Chapter 592 Create a man by order! (3)
"Why am I being unserious? I said I'm just going to rest early. What's wrong? My wife is because your thoughts are not pure, and you think wrongly?" Ling Rui joked while putting on Tang Shishi's seat belt.

"You are the only one who is pure! Then you will continue to be pure for me in the future! In order to maintain your purity, I decided to sleep in separate rooms in the future!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a blank look, and said angrily.

"Honey, don't be so cruel to me, you will die!" Ling Rui immediately changed into a bitter melon look.

joke!The benefits are gone, he is no different from a monk, who can laugh!

"Hmph!" Tang Shishi snorted coldly, ignoring this man who would have convulsions at any time.

Under the gaze of Ling Yue and the others, the two drove away noisily.

Listening to the bickering between the young couple, Ling Yue laughed from ear to ear.

Looking at Ling Yue's appearance, Jun Zeyu stepped forward and put his arms around her shoulders, and said softly: "It's already gone, let's keep watching! It's cold outside, let's go back."

It was only then that Ling Yue realized that it was indeed a little cold, and quickly snuggled into Jun Zeyu's arms again, and said, "Go home!"

So Jun Zeyu hugged Ling Yue tightly and returned home.

Mo Youyou saw that Ling Rui and Tang Shishi had such a good relationship, and Jun Zeyu loved his wife so much, in his heart, the pairing was enviable, and his face couldn't help showing the light of anticipation.

Jun Haodong shook his head when he saw Mo Youyou's expressionless face with all his emotions written on his face. If he didn't give her a hand for such a Mo Youyou, he would not be caught by that fellow Jun Mubei in the future. To eat to death?

It must be the kind with no bones left!
Accidentally glanced at a corner of the room on the second floor, the curtain moved, Jun Haodong suddenly leaned over, and pressed Mo Youyou against the wall outside the courtyard.

"Ah————" Mo Youyou just exclaimed, her mouth was blocked, she looked at Jun Haodong who was close at hand, her eyes were filled with shock and confusion, her heart was so frightened, bang bang Bang bang fast and non-stop.

"Don't talk, Mu Bei is watching from above." Jun Haodong said, let go of his hand, and then looked at Mo Youyou from a different angle.

After listening to Jun Haodong's words, Mo Youyou nodded stiffly, but due to nervousness, she almost lost her ability to breathe.

"Brother Jun, how long will we be like this?" After several minutes, Jun Haodong still had no intention of getting up, and Mo Youyou, who felt very oppressed, asked in a nervous whisper.

Although the two of them took advantage of the misplaced relationship and pretended to kiss, Mo Youyou was too shy to be so close to a person of the opposite sex.

"Don't worry, the deep French kiss will naturally take longer." Jun Haodong couldn't help laughing when he saw Mo Youyou's already flushed smiling face.This little girl is very pure, it looks like she hasn't even had her first kiss.

That boy Jun Mubei, he's lucky this time!
"Oh." Mo Youyou nodded, and found that this movement was inappropriate, she didn't dare to move, her mouth was tightly closed, while nervously counting when the world will pass quickly, while thinking about Jun Mubei meeting I won't see it, what will I think after seeing it?
Jun Mubei did see it, he was mad in the room right now!He picked up a piece of decoration in his room and was about to throw it out. Before he let go, he realized that it was the blue and white piece in the room. Angrily and embarrassingly, he withdrew his hand and put that thing back.

Mo Youyou, you idiot!Just agreed to be someone's girlfriend, and was captured!frivolous!frivolous!frivolous!
Jun Mu Beiqi wandered around the room, and then couldn't help but peek at the window, and found that the two people were still stuck together, but their positions had changed, and Mo Youyou's head was still shaking in rebellion, Immediately, Jun Haodong pinned down his head again.

Jun Mubei watched his blood surge!This Jun Haodong, the older he gets, the more rascal he gets!I don't even look at how much older I am than Mo Youyou, I can be his uncle!old man!I went abroad and didn't learn anything else, so I learned some things that are offensive and harmful to public morals, and they are back!How many days have you known each other?Mo Youyou agreed to be his girlfriend for less than half a day, and she French kissed her deeply!
And completely disregarding Mo Youyou's wishes!rogue!rogue!rogue!
Jun Mubei was lying by the window, gnashing his teeth while watching, completely forgetting that he was going to sneak into the kitchen to eat after Tang Shishi, the thief, and the others left.

But he's not hungry anymore!I'm full of gas!Still hungry!

The furious Jun Mubei tried his best to restrain the urge not to throw rotten eggs at the two people outside the courtyard. The main reason was that he didn't have one by his side. If there was one, the second master would definitely throw it out without hesitation. It's too embarrassing!

Junmu Beiqi was spinning around, while Mo Youyou outside the courtyard was suffering the same. Finally, when Jun Haodong moved away, Mo Youyou seemed to have been tortured, breathing the free air hard, The feeling of this kiss is definitely not as wonderful as it is written in the book. She is just a fake kiss, and she almost suffocates herself to death!If this is true, why don't you just stand up for the dead body?
Looking at Mo Youyou's appearance, Jun Haodong smiled very heartily, especially when he caught a glimpse of the curtain somewhere on the second floor, trembling like a twitch, he felt extremely refreshed.

"Yuyou, let's go back!" After Jun Haodong finished speaking, without waiting for Mo Youyou's consent, he took Mo Youyou's hand and walked into the yard.

Mo Youyou followed Jun Haodong's footsteps with a red face, her appearance was as if she had just finished kissing, she was different from usual coquettish, especially her shy appearance of biting her lips and not speaking because of embarrassment, made her Jun Mubei on the second floor couldn't help thinking about it again!

Mo Youyou, you idiot!I really don't know what reserve is!

Ever since he saw Jun Haodong and Mo Youyou's immoral and harmful behavior at the gate of the courtyard, Junmu Peking University sighed that people's hearts are not old, and the world is getting worse. He sighed for this "bad" social atmosphere for a while , lying in bed worrying about the country and the people, tossing and turning until late at night, unable to sleep.

Just when Jun Mubei was about to fall asleep in a daze, he noticed a change in his window, and his mind became clear for a moment.

That deadly middle-of-the-night blind man ran to Grandpa's room to walk around?It just so happens that my grandfather is in a good mood today, so I will mention the eighteen generations of your ancestors to educate and educate you!
So a certain second master who thought he was in a good mood, in order to uphold the good upbringing of catching traitors and catching doubles, taking thieves and taking stolen goods, and not wronging good people, continued to lie on the bed and pretend to sleep, breathing evenly, sleeping very deeply, and even had swollen limbs. Open it, revealing several empty doors, seemingly defenseless.

Who else but Mo Youyou could be the person who ran to Jun Mubei's room without eyesight in the dead of night?
Mo Youyou had already made a plan, and when everyone fell asleep, she emptied all the good things in Jun Mubei's room, and let that cheapskate and money-loving ghost spend money and let him Go cry!Who made him embarrass her in public today!
(End of this chapter)

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