Chapter 591 Create a man by order! (2)
In fact, in private, Tang Shishi wanted to go to the Ling family mansion to sleep well, because she was said by Tang Yuan today, "I am so fascinated by Ling Rui that I don't know the north and south, and I don't even want my mother's family!" , I still have a guilty conscience.

"Don't worry about Shishi, I have to talk to old man Jun this time! Why is this old guy always so domineering and dictatorial!" Old Master Ling bumped his crutch to the ground and said imposingly.

"Why am I overbearing and dictatorial? My grandson and granddaughter-in-law, why should I want to live in your house! I won't go!" Mr. Jun drank a small glass today, and the wine was in full swing, and he happily bickered and fought with Mrs. Ling of!Think of it as exercise after cooking.

"Aren't you overbearing and dictatorial? If Lun gets up, Shishi is both my granddaughter and my granddaughter-in-law, and my relationship is much closer than yours! Why can't you live with me?" Old Master Ling said confidently .

"So what? I don't know who..." Hearing what Mrs. Ling said, Mr. Jun felt that he was a little bit out of control, so he planned to start digging up old scores again.

"At the beginning, girl Shishi had forgiven me a long time ago, and now girl Shishi wanted to talk to her aunt, why did you stop her? Besides, Shishi hasn't returned home after the wedding! It's time to go back!" Old Master Ling intercepted Old Master Jun's words domineeringly, his aura was fully open, and he didn't want to give in at all.This old man is also a tough talker, and his reasoning is so logical that it is really hard for people to refute.

"You old man Ling, let everyone comment, who are the two of us overbearing?" Mr. Jun knew that Mrs. Ling was on the side of reason this time, and he also saw that Tang Shishi and Cai Xiaofen still had a lot to say To say, so the attitude quickly loosened.

"Hmph! If you stop girl Shishi and boy Rui from going to my place like this again, then girl Shishi and boy Rui will just spend the New Year with me and come back. Anyway, it will be two days away!" Grandpa Ling looked Mr. Jun didn't let him go without hesitation, so he administered another dose of strong medicine.

"This is impossible! Girl Shishi must spend the New Year in Jun's compound! Come back to me tomorrow!" Mr. Jun said immediately when he heard that Mrs. Ling had plans to make progress, and he agreed with Tang Shishi and Ling Rui. In the evening, go to the Ling family mansion to live.

"Oh! The day after tomorrow is Chinese New Year!" Tang Shishi heard the two grandfathers mentioning the Chinese New Year, and then suddenly remembered that the day after tomorrow is the Spring Festival.

She has always had no clear concept of these festivals, anniversaries and so on. She never thought that time would pass so quickly, and the Chinese New Year is almost here!
"Girl Shishi, let's go! Go back to her mother's house with grandpa!" Grandpa Ling ignored Grandpa Jun, stepped forward and took Tang Shishi's arm, and left, as if her granddaughter who had come to accept a grievance was going home.

"This old thing!" Mr. Jun laughed and cursed helplessly when he heard Mrs. Ling dragging Shishi back to her mother's house!
Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan smiled at Mr. Jun embarrassingly, and then went back with Mrs. Ling. After getting along with each other these days, they already knew the way these two old people get along, so they were no strangers to it.

Tang Yuan followed the footsteps of his parents without saying a word, and in his heart he agreed with the old master Ling's actions. When he thought of Tang Shishi sleeping in the Ling's mansion tonight, he felt extraordinarily excited and joyful in his heart.But Tang Yuan frowned involuntarily when he saw Ling Rui who took out the car keys and came out behind him!

Although the farce at the wedding was planned by Tang Shishi and Jun Mubei, after so many days, Ling Rui didn't explain the matter clearly, and kept him in the dark like a fool. Even now that the truth is out, Tang Yuan still finds Ling Rui very unpleasant!

Ling Yue, Jun Zeyu, Jun Haodong, and Mo Youyou went out of the courtyard to see off Mrs. Ling and his party. Before Ling Rui and Tang Shishi got into the car, Ling Yue told Ling Rui to take Shishi to pick up the clothes tomorrow. She had already ordered several sets of New Year's clothes for Shishi, and because Shishi hadn't come back, one was because she was busy, and the other was because she was not in the mood to pick it up, and she was afraid of seeing things and thinking about others, so she kept them in the store.

Ling Rui nodded in agreement, Tang Shishi hugged Ling Yue's arm, and said coquettishly: "Mom, you bought me clothes again, I still have a lot of suits in my closet, you will spoil me like this !"

"How can those clothes be made? Mom is afraid that you will be wronged. It has been half a year since you married, and you have settled down in a few days. Mom is feeling guilty in her heart. What are a few sets of clothes? Mom is afraid that she is not good enough for you. You No more kisses with mom!" Ling Yue looked at Tang Shishi and said pretending to be afraid.

When she met Tang Shishi for the first time, she fell in love with this daughter-in-law. These days, the more she gets along with Tang Shishi, the more Ling Yue loves this daughter-in-law, and she can't wait to give her all the good things!
"Mom! You guys are so kind to me. I'm happy. Where can I feel wronged? I just think it's a bit too extravagant and wasteful." Tang Shishi explained quickly after hearing Ling Yue's words.Almost all of her clothes are made by master JANE. This internationally renowned fashion master is almost going to become their family's queen tailor!

"What is this! If you are really sorry, hurry up and make a man with Boy Rui, give me a golden grandson, and I will spend all the money on my little golden grandson!" Ling Yue patted Tang Shishi's hand, He said with a gratified smile.

She just loves Tang Shishi's temperament, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

"Daughter-in-law, you don't have to be embarrassed. Did you hear what Mom said? Why don't you hurry up and get the order and go back to make people?" Ling Rui was a little anxious when he saw his mother and Tang Shishi sticking together. Seeing that they were talking about having a child, they hurriedly interjected, but the tone was so unscrupulous, the ruffian was hated by others!

Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui in embarrassment: "Old rascal!"Immediately, Tang Shishi remembered what her second aunt Yunmo had said to her in the kitchen today, and she began to look forward to it.

The second aunt said that the medicinal properties of the medicine had been removed a long time ago, and her body has been recuperating well at this stage. Her health foundation is good, and she can have a child now without waiting for half a year.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's red face and smiled happily!
The spring night is short and time is precious, he doesn't want to waste it outside this courtyard.

"Third Aunt, don't disturb the couple's reunion, hurry up and let them go back to make humans!" Jun Haodong also joked at the right time.

"Look at me, I'm talking too much, you go quickly, go back and rest early!" Ling Yue said, looking at Tang Shishi's red face with a smile.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go! Go back and rest early!" Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's hand, his tone was ambiguous, and his smile was rippling.

"Old hooligan! Be more serious!" Tang Shishi said goodbye to Ling Yue, throwing off Ling Rui's hand and said coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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