Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 585 Brothers fight against the wall?

Chapter 585 Brothers fight against the wall? (1)
"Grandpa, look at Second Brother's attitude of admitting his mistakes, it's too scary!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei who was furious, and hid beside Mr. Jun pretending to be scared.

"Tang Shishi, you bitch! You..." As soon as Jun Mubei heard Tang Shishi's words, he immediately turned his gun and fired at Tang Shishi.

"It's the other way around, you bastard!" Mr. Jun slapped the table angrily, and yelled at Jun Mubei.

"Grandpa, they wronged me!" Jun Mubei said dejectedly as he sat down on the chair.

Obviously it was discussed by everyone at the beginning, but now it's a good thing, this pair of thieves and mother-in-law are so immoral when they get a bargain!
"Girl Shishi, tell me what's going on?" Ling Yue looked at Tang Shishi carefully, and after making sure she was fine, she finally felt relieved and asked curiously.

"Grandpa, Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, we had no choice but to hide it from everyone, causing everyone to worry about us!" Tang Shishi put away her playful expression, apologized solemnly to everyone, and then explained the ins and outs of the incident. I said it carefully.

After Tang Shishi's explanation, everyone finally understood what happened on the day of the wedding banquet. It turned out that it was these three people, no!It was a conspiracy set up by Jun Mubei and Tang Shishi, and even Ling Rui was plotted.

It turns out that they have wronged Ling Rui for all kinds of sneering at Ling Rui these days, so they feel sympathetic and guilty for Ling Rui again.

"Listen, it's none of my business at all, and Shishi clearly agrees!" As soon as Tang Shishi finished speaking, Jun Mubei couldn't wait to justify his name.

"You still say! Pull Shishi to do dangerous things to rectify her name. Fortunately, girl Shishi is fine this time. If there is a slight mistake, I will peel your skin carefully!" Jun Shaoyang glared at Jun Mubei angrily. .

"Isn't it all right? Besides, if something happens to Shi Shi in the military area of ​​City B, then I can't blame me. I can only say that Ling Rui is too good!" Jun Mubei argued bitterly and silently.

"So, should I thank my second brother for sending my wife to the wolf's den?" Ling Rui also gave Jun Mubei an angry look, and said.

"Who am I for? It's not for you! If it wasn't for that Shen He...if it wasn't for that Shen He..." Jun Mubei said angrily. When he mentioned Shen He, he realized that he almost If you say something wrong, stop immediately!
"What would it be if it wasn't for Shen He?" Ling Yue looked at Jun Mubei hesitatingly, and asked impatiently.She didn't expect Shen He to be such a person. Fortunately, she used to regard Shen He as Shishi's savior. When Shen He was hospitalized, she cooked soup for him every day to take care of his body. Thinking about it now, this Shen He He is really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, blinding her mind in vain.

Jun Mubei was stopped by Ling Yue, and secretly gave Ling Rui a look of help.

Ling Rui really wanted to throw Jun Mubei out, and now he had no doubts that Jun Mubei's IQ had dropped to the limit, so he dared to say such things at home!Really die!
Jun Zeyu looked at Ling Yue, then at Jun Mubei and Ling Rui, his face became serious, and just about to speak, he heard Ling Rui say: "It's not because he is the senior of Shishi, and he rescued him again." Shishi several times!"

"But didn't he plan that kidnapping?" Ling Yue asked suspiciously, she always felt that the two children were hiding something from her.

"Mom, I was actually self-willed this time. I didn't believe that Shen He was that kind of person at first." Tang Shishi said with some embarrassment. She didn't know if it was right to hide it from Ling Yue, but she knew about it. Today's The occasion is not suitable for speaking out.

"It's no wonder that he saved you at the beginning, and you are a child who values ​​love the most." Hearing Tang Shishi's words, Ling Yue finally felt relieved.

Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Jun Mubei and Jun Zeyu were secretly relieved, and Mr. Jun looked at these people and sighed secretly.

"Tang Shishi, please explain to me clearly, is that photo also part of your plan? You actually used me!" After knowing the truth, Tang Yuan was the most annoyed. , The next day, he confronted Ling Rui with a bastard who didn't know where the trouble came from. He made a big wedding banquet, and almost got into a fight. The heartless woman even lied to him!Is he so untrustworthy?

"Don't blame me! You were completely out of plan. You snatched my mobile phone, and I didn't show it to you on purpose!" Tang Shishi looked at Tang Yuan and showed a look that if you plot against me, You looked like you were going to die, and quickly clarified for yourself, and finally added angrily: "Besides, my arm was blue when you pinched me someday, and it took several days for the swelling to go away."

Tang Yuan was complained by Tang Shishi, and suddenly remembered the situation when he pressed Tang Shishi on the bed that night, a face flashed a little unnaturally, but soon he became stern again, facing Tang Shi Poetry yelled guiltily: "You still said, I'm your natal family after all, how could I ignore you when I saw you being bullied! You fucking thought I was you, and you were so fascinated by Ling Rui that you didn't know where to go. My family is gone!"

"Uncle, look at Tang Yuan, it's like this every time, if you do something wrong, you will wrong me!" Tang Shishi didn't bother to argue with Tang Yuan, so she moved out of Tang Guoduan directly. "How can I be so fascinated by Ling Rui that I don't know the east, west, north and south, so I don't want you!"

"That's right, Uncle, I'm definitely so fascinated by Shishi that I don't know where things are going from east to west!" Ling Rui also took the opportunity to chime in.

Everyone in the room laughed cheerfully, watching these people quarreling.

"Stinky boy, be careful what you say to me!" Tang Guoduan gave Tang Yuan a bitter look, thinking that Ling Rui had been wronged this time, Tang Guoduan loved Ling Rui even more.

"Dad! How can you be so biased every time!" Tang Yuan yelled indignantly after being stared at by Tang Guoduan with a guilty conscience.

"Shut up, you know it's embarrassing to think about it next time, don't be so impulsive!" Tang Guoduan yelled at Tang Yuan.

"Hmph!" Tang Yuan made an angry face at Tang Guoduan, and said, "I understand that I am not your own at all, I probably picked it up!"

One sentence made the whole room laugh.

"Shishi, I'm hungry." Just as everyone was chatting happily, Mo Youyou suddenly rubbed his belly, looked at Tang Shishi eagerly, and said expectantly.

Everyone's voices stopped abruptly, and they all looked at Mo Youyou.

Sensing the voices around her, everyone's eyes fell on her. Mo Youyou rolled her big eyes like a big rag doll that could blink. She looked around at the people around her, and quickly He blushed with embarrassment, stirred his clothes and said weakly: "I didn't say anything just now, you guys continue!" However, as soon as Mo Youyou's words fell, her stomach sang After the empty city plan, the gurgling sound made everyone stunned for a second, and then they all burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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