Chapter 584 Go Home (5)
"Don't cry, he won't die!" Ling Rui lifted Tang Shishi's body, sucked on each of her eyes, tasted the salty taste on her lips, Ling Rui felt a little uncomfortable.

Although, he knew in his heart that the little wild cat didn't have the slightest affection for Shen He, but seeing the little wild cat crying out of control because of hurting Shen He at this moment, Ling Rui still felt a little disgusted, after all, he had known each other for so many years , Shen He, still has some status in Little Wild Cat's heart.

"Really?" Tang Shishi grabbed the clothes on Ling Rui's chest with her small hands, raised her head, and stared at Ling Rui with a pair of watery eyes.

"Really, when did I ever lie to you!" Ling Rui said, tugging at Tang Shishi's nose.

"But——but...he bled so much...he kept looking at me like that, without moving his eyes. Huh..." Tang Shishi recalled Shen He's appearance after being shot, tears burst into tears poured out.

"The disaster will last for thousands of years, he won't die!" Ling Rui rubbed Tang Shishi's head and said.

"But—" Tang Shishi still wanted to say something, but under Ling Rui's deep eyes, she couldn't utter a word.

But what?Tang Shishi, what are you hypocritical about?Isn't this what you wanted in the first place?Getting the chip made senior Shen He completely give up on you. Now that you got the chip, senior Shen He almost lost his life this time. Isn't this exactly what you want?

"Old rascal, am I being hypocritical? It's obvious that I shot and wounded senior Shen He like this, but now I'm crying here and wiping away my tears." Tang Shishi touched the tears welling up in her eyes and laughed at herself said, "Crocodile tears!"

"Fool! Have you forgotten? It was Shen He who shot you first! You just fought back out of instinctive self-defense." Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's crying red eyes and persuaded.

"You're right! He was the one who shot me first!" Thinking of this, Tang Shishi felt a little better and smiled unnaturally.

"That's it! You were not injured, not because Shen He didn't have the intention to kill you, but because the second brother and the others arrived in time and saved you. Shen He was injured because his skills were inferior to others, and he deserved it!" Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's body tightly in his arms, looked at the front and said.

"You are right. From now on, we have to draw a clear line with Senior Shen He, and everyone is in charge!" Tang Shishi regained her composure after wiping the tears off her face.

"Well. Fortunately, you were not injured, otherwise, I should be the one who is crying bitterly now!" Ling Rui saw Tang Shishi thought about it, and joked with a smile. The heart that has been hanging these days, at this moment, is finally completely put it down.

After listening to Ling Rui's words, Tang Shishi remembered Shen Kui's words that she wanted to kill herself, make Ling Rui die in agony, and smear Jun's family. Anger arose in her heart, and she hated Shen He!

She nestled in Ling Rui's arms, hugged Ling Rui's neck tightly, and promised Ling Rui: "Husband, I will never act alone without telling you from now on, and from now on, I never want to leave your side These days, she lived alone in Shen He's dormitory, and she was worried every day, and she couldn't sleep well, and she especially missed Ling Rui's embrace.

Only here can she feel at ease, only here can she be safe.

And Shen He, from now on, is just an enemy, she will not shed a single tear for an enemy.

"Do you now understand the importance of the Lord?" Tang Shishi's soft and soft words made Ling Rui feel extremely useful. After so many days of being alone and sleepless, it can be exchanged for Little Wild Cat's recognition at this moment , also worth it!

"Well! You are the most important person in my life!" Tang Shishi said, sucking Ling Rui's lips vigorously.

Ling Rui's breath became short of breath, he had been emptied for a long time, and now the softness that he had longed for was in his arms, and the little wild cat confessed to him and kissed and teased him, this is clearly the rhythm of seduction!Does he want to overwhelm others?

"The most important thing?" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, looked at Tang Shishi and asked with burning eyes. While waiting for Tang Shishi's answer, he slowly approached like Tang Shishi with his big hands, looking at the green military uniform and the pretty eyes. With his Tang poems around his arms, Ling Rui felt that he was seduced by the uniform.

"Well! The most important thing is none!" Tang Shishi nodded affirmatively. When she felt Ling Rui's unruly big hand, Tang Shishi blushed and slapped Ling Rui's paw away, and replied angrily. Go to the co-pilot's seat and sit down properly.

People are confessing, such a serious, serious and beautiful moment, but this old hooligan only has sperm in his mind at the moment!
Ling Rui rubbed his hands that didn't hurt in a pretentious way, and looked at Tang Shishi with an aura of fate all over his body.

What a great atmosphere!The little wild cat is always such a spoiler every time, lighting a fire but not extinguishing it!
Ling Rui looked at his bulging bag bitterly, and started the car helplessly.

"Take care of you at night!" Ling Rui said bitterly while driving.

Seeing Ling Rui's angry, annoyed and helpless look, Tang Shishi finally couldn't hold back, and burst into laughter.

Ling Rui looked at a certain unscrupulous little thing with a happy smile, and gritted his teeth bitterly. He only hoped that the night would come soon!
When Tang Shishi returned to Jun's house, all the Jun's family came back, even Mrs. Ling and Tang Guoduan's family rushed over upon hearing the news.

Tang Guoduan finally forgave Mrs. Ling under Ling Rui's reconciliation before. Now that he has recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan, he is waiting for Tang Shishi to return and hold a formal ceremony.

However, although Tang Guoduan forgave Mrs. Ling and agreed to recognize his ancestors, his surname was still Tang in order to commemorate his mother. Mrs. Ling also readily agreed. What he values ​​most now is a family reunion and a beautiful life together. No matter what his son's last name is, it will not change the fact that he is his own flesh and blood in the end.

As soon as Tang Shishi and Ling Rui entered the room, they saw Jun Mubei sitting awkwardly on a chair far away from everyone, seriously out of touch with the crowd, like a prisoner, with his head drooping, while opposite him The sofa and the chairs were full of people. Tang Shishi noticed that her eldest brother Jun Haodong was sitting beside Mr. Jun at the moment, looking at Jun Mubei's bear-like face, with a gentle smile on his face inadvertently, On the other hand, Mo Youyou was chatting and laughing with Yun Mo while knocking on the melon seeds, not paying attention to Jun Mubei's resentful eyes from time to time.

"Grandpa, are you holding a criticism meeting? This meeting will be fierce and fierce!" Ling Rui looked at the posture in the room and said cheerfully.

"Ling Rui, you ungrateful guy, I did all this for you! You cross the river and tear down the bridge!" Jun Mubei jumped out of anger when he heard that Ling Rui not only didn't help him, but was busy throwing stones at him as soon as he entered the door. Get up and point at Ling Rui's nose and curse.

(End of this chapter)

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