Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 586 Brothers fight against the wall?

Chapter 586 Brothers fight against the wall? (2)
"Oh! You can't stop screaming! It's a shame!" Mo Youyou hid his head in the sofa, covered his stomach, and said in a rather angrily voice.

After hearing Mo Youyou's words, everyone laughed even louder!How can this child be so cute and cute!
Mo Youyou was so shy that she refused to raise her head, she nestled on the sofa like an ostrich!Although she couldn't see her face, everyone could see her red bleeding ears. At this moment, Mo Youyou was shyly pawing at the gap on the sofa, wishing she could hide in it.

Junmu Beirao was sitting far away from everyone, seeing Mo Youyou's embarrassing appearance, he still couldn't help but move his body back and hide.

I really don't know this idiot!
Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei's small movements with sharp eyes, wrapped his arms around Tang Shishi's waist from behind, and said affectionately: "My wife, if you show your hands in the kitchen, you can't treat our second sister-in-law who has never been married. I'm starving!"

"I'm not!"

"she is not!"

As soon as Ling Rui's words fell, before Tang Shishi could react, two eager voices sounded immediately.

Of course, the voice came from Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei, but after hearing each other's voice, this pair of enemies looked at each other, then snorted coldly, and turned their heads away.



"Stinky boy, don't mess with the mandarin ducks!" Jun Mubei looked at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, who were crooked together like conjoined twins, and said in disgust.

"Shishi, don't let your husband talk nonsense, I really have nothing to do with him!" Mo Youyou looked at Tang Shishi begging for help.

Tang Shishi nodded and smiled at Mo Youyou. It seems that during her absence, Mo Youyou has thoroughly implemented her tricks.

Jun Mubei was very angry when he heard Mo Youyou's words!Even he didn't know what he was angry about, maybe he was angry that Mo Youyou, an idiot, didn't pay attention to her, dared to open his eyes and tell nonsense, and put his relationship aside in public!He actually stole his lines!

The people in the room looked at Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou's awkward appearance, knowing it well.

Yunmo took Tang Shishi's little hand, smiled more exaggeratedly than winning the lottery, and said, "Shishi, let's go, Second Aunt will help you, don't starve my daughter-in-law!"

"Aunt Yun, if you say that again, I'm leaving!" Mo Youyou stomped her feet in embarrassment and anger, stood up, and really wanted to leave.

Really, isn't everyone together today to celebrate Shishi's return home?Why did the topic go around her, how embarrassing to say it!
"Go quickly! Don't be an eyesore here!" Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou's appearance, and felt even more breathless.

Depend on!This idiot even picked up Joe, and dared to despise the young master!Now there is nowhere to look for a handsome and rich man like Xiaoye with a lantern. The eyes of this girl have grown to the soles of his feet, right?

No matter what, it's the young master who despises her!

"Jun Mubei, you - bastard! You're ruthless!" Mo Youyou rushed out after finishing speaking!While rushing and wiping away tears!
She hates this guy!To let her go in front of so many people!Although she likes him, she also has self-respect and face-saving, okay?

"Yuyou!" Yun Mo quickly grabbed Mo Youyou with sharp eyes and hands, and looked at Mo Youyou's little face with tears hanging down her face. She was so distressed that she yelled at Jun Shaoyang: "Jun Shaoyang! Take care of your son!"

"Mom! Don't play violence every time you don't want to be reasonable, okay? Childish!" Jun Mubei didn't wait for Jun Shaoyang to react, and took the lead.

"Jun Mubei, do you want to rebel?" Jun Shaoyang frowned when he heard Jun Mubei's words, and his voice became dangerous.

"Dad, you can't keep bullying me like this!" Jun Mubei immediately froze when he heard Jun Shaoyang's voice, and weakly fought for his human rights.

"Apologize to Youyou!" Jun Shaoyang didn't care whether Jun Mubei was willing or not, in his eyes, only Yun Mogao was unhappy.

"Dad, I'm not wrong!" Jun Mubei muttered softly.

"Uncle Jun, it's my fault. Today is your family reunion day. I'm an outsider. I really shouldn't be here." Looking at Jun Shaoyang's appearance, Mo Youyou was also a little scared, even though she was very nervous just now. Angry, but she didn't want Jun Mubei to be punished by Jun Shaoyang either.

"Yuyou, what are you talking about! Aunt Yun has never treated you as an outsider!" Yun Mo said angrily when she heard what Mo Youyou said.

"Grandpa didn't treat you as an outsider. In Grandpa's eyes, you are as good a boy as Shishi girl!" Mr. Jun also took the opportunity to express his attitude.

Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, after hearing Mr. Jun's words, looked at Mr. Jun, and the three of them had smiles that knew each other well.

Jun Mubei looked at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi with inscrutable smiles, and felt the hairs on his back stand on end, and felt that the thieves' parents-in-law wanted to plot against him again.But I can't tell what's wrong.

"Second brother, a manly man, able to bend and stretch, it's because of your bad attitude, it's nothing to apologize to Yoyo! Don't be so rude!" Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei and persuaded him.

"It's easy for you to say! I've been bent, but never stretched!" Jun Mubei couldn't help complaining after hearing Ling Rui's words.

demeanor?Do you have the nerve to talk to him about demeanor? !You have such a large circle of people bullying me, where is your demeanor?Let the dog eat it?

Jun Mubei's words made everyone laugh again, the atmosphere was finally not so stiff, and even Mo Youyou could hardly bear it, laughing through tears.

Looking at Mo Youyou's hard-working look, Jun Mubei curled his lips.

"Mu Bei, you don't like Yoyo, do you?" Jun Haodong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Ah?!" Jun Mubei didn't expect that Jun Haodong would take the initiative to talk to him, and he asked such a question in a single mouth. For a moment, his face was a little blank. He looked at Jun Haodong and didn't respond for a long time.

This is, make peace?

But it doesn't look like it!
Ever since Jun Haodong came back, Jun Mubei hadn't been back, and the two of them tacitly staggered the possibility of meeting each other, tacitly knowing each other.

"Do you like it or not?" Jun Haodong asked again, with a bit of aggressiveness in his voice.

The people in the room became quiet after being asked by Jun Haodong, and looked at Jun Mubei and then at Jun Haodong in unison, and their eyes moved between these two people, becoming strange.

Because of Jun Haodong's question, Mo Youyou also looked at Jun Haodong in astonishment, feeling nervous for a while, expecting and fearing at the same time.

"Of course I don't like it!" Jun Mubei replied resoundingly with a sharp voice after being provoked by Jun Haodong.

After Mo Youyou heard Jun Mubei's answer, she felt uncomfortable for a while, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. She quickly lowered her head, for fear that others would see her embarrassment at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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