Chapter 583 Go Home (4)
"Stinky girl! I'll take care of you when I go back!" Mr. Jun felt Tang Shishi's body trembling slightly at the moment, and said angrily and distressed.

"Grandpa! I was wrong!" Tang Shishi lowered her head, her eyes were slightly red.

She no longer knows whether it is right or wrong to perform this task by herself.Even Shen He's senior deserves to die, but he doesn't deserve to die in his own hands. For a moment, Tang Shishi's mind is full of the little things she got along with Shen He over the years, and tears filled her eyes.

Ling Rui walked to Tang Shishi's side, silently took Tang Shishi into her arms, hugged her tightly, Tang Shishi turned around and buried her head in Ling Rui's arms, her arms hugging Ling Rui's waist tightly , neither of them spoke, each other felt each other's heartbeat quietly.

When Shen He saw Tang Shishi and Ling Rui embracing each other tightly, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Jun Mubei saw Tang Shishi and Ling Rui showing off their affection in front of so many people, as if there was no one else around, and just wanted to belittle the pair of thieves, when he heard the secret guard who was holding Shen He anxiously. shouted: "Young Master! Young Master!"

When Tang Shishi heard the cry of the hidden guard, her body was as stiff as a stone. She raised her head and wanted to turn around to take a look at Shen He, but in the end she gritted her teeth and leaned her head against Ling Rui's chest again. forward.

Ling Rui noticed that Tang Shishi's body was shaking violently, sighed inaudibly, and gently patted Tang Shishi's back with her big hand, resting her chin on the top of Tang Shishi's head, wrapping her tightly in her arms, airtight.At this moment, as long as you hug, all the words are superfluous.

The little wild cat was really hurt this time!
It's all because Jun Mubei is a bastard!What a bad idea!Injure the enemy one thousand, and self-injury eight hundred!

"Shen He!" Shen Kui looked at Shen He who had passed out, and called out to him impatiently, then tried Shen He's breath, and when he realized that he was still breathing weakly, his heart calmed down a little.

"Shen Kui, how do you plan to end today's matter? My old man is very curious and wants to hear your opinion!" Mr. Jun glanced indifferently at the unconscious Shen He, met Shen Kui's anxious eyes, and asked .

"Mr. Jun, this time he was reckless, but he has already learned the lesson he deserves. Young people, it is inevitable that they will be confused for a while. Please ask Mr. Jun to make a lot of mistakes." Shen Kui was worried about Shen He's injury and did not hesitate. The service is soft.

Mr. Jun looked at Shen Kui in front of him, and cursed in his heart, the members of the Shen family are always so unstyled, this bastard is flexible!

"It's not impossible to let you go, it's just that Shen He has caused such a big commotion in the military area of ​​city B, and the aftermath work..." Mr. Jun said unhurriedly.

"This Mr. Uncle Jun is bothering you, the Shen family will definitely give a perfect explanation!" Shen Kui assured without hesitation. At this moment, all his attention is on Shen He's injury, as if what Mr. Jun said, He will always agree.

"Let them go!" Mr. Jun simply waved his hand!

After hearing Mr. Jun's order, Zhou Hu immediately took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Close the team!"

As soon as Zhou Hu's order was issued, there was a uniform slogan not far away.

When Shen Kui heard these voices, his face darkened, knowing that not only Shen He, but also himself was defeated by the Jun family in this confrontation.

At this moment, he didn't want to bother to think about why Heizi hadn't brought anyone over to help after so long. Obviously, they were already under control.

That's all!This City B is, after all, the territory of the Jun family. This game is over, let's play the next game!
Shen Kui led the unconscious Shen He away without saying a word, but before leaving, he glanced back at Ling Rui who had never said a word from the beginning to the end, and finally his eyes fell on Tang Shishi in Ling Rui's arms, and the corners of his mouth curled up. A meaningful arc.

Ling Rui watched Shen Kui's car go away calmly, and he was very clear in his heart that the game with the Shen family had officially begun this time!
"Tang Shishi, how long are you going to be hypocritical?" Jun Mubei couldn't help complaining as he looked at the two people who were still hugging each other tightly.

"Stinky boy! Come home with me right away, and see if I don't clean up you this time!" Old Man Jun yelled at Jun Mubei.

When Jun Mubei heard Mr. Jun's words, he immediately froze. Before he could say anything, Mr. Jun said to Tang Shishi, "Young Shishi, come home with me!" After Mr. Jun finished speaking, he took the lead. Stepped away.

Come back home!

Hearing Mr. Jun's words, Tang Shishi got out of Ling Rui's arms, the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, but tears burst out of her eyes.

"Let's go, go home!" Ling Rui followed Mr. Jun with his arms around Tang Shishi.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone!" Jun Mubei waved his hand, and raked his hair irritably, just - go home?
Really want to go back?
"Oh! I'm going home!" Mo Youyou happily tore off the mask, stuffed it into his pocket, held the micro-charger, and said cheerfully.

Jun Mubei glanced at Mo Youyou displeased, why is this idiot so happy?Not going back to her house!
Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin followed behind this group of people, seeing Ling Rui and Jun Mubei as a pair, there was an inexplicable envy in their eyes.

Come back home!

What a beautiful word, but after seeing Ling Rui and Jun Mubei getting into the car, Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin suddenly remembered that the scientific research building was bombed and secret weapons were stolen. He didn't deal with it, how could the master just go home with his wife in his arms so irresponsibly?
However, it was already too late now, and what responded to them was only a cloud of car exhaust and dust. The two looked at each other desperately, and thought silently: It's not good to be with a master who is too shrewd!
Knowing that Ling Rui and Tang Shishi are newlyweds and have gone through what happened just now, they have a lot to say, so Mr. Jun is very reasonable and did not take Ling Rui's car back, but got into Jun Mubei's car, It just so happens that this time I can personally push this kid home, and I can also take the opportunity to get in touch with my future granddaughter-in-law!
Two cars drove out of the military area of ​​city B, one drove towards the Jun's compound, while the other stopped halfway.

In the carriage, Tang Shishi lay on Ling Rui's shoulder, crying uncontrollably, Ling Rui patted Tang Shishi's back distressedly and helplessly, silently accompanied her, and let her vent.

"Honey, I...I killed senior Shen He!" Tang Shishi cried indulgently for a while, sobbing and nestling on Ling Rui's shoulder, she said, "I killed him!"

(End of this chapter)

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