Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 587 Brothers fight against the wall?

Chapter 587 Brothers fight against the wall? (3)
Although this answer had been expected by her, but hearing Jun Mubei say it in front of so many people, Mo Youyou still felt the heartache was unbearable.

"Jun Mubei!" Yun Mo was so angry that she was going crazy!
How could this bastard say such hurtful words in front of everyone!Where did his usual slickness go?What Haodong asked was liking, not love!This dead child can't worry about Yoyo's face!

Really pissed her off!

"Mom! What did I say wrong!" Jun Mubei also became more serious, and his expression became serious. He Jun Mubei usually likes to make troubles and toss as they please, but there is also a bottom line!But when he saw two teardrops falling on the ground under Mo Youyou's drooping head, Jun Mubei's voice subconsciously weakened slightly.

"You—" Yun Mo was furious, and looked at Jun Mu Bei with hatred!
She could tell that Jun Mubei was special to Mo Youyou, but he hadn't noticed it yet!Now that he said such words that hurt Yoyo's self-esteem in front of everyone, it would be very difficult to win Yoyo's heart from now on!

"Grandpa, parents, uncles and aunts, have you all heard? Mu Bei said he doesn't like Yoyo." Jun Haodong didn't seem to take Jun Mubei's awkwardness and Mo Youyou's discomfort and embarrassment into his eyes at all. , summed up as if nothing had happened.

After hearing Jun Haodong's words, everyone nodded involuntarily, not knowing what kind of medicine Jun Haodong was selling in the gourd.

Looking at Jun Haodong's smiling face, Jun Mubei suddenly had a bad feeling. This guy usually looks gentle and harmless, like a modest gentleman, but he actually knows that this guy is the most dark-hearted.

"Yuyou, I want to date you for the purpose of getting married, can you give me a chance for us to get to know each other?" Jun Haodong suddenly turned around, looked at Mo Youyou affectionately, and said.

After hearing Jun Haodong's words, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at each other with such expressions.

"Haodong!" Chang Guiru heard Jun Haodong's words, and couldn't help calling him, trying to stop him.

"Brother!" Jun Nuanxin didn't hold back, and called out to Jun Haodong, and when Jun Haodong looked at her, Jun Nuanxin hurriedly shook her head.

Yoyo likes the second brother, everyone can see this.Moreover, the second brother is not completely indifferent to Yoyo, and everyone can see that the second brother is actually a little special to Yoyo. In the past, the eldest brother and the second brother had a conflict because of Han Jing. The two elder brothers got into a stalemate again because of Yoyo.

"Mom, I'm not too old anymore. It's time to think about my personal issues. Besides, Yoyo has a hearty personality, innocent and cute, and she's also pretty. She values ​​love and righteousness. Everyone loves her. Besides, Uncle Mo's family is a family friend of ours. , I know the basics, I think, you will bless me and Yoyo to be together, right?" Jun Haodong spoke such a long paragraph in a rare breath.

Chang Guiru heard Jun Haodong's words, looked at him for a while, and then looked at Yunmo in embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a while.She also likes this girl, Yoyo, and what Haodong said is reasonable, but she also knows that boy Bei treats Yoyo differently. Fight again.

Chang Guiru still feels terrified when he thinks about the vicious fight a few years ago.That fierce fight caused Haodong to lose a finger, and he has been wandering away from home for many years. Their Jun family will never have the tragedy of brothers fighting against each other again!
After listening to Jun Haodong's words, Jun Mubei was a little dazed and silly for a while, and looked at Jun Haodong for a long time without turning his head.What does Jun Haodong mean?
Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei's stupid look, and couldn't help feeling happy: Jun Mubei, a bastard, even said he didn't like Yoyo, and he was assimilated by Yoyo like this!
Look at his current appearance, it's almost the same as when Yoyo committed a crime.

At this moment, Jun Mubei was always thinking about Jun Haodong's comments on Mo Youyou, and he didn't notice the expressions of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui at all. He was only thinking about: Mo Youyou, that woman, was really said by Jun Haodong so good?

Cheerful?Are you heartless?
Pure and cute?Are you dumb and stupid?
pretty?Is it still eye-catching?
Love and righteousness?Jun Mubei thought of the fact that Mo Youyou went with him to meet Tang Shishi today, and thought that this was barely enough, but it could not be ruled out that Mo Youyou's curiosity factor of joining in the fun was at play.

"Brother Jun, I - I'm not... I..." Mo Youyou wiped away tears when she heard Jun Haodong's words, looked up at Jun Haodong in surprise, stammered, and said incoherently.

She never dreamed that Jun Haodong would say that he wanted to pursue her in front of so many people, so suddenly, it caused her brain, which was not working well, to go on strike for a while.

"Yuyou, I like you, let's be my girlfriend!" Jun Haodong walked in front of Mo Youyou, looked at Mo Youyou who was nervous and stuttering, smiled gently, that smile was like a ray of spring breeze, making people feel warm Happy.

"Brother Jun, I..." Mo Youyou didn't know what to do.

"Yuyou, promise me that I will treat you well and protect you forever!" Jun Haodong looked at Mo Youyou, blinked at her quickly, and said.

"Yuyou, if you want to capture Jun Mubei's heart, promise me!" Jun Haodong whispered to Mo Youyou.

Mo Youyou was stunned, looked at Jun Haodong, looked straight at Jun Haodong, probed, and fell silent.

At this moment, Jun Mubei suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit oppressive. Jun Haodong was standing in front of Mo Youyou with his back to him. His tall figure directly blocked Mo Youyou, and he couldn't see Mo Youyou's small face, recalling the way Mo Youyou lowered his head and shed tears just now, Jun Mubei suddenly felt a wave of irritability in his heart. I know why I am irritable and I am even more irritable!
Thinking about what if that idiot Mo Youyou would become her sister-in-law?Jun Mubei felt a chill.

The second youngest of his dignified Jun family wants to be called Mo Youyou, the stupid sister-in-law?It's incredible!How could Jun Haodong fall in love with this kind of woman?
Also, didn't mom just want to match him and Mo Youyou enthusiastically?Why don't you say a word now?Mo Youyou and Jun Haodong?It's not suitable at all!
"Mo Youyou, you are a bit self-aware, you look like that..." Unable to bear the oppressive atmosphere in the air, and unable to see Mo Youyou's appearance at the moment, Jun Mubei suddenly couldn't help but spoke, but he hadn't finished speaking yet, It was interrupted by Mo Youyou's mantra.

(End of this chapter)

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