Chapter 593 Create a man by order! (5)
I didn't expect Mo Youyou to be so delicious!

Where did Mo Youyou go through this kind of battle? When she was held in Jun Mubei's arms, she realized that all this was not a dream. The sore, numb, swollen and painful feeling on her tongue made her heart go crazy jumped up.

She closed her eyes shyly, and fell into obsession with Jun Mubei.

Just when Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou kissed hard, Jun Haodong's anxious voice came from downstairs.

"Second Aunt, did you see that Yoyo is not in the room!"

"Haodong, what are you doing looking for Yoyo without sleeping in the middle of the night?" Baimo's teasing voice sounded.

Both Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou's bodies stiffened incomparably. Jun Mubei looked up at Mo Youyou, who was panting softly below, with complicated eyes.

"I couldn't help myself for a while today. I kissed Yoyo just... just to see if she was sleeping well." Jun Haodong was a little evasive in his words, but it's not difficult for those who are interested in guessing what he was doing in Yoyo's room at night. !
"I don't know. That girl Nuanxin doesn't sleep here now. I really don't know what Youyou likes to do at night? Why don't you go ask Boy Bei and ask him to go look for it with you?" Yunmo Seeing the wicked smile on Jun Haodong's face, looking at Jun Mubei's room, he pretended to comfort Jun Haodong and said, "Don't worry, that girl Yoyo is smart, she won't suffer."

"Okay! I'll ask Mu Bei!" Jun Haodong said, then got up and walked upstairs.

Yun Mo looked at Jun Haodong's back with a look of regret, but it's a pity that she couldn't follow along to watch this good show.

Hearing that Jun Haodong was about to go upstairs, Mo Youyou pushed Jun Mubei away in fright, then glanced at the hiding place in the room in horror, but found nothing, then ran to the window in a hurry, and disappeared in a flash. Disappeared, and before leaving, she found that the good things in Jun Mubei's room were placed on the small cabinet by the window, and she took a piece of blood wishful.

Jun Mubei saw Mo Youyou's series of actions in his eyes, and he was angry and irritable!

Everything happened so suddenly tonight!Lying on the bed, he involuntarily groped his lips a few times with his fingers, feeling annoyed!How could it be like having an affair!
Jun Haodong didn't even knock on the door, he kicked open the door of Jun Mubei's room, seeing the scene of Jun Mubei's birth while touching his lips.

"Brother, what are you doing in my room without sleeping in the middle of the night?" Jun Mubei was annoyed by Jun Haodong's obvious rhythm of catching rape, and he sat up and shouted.

"Second brother, did you recruit a thief in your room?" Jun Haodong ignored Jun Mubei's anger, looking at the messy underpants in Jun Mubei's room, his voice was a little cold.

It seems that the battle is fierce!I didn't expect Yoyo to have such a hobby!

"Thief?!" Jun Mubei was told by Jun Haodong, as if he had just realized something was wrong in the room, he looked around, especially when he saw the underwear all over the floor, his face was slightly red After a moment, he looked at the table by the window and exclaimed, "The blood Ruyi I put there is gone! There really are thieves!"

At this moment, the "thief" had slipped back into the room, opened the door pretendingly, and asked Jun Haodong who was standing at the door of Jun Mubei's room in puzzlement, "Hao Dong, what are you doing?"

Jun Haodong looked back at Mo Youyou, with a trace of confusion on his face, then looked at Jun Mubei who was indignant, and said: "It seems that you are really recruiting thieves here, I'm passing by for nothing, just to tell you to get up and pee." Pee!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Jun Mubei to react, he left!
Jun Mu Beiqi got out of bed and kicked the door shut, heaved a sigh of relief, and then heard Jun Haodong tell Mo Youyou downstairs how many things he had in his room that he had collected outside these years Antiques and ancient jade, if you invite Mo Youyou to visit his room if you have time, you will grind your teeth angrily!

Compared with the Jun's compound, the Ling's mansion is much quieter at night.

After Ling Rui and Tang Shishi arrived at the Ling family mansion, Tang Shishi and Cai Xiaofen went to see the room where Cai Xiaofen and the others lived. Tang Guoduan and Ling Rui were playing chess and talking downstairs while the old lady Ling was tired. But this time I was so excited that I didn't want to sleep. I was drinking tea while watching Ling Rui and Tang Guoduan play chess.Tang Yuan was sitting on the sofa, watching the TV casually, just a pair of eyes, looking at the door upstairs from time to time, he didn't watch what was playing on the TV at all.

"What do you think about this case of Internet monopoly?" Ling Rui asked abruptly just as Tang Yuan glanced upstairs again.

"What?" Tang Yuan didn't expect that Ling Rui would take the initiative to talk to him, and he still asked such a professional question, so he was a little confused for a while?

"Isn't it talking on TV? I thought you watched this station because you cared about it." After Ling Rui glanced at Tang Yuan lightly, he turned around again and made a move. The look of being both correct made Tang Yuan angry when he saw it!

"I don't know, brother-in-law, what's your opinion?" Tang Yuan looked at Ling Rui, raised his eyebrows and asked, he knew that Ling Rui had discovered his little thoughts and deliberately found a topic to distract him, so he didn't I believe that Ling Rui can really say something.

The reason why he is called brother-in-law Ling Rui is because Tang Yuan has also figured out a little bit of Ling Rui's temper these days, that is, whenever he calls himself brother-in-law Ling Rui, Ling Rui will become very talkative, almost responsive to requests!
No matter how reluctant he is to call brother-in-law, it's still the same.

Sure enough, Ling Rui frowned because of Tang Yuan's "brother-in-law". He looked at Tang Yuan, then at the case broadcast on TV, and pondered for a while.

Tang Yuan saw that Ling Rui was questioned, and he was not without pride. The Internet is his specialty, and he understands the twists and turns in it much better than Ling Rui. He doesn't believe that Ling Rui will say Come up with something useful.

Just when Tang Yuan was proud, Ling Rui said a word unhurriedly, and said: "This kind of monopoly will be broken sooner or later, otherwise the entire Internet industry will not be able to continue to develop, just take your online game design and development For companies, if there is no Internet monopoly, the competition will be more intense, but the truly powerful companies will develop faster and better. After the year, the country will introduce some policies to gradually break this unfair competition situation. , this is an excellent opportunity for your company, you should hurry up!"

"What policy?" Tang Yuan immediately paid attention when he heard Ling Rui mentioning the policy, wishing to get into Ling Rui's head to dig out some inside information.

"It must be a law related to anti-monopoly. You can consider building a platform yourself." Ling Rui's words stopped short.

(End of this chapter)

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