Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 594 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl!

Chapter 594 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl! (1)
However, this is enough for Tang Yuan to understand!
"I have something to do, I'm going back to the company first! I won't come back to sleep at night!" Tang Yuan hurriedly got up, then glanced at the direction of the second floor, and finally walked out.

"It's late at night, what are you doing at the company!" Old Master Ling wanted to stop him, but he didn't.He knew that Tang Yuan was very ambitious, capable and aggressive, which made him very happy, especially after Tang Guoduan recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, Ling Yue immediately expressed that he would give Tang Guoduan 20.00% of the shares of Dynasty Group to Tang Guoduan for retirement However, Tang Guoduan rejected it. After Tang Yuan heard it, not only did he not object, but he also said that his parents were fully capable of supporting them. They did not contribute to the Dynasty Group, and they were not qualified to take the shares in it.

In this way, old lady Ling felt very relieved, remembering that Ling Hao's family spent all day thinking and intrigue all day long for the shares of Dynasty Group, always finding trouble with Ling Yue, and every time it caused him a headache, he couldn't bear it. I can't help but sigh, it really is not a family, after all, there is a world of difference!

"You bad boy!" Tang Guoduan couldn't help laughing and cursing at Ling Rui after watching Tang Yuan leave.This boy Ling Rui is as small-minded as a pinhole!

Tang Guoduan knew very well in his heart why Ling Rui said those things to Tang Yuan. Ever since Tang Yuan had a big wedding, he had also seen signs of it, knowing that Tang Yuan had long been interested in Shishi girl.Seeing Ling Rui send Tang Yuan away now, I can't help but lament for my son!
Ling Rui smiled at Tang Guoduan, knowing each other well.He didn't care if Tang Guoduan said he was stingy, other things are easy to talk about, but this daughter-in-law is his own, and no one can think about it!
Thinking of what Tang Shishi said today, he is her most important person, not one of them, Ling Rui's mind began to float again, looking to the second floor from time to time, thinking that these two women haven't finished talking yet?Tonight, he and Shishi are going to create humans according to the order!
"Stinky boy! You made a mistake!" Old Master Ling suddenly couldn't help but patted Ling Rui's hand, and roared impatiently. Since Tang Yuan left, this kid has obviously been out of shape, and his performance has been abnormal!It was obviously a good game of chess, and they almost won it, but they played it in a mess, and after a few moves, they were about to lose!
"You can't regret the game!" Tang Guoduan quickly dropped the white piece in his hand, and then said with a smile on his face, "I finally won one night! You can go to sleep with peace of mind!"

When Ling Rui heard Tang Guoduan say he was going to sleep, he quickly let go of the sunspot in his hand, stretched sleepily and said, "It's too late, I'll call Shishi down, it's time to sleep!"

"Stinky boy, I think you can't wait for a long time!" Tang Guoduan scolded with a smile.

"No way! At least I don't want Grandpa to be too tired. He should have rested at this point!" Ling Rui said calmly, without changing his face!
"I'm still very energetic. Let's play another game. The game just now was really bad!" Old Master Ling, who was addicted to watching chess, suggested energetically.

"Grandpa, if you don't sleep anymore, I will try Shishi later and see it, and I will miss you again! Tomorrow morning, I won't have your favorite strawberry oatmeal!" Ling Rui said seriously to the old lady Ling.

"Oh! I said why the clock is always at nine o'clock. It turns out that I am blind!" Mrs. Ling pretended to rub his eyes, and said, "I said, why are you so sleepy!" After speaking, he yawned and went upstairs went.

Finally, everyone who was in the way was invited away, and Ling Rui couldn't help but yawned, and said to Tang Guoduan, "Uncle, I'm going back to my room too, good night."

After speaking, he walked towards his room.

Looking at Ling Rui's back, Tang Guoduan couldn't help showing a smile: It really is a fox!

Tang Shishi and Cai Xiaofen talked more and more enthusiastically, and the two seemed to have endless topics to talk about.Especially after Tang Guoduan recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan, Mrs. Ling thought about holding a banquet after holding a press conference to bring Tang Guoduan, his wife and Tang Yuan into the circle of high society.

Regarding the banquet, Mrs. Ling left it to Ling Yue to handle it, but let Cai Xiaofen assist Ling Yue while studying, saying that any banquets held at home in the future would be handed over to Cai Xiaofen to host, so Cai Xiaofen was a little uneasy Yes, I was afraid that if I did something wrong or said something wrong, I would give others a handle and let others see the jokes of the Ling family, which would cause Tang Shishi to vomit bitterness.

"Shishi, you said that people in the upper class are really tired! I still think it's good to be an ordinary citizen. I can dress as I like, and I don't have to pay so much attention. It's not like now. What kind of clothes do you need to match with bags and jewelry, and you have to struggle for half an hour just to put on clothes when you go out, and you are exhausted!" Cai Xiaofen opened the extra-large wardrobe beside her as she spoke, pointing to the full clothes inside and said: " Look at these, your mother-in-law took me to buy them, one piece of clothing was worth our family's expenses for several years, I feel like I have been kidnapped by money when I put it on, I feel uncomfortable!"

After Cai Xiaofen finished speaking, she sat back on the bed and looked at Tang Shishi with a bit of resentment. She lived in Ling's house for the past few days, although her father-in-law treated them very well, she still felt uncomfortable.

It should be said that Tang Shishi is the person who can best understand Cai Xiaofen's current situation. Cai Xiaofen's appearance now is the same as when Tang Shishi first married Lu Tao. Showing her face is much easier than Cai Xiaofen's now.

"Auntie, in fact, you don't need to care about these at all. Anyway, you usually spend a lot of time at home, so you can wear whatever is comfortable for you. When you are going out or attending a banquet, you should dress more solemnly." Tang Shishi glanced over For those clothes in the closet, I found that my mother-in-law's vision in picking clothes is very precise, and every piece of clothes is carefully matched from top to bottom. When you wear it, you can just take out a set, and you don't have to think about matching. question.

"I still think it's too wasteful! You don't know, I feel distressed when I saw the money spent that day, and I spent millions of dollars on the clothes, shoes and bags!" Cai Xiaofen thought about the scene of going shopping for clothes that day, and she felt very sad. My flesh hurts!

This rich man spends money like running water, she didn't expect that she would do this one day - what is this called?Local tycoon!right!It's a local tyrant!

"Auntie, don't think about these things. It's good to get used to this kind of life in the future. In fact, it's just that the food, clothing and housing are better. The environment has changed. As long as the people's hearts remain the same, nothing will happen. Change isn't it?" Tang Shishi said with a smile.

"You're right, I just can't accept it for a while, especially your grandfather asked me to learn how to organize a banquet, I'm really afraid I won't be able to handle it!" Cai Xiaofen is most worried about the banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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