Chapter 570 Contest! (5)
"Okay." After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she turned back to the room and closed the door.

What is the old hooligan doing here at this time?Could it be that he couldn't wait any longer and came to make trouble again, wanting to repeat the old trick?

wrong!The old hooligan should know that Shen He has strengthened his defense here, and he will not come to make trouble. Could it be that he came to see her?Thinking of this, Tang Shishi felt sweetness in her heart, and then worried. It was too risky for the old hooligan to do this at such a sensitive time!

As soon as Ling Rui entered the room, he walked straight into Shen He's room. Seeing Shen He leaning on the bed weakly, his face pale, and his whole body thinner, he couldn't help mocking: "I heard that Senior Shen He is sick. , I came here specially to take a look, Senior Shen He's appearance, isn't it because he is too tired from indulgence?"

"How does Major General Ling know?" There was an evil smile on Shen He's face, and seeing Ling Rui's face suddenly sank, he asked mockingly: "I don't know who Major General Ling wants me to have too much sex with, and get tired into this picture appearance?"

"Shen He!" Ling Rui's voice was like thunder, and Shen He ignited the anger in his heart with one word.

Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin behind Ling Rui watched Ling Rui lose control, rolled their eyes helplessly, and cursed: Lord, where is your egg?
Seeing Ling Rui blowing hair, Shen He felt very comfortable and felt much better. He ignored Ling Rui, picked up the chopsticks on the tray, and said to Ling Rui: "Young Master Ling is coming at the right time. We are eating, do you want to join us?"

After Shen He finished speaking, he picked up a green vegetable, put it in his mouth, and chewed it with great enjoyment.

"Let's go together!" Ling Rui sat down on the chair beside Shen He unceremoniously, and ordered to Heizi: "Bring me a pair of chopsticks!"

Shen He looked at Ling Rui in surprise, he just said it casually, he didn't expect this man to sit down politely, but now he is really looking forward to Ling Rui eating this vegetable in a while, it will be a kind what expression!
Hearing Ling Rui's words, Heizi got up reflexively and walked to the kitchen. After entering the kitchen, he realized what he had done, and he felt very annoyed in his heart!

However, he finally took a pair of chopsticks to Ling Rui, because the sense of oppression and deterrence that Ling Rui seemed to be born with, and which seemed to be tempered in the bloody wind, made him say If it comes out, people have to obey.

Ling Rui picked up the chopsticks, picked up some green vegetables, and put them in his mouth under the watchful eyes of Shen He, Heizi, Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin.

The familiar taste permeated the entire mouth, and with just one mouthful, Ling Rui tasted who made the dish. He swallowed the mouthful of the dish calmly, and then picked up another dish with chopsticks. A pair of bright black eyes narrowed, staring at Shen He coldly.

Shen He, who was sitting opposite, ate the food in front of him gracefully and slowly, as if he didn't notice anything wrong in Ling Rui's eyes.

"Supper soup!" Ling Rui said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" This time, before Heizi got up, Zhou Hu, who was standing behind Ling Rui, immediately stepped forward with his long legs and walked towards the kitchen.

He didn't worry about Heizi.

Heizi is well aware of Zhou Hu's defense, he is too lazy to wait on Ling Rui!So immediately stood by Shen He's side without moving.

The masters of both sides ate with "relish", while the subordinates of both sides were secretly on guard and cautious.

Zhou Hu quickly brought over a bowl of millet porridge. Ling Rui took a sip of the millet porridge and let out a long and comfortable breath.

The two of them ate in silence at the beginning, but when the dishes on the small plates became less and less, the two of them actually fought over each other, without any demeanor.

"Shen He, the visitor is a guest! This last vegetable should belong to me!" Ling Rui said angrily to Shen He while pulling the last vegetable with his chopsticks.

"Ling Rui, it's up to you! I'm a patient, so you're ashamed to snatch it from me! Ahem!" Shen He argued with reason, although he was sickly and weak, but he stubbornly clamped the last vegetable on the plate with his chopsticks , refused to let go.

"Don't use your broken body to win sympathy. It doesn't matter to me whether you get sick or not? The way to grab it is king!" Ling Rui didn't want to let it go.

"I won't let go!" Shen He's face darkened, and he used more strength with his hand holding the chopsticks.

"It won't do you any good to go on like this! This vegetable will still belong to me in the end! I advise you to save some effort!" Ling Rui looked at the fine layer of sweat beads on Shen He's forehead, with some sarcasm in his tone.

"Until the last moment, it's still unknown who will die. You are too confident! Be careful that you will die from your self-confidence!" Shen He pulled the vegetable to his side again, with a stubborn look on his face , obviously there is no strength in the arms, and the hands holding the chopsticks are trembling, but they just refuse to let go.

"The result is obvious, why do you want to fight like a dog!" Ling Rui leisurely clenched his chopsticks and looked at Shen He provocatively.

"Ling Rui, you are too arrogant!" Shen He's body trembled angrily, and he dragged the vegetable to his side vigorously.

"Whether I am confident or arrogant, you should be very clear in your heart!" Ling Rui looked at Shen He's eyes more and more calmly.

"I don't know! I don't want to know!" Shen He squeezed the vegetable vigorously.

The overwhelmed green vegetable was broken in two by the two pairs of chopsticks. The green vegetable, which was originally good in appearance, was so horrible at the moment that it made people lose their appetite after seeing it.

Shen He looked at the vegetable on the plate, let go of his hand, the chopsticks fell to the ground, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his body.

"Young Master!" Looking at Shen He's appearance, Heizi knew that he was still recovering from a serious illness. He had just fought with Ling Rui and was exhausted.

"I'm fine. Ahem!" Shen He said to Heizi while coughing violently.

"Young Master, it's just a plate of green vegetables. If you like it, I'll fry another plate for you. You can eat slowly." Although Heizi knew that Shen He and Ling Rui were rivals, he didn't expect that these two people would be together. I don't want to let the root vegetables fight!
"No need! I've lost my appetite!" Shen He watched Ling Rui swallow the two pieces of vegetables on the plate into his stomach, with an inexplicable emotion on his face.

"Well, I'm full!" Under Zhou Hu's and Leng Maolin's surprised eyes, Ling Rui stood up, stretched, and then said to Shen He: "Senior Shen He, if you have poetry You must tell me the news, don't forget, Shishi said that you are her best senior Shen He!"

The ridicule in Ling Rui's words made Shen He's face turn pale again. He looked at Ling Rui's face, his eyes wished that fire would burst out and burn Ling Rui to death!

"Get out when you're full!" No matter how good Shen Herao's demeanor was, he couldn't help but swear, not to mention, for Ling Rui, he didn't have to waste his demeanor at all.

(End of this chapter)

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