Chapter 590 Create a man by order! (1)
"Of course, my old man likes preparing presents the most!" Mr. Jun smiled like a flower, his face was flushed with a little wine, and he was very happy.

Mo Youyou took a peek at Jun Mubei, and found that there was no expression on his face at all. He felt disappointed, and lowered his head sadly, feeling that the delicious food in front of him had lost its allure.

"Yuyou, drink this soup, it's delicious." Under Ling Rui's gesture, Jun Haodong filled a bowl of soup for Mo Youyou, and placed it in front of Mo Youyou.

"Haodong, thank you!" Mo Youyou looked at the fresh soup in front of him, and smiled at Jun Haodong.

"Yuyou, you don't need to say thank you to me! The relationship between us is not that unfamiliar." It should be me thanking you!Jun Haodong smiled warmly, then looked at the absent-minded Mo Youyou and urged: "Taste it quickly, this geoduck is delicious."

"Yeah." Mo Youyou obediently lowered her head and took a sip of the soup, nodded a little bit without taste, and reluctantly said: "It's really delicious."

"Crack!" After seeing Mo Youyou take a sip of the geoduck soup, Jun Mubei slapped his chopsticks on the table angrily, stood up and said, "I'm full, I won't eat anymore !” Then he lifted his legs and walked upstairs.

"This kid, what's going on today? You're so unruly!" Yun Mo looked at Jun Mubei's back, scolded, then turned around and smiled "sorry" at everyone, but that smile, no matter how you look at it, is a thief Xixi.

There is a play!
Everyone continued to eat cheerfully, tacit understanding with each other, as if they were not affected by Jun Mubei's bad mood at all. Of course, the "couple" Jun Haodong and Mo Youyou were the most talked about!
Jun Mubei became even angrier when he heard everyone's discussion behind him, and deliberately walked heavily, but his voice was completely covered by everyone's laughter, and no one paid attention to his awkward mood at the moment.

"Second brother!" Tang Shishi shouted when she saw Jun Mubei approaching the stairs.

Jun Mubei stopped in his tracks, feeling joyful in his heart. He saw people's hearts at the critical moment. Unexpectedly, at this time, Tang Shishi's thieves woman finally found out her conscience.

"What are you doing?" Jun Mubei turned around slowly, looked at Tang Shishi, hiding the look of expectation on his face, but his eyes were so bright that they could blind others!

Tang Shishi, hurry up and keep me here!Quickly leave me here!

Tang Shishi seemed to see the expectation in Jun Mubei's heart, and after hesitating for a while, she finally spoke.

"Second brother, there is still a geoduck in the kitchen. I chopped it up according to sister-in-law Yoyo's instructions. You are fine after eating, so feed it to Ahua." Tang Shishi said with a smile.

Jun Mubei was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot!

"Tang Shishi! You're going too far! I'm at odds with you!" Jun Mu Beiqi roared, walked upstairs quickly, entered his room, and slammed the door hard with a bang!
How could he pin his hopes on that thief woman Tang Shishi?That thief woman can only do things that make things worse, when did she ever think about him?

Tang Shishi, just wait, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, let's see how I deal with you in the future!No one will stop it this time!

Young master, I am not trying to punish people at this stage, you all have forgotten how good young master is, right?Everyone bullies me!tell you!I, Jun Mubei, are not easy to bully!

Jun Mubei was in the room, spinning back and forth angrily, thinking of dozens of ways to deal with Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou.

As for why he had to deal with Mo Youyou, the second master explained it like this: Who made Mo Youyou love geoduck to provoke the master?Since you have the courage to provoke the master, you must be prepared to bear the anger of the master!
Seeing Jun Mubei's frantic look, Tang Shishi finally felt a breath of malice, and laughed very happily.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's smug face, and while serving her food, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You see, you are angry with the second brother, be careful that he makes you restless again!"

"I'm not afraid of him! I have my grandfather backing me up, besides, I still have sister-in-law Youyou now, right?" Tang Shishi bit the words "Sister-in-law Youyou" very cadenced, while talking, she flirted with Mo Youyou wink.

Mo Youyou's face was flushed with shame, and she glared at Tang Shishi pretending to be annoyed, then glanced at the closed door of Jun Mubei's room, without saying a word, she lowered her head and continued to eat.

Jun Mubei hid in the room alone and was sulking, listening to the people downstairs drinking and talking, having fun, completely forgetting that there was another person who was not full upstairs facing the cold wind and moon, hungry!

The belly rang out, and Jun Mubei felt that he had miscalculated this time. Even if he wanted to vent his anger, he had to fill his stomach first. Now it's good, the gain outweighs the loss!
It's all because of that stupid Mo Youyou!And Tang Shishi's thieves!

I will make you look good in the future!It's useless to stop anyone this time!


The stomach rang again in disbelief. Jun Mubei touched his poor stomach, then leaned back, and his tall body sank into the big bed in the bedroom. Jun Mubei thought angrily. Wait, how come the people below haven't left yet?

The night is already deep!These people should also go back to their respective rooms, wash up and sleep?
This time, Jun Mubei hoped that these people would not eat too much, and leave something for themselves to cushion their stomachs, otherwise, their stomachs might have to sing ditties all night long!

I don't know how long it took, but finally, under Jun Mubei's repeated complaints and expectations, the people below finished eating.

Mrs. Ling was a little sleepy, but Cai Xiaofen was still pulling Tang Shishi, talking non-stop, mainly telling her something about the last wedding, and chatting about some daily life. It seemed that she couldn't say no for a while. Finish.

"Boy Rui, why don't you sleep with Shishi in the mansion tonight?" Old Master Ling yawned and said.

This man is getting old and just can't stay up late.

"How can it be possible! Shishi just came back!" Mr. Jun immediately became dissatisfied when he heard that Mrs. Ling asked Shishi and Ling Rui to live in the Ling family mansion.

"You old man Jun, Ling Rui is also my grandson, why can't you go to sleep with me!" After hearing what Mr. Jun said, old master Ling cheered up and shouted.

He just can't understand old man Jun being so domineering!Old man Ling stood up as he spoke, as if he wanted to have a good argument with Mr. Jun.

"Grandpa! What are you doing!" Tang Shishi was talking to Cai Xiaofen, but unexpectedly the two old people had an argument. It doesn't matter to her to sleep over there, since it's not far away anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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