than in the afternoon, Tang Shishi stepped forward and put her hand on Shen He's forehead. The scorching heat on Shen He's forehead made Tang Shishi's face full of worry.

Why is it hotter than during the day?
There was a trace of coolness on his forehead, Shen He looked at Tang Shishi's face without any pretended worry, and closed his eyes greedily.

"Senior, why did your body temperature rise again?" Tang Shishi glanced at the porridge on the ground, and complained, "How can I do without eating?"

"No appetite!" Shen He opened his eyes with some difficulty, and said with his eyelids moving.

"Senior, you are no longer a child, can you be more mature?" Tang Shishi gave Shen He a helpless look and said.

"Now, I really want to go back to my childhood. When I was a child, every time I was sick, my mother would stop her work and come to my room to see me." Shen He said with some hazy memories on his face.

"Senior!" Tang Shishi was stunned when she heard Shen He's words, and then felt sad. This was the first time she saw such a fragile Shen He.

Thinking of Shen He's true identity, and remembering that when Shen He was in T City, he told her that he should not survive in the Shen family, but when he was the only one left in the end, the pain on his face With Qi Mi, Tang Shishi felt very uncomfortable in her heart. From childhood to adulthood, Shen He must have paid a lot in order to "survive"!

"I'm talking nonsense again!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi's red eye circles, and laughed at himself in embarrassment.

"Senior, what do you want to eat? Let me make it for you!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He and asked.

"You do it for me? Really?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi in disbelief and asked.

"Well, what do you want to eat?" Tang Shishi asked again.

"As long as it's made by you, anything is fine! I want to eat it all!" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi with some brilliance in his eyes.

"Want to eat green onion too?" Tang Shishi rolled her eyes and asked Shen He jokingly.

"I want to eat, but it's actually not that bad! I'm just feeling irritable!" Shen He explained to Tang Shishi with rare embarrassment.

Tang Shishi nodded knowingly, cleaned up the debris on the ground, and went into the kitchen.

Not long after, Tang Shishi brought the cooked millet porridge and Liang Xiaodie's light dishes to Shen He.

Shen He looked at the two vegetables on the tray, then at the bowl of millet porridge, curled his lips, and said, "You just let me eat this? I'm not a goat!"

He had waited for so long with anticipation, and his stomach was growling with hunger, who knew that such a little thing would come!
Seeing Shen He's awkward look, Tang Shishi felt really angry and funny, but she patiently explained to Shen He: "Now you have a cold and a fever, you can't drink too sticky porridge, and you can't eat too greasy and irritating things , the millet porridge is light, nourishing the stomach and easy to absorb; these two green vegetables will help you supplement vitamins and calcium, and strengthen your resistance!"

"Not even a shred of pork!" Although Shen He knew that what Tang Shishi said was reasonable, he still couldn't help complaining when he saw the two plates of pure green vegetables.

Even if you can't eat too greasy things, there's no need to be so extreme, right?
"Who said I can eat whatever I do?" Tang Shishi put on a stern face angrily, asking her to coax such a big child like Shen He is too disobedient, she really can't do it!
"Okay! I'll eat!" Seeing Tang Shishi's displeasure, Shen He picked up the chopsticks and ate the food.

Tang Shishi is willing to take the initiative to cook for him, he is already very satisfied, of course he will not hypocritically mention anything about letting Tang Shishi feed him, he always knows where Tang Shishi's bottom line is.

When Shen He was eating, Heizi came back, carefully looked at the two dishes and one soup in front of Shen He, and then looked at Tang Shishi suspiciously.

He just went out to order food for the young master. He didn't expect that the young master had already eaten after he came back. This woman will cook for the young master?Heizi couldn't believe it!
"What are you looking at? I don't know how many times better than what you cook!" Shen He yelled at Heizi while chewing the vegetables. How long is this kid going to put Shishi on his two eyeballs?
"Young Master, I ordered you the breaded shrimp that you like." Heizi watched as Shen He was looking at the two plates of green vegetables that tasted like chewing wax, but he ate them anyway, and decided that this was Tang Shishi taking the opportunity to abuse the young and old!
There is not a shred of pork in two plates of vegetables!That's not what abuse is!
"You kid, don't you know that sick people should eat bland food? Give me big fish and meat, you think I die slowly, right?" Shen He scolded when he heard Heizi's words.

Heizi looked at Shen He speechlessly.

At this moment, there was a noise outside the door.

Shen He frowned and looked at Heizi.

"I just saw Major General Ling coming this way." Heizi glanced at Tang Shishi displeasedly and said.

"What is he doing here again?" Shen He's face turned angry when he heard that it was Ling Rui.

"I don't know, he didn't bring anyone with him this time, just the two soldiers beside him." The noise outside the door grew louder, and a murderous look flashed across Heizi's face.

"Let him in, I want to see, what does he want to do this time?" Shen He snorted coldly, coughed twice, and said to Tang Shishi who looked a little uneasy: "Shishi, go to the bedroom and hide , I won't call you, don't come out."

(End of this chapter)

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