Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 595 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl!

Chapter 595 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl! (2)
When I think about the time when she will go out wearing those clothes and jewelry, and let others look at and evaluate her, she feels like a piece of goods. Just thinking about it makes her feel very awkward and uncomfortable!
Originally, she and Tang Guoduan thought that there was no need to hold any banquet at all, but the father-in-law insisted, and what the father-in-law said was very reasonable. Holding a banquet is not only to introduce them to the upper-class people, but the most important thing is to let everyone Knowing that Tang Yuan is his grandson, letting Tang Yuan integrate into this circle as soon as possible will be very helpful to his future career development.

Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan naturally couldn't refute when they heard Mrs. Ling say this. Although they don't do business, they also know that they have a wide network, which is very helpful for doing business. The career will definitely benefit a lot.

In the past, when Tang Yuan Company was just starting up, people from the Cultural Bureau were asked to stamp a stamp. Obviously, they followed the procedures strictly, but the Cultural Bureau was making things difficult. After half a month, it was hard to get the other party to nod.

Since everyone knew that Tang Yuan is the grandson of the Ling family, although it has not been officially announced yet, it is much easier for Tang Yuan to work now. Two days ago, he came back and said that the Cultural Bureau awarded their company an "excellent "Cultural media enterprise" certificate, now go to those municipal units to handle affairs, not just going through the motions, but it is obviously much easier!

This is the difference between having a backing and not having a backing!
Therefore, even for Tang Yuan, Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan had to go in front of everyone.

"It will get better gradually. In fact, you don't have to care too much about other people's opinions. Besides, when the time comes, my mother-in-law and I will be by your side. There won't be any problems." Tang Shishi relieved Cai Xiaofen.

"Well. When the time comes, you are not allowed to run around, and you must be by my side." Cai Xiaofen finally felt relieved after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

"Don't run around. When the time comes, I'll be by your side, and I won't leave." Tang Shishi hugged Cai Xiaofen's arm coquettishly, put her head on Cai Xiaofen's shoulder, and said affectionately: "Auntie, how about going to bed tonight?" Shall I sleep here? We haven't slept together for a long time!"

Ever since she stubbornly insisted on marrying Lu Tao and got into trouble with her family, she and her aunt never slept together again. Thinking about it now, she suddenly misses her very much.

"Go, go! I'm married, why are you clinging to my old woman? I don't want kid Rui to come and arrest her in the middle of the night!" Cai Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi's coquettish look, and there was nostalgic look in her eyes, pretending not to wait Pushing Tang Shishi, she scolded with a smile.

"I'm going to cling to my aunt, and I'll be clinging like this for the rest of my life!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but blush when she heard Cai Xiaofen say that Ling Rui came to arrest people in the middle of the night. People", his face turned even redder.

"You are still like a little girl who hasn't grown up!" Seeing Tang Shishi acting like a baby in her arms, Cai Xiaofen's eyes became more nostalgic.

"I really don't want to grow up! Now I miss the days when we were together as a family the most." Tang Shishi recalled the joyous scenes of the family together in the past, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily turned up slightly.

"Ah! Time is not forgiving, seeing the little girl back then, she is going to be a mother in a blink of an eye!" Cai Xiaofen sighed.

"Where is it? You haven't written a word yet!" Tang Shishi said shyly after hearing Cai Xiaofen's words.

"You girl! When I didn't hear what your mother-in-law said to you? Hurry up and create a man according to the order! Boy Rui must be waiting downstairs. I don't know how to hate me, an old woman who occupies you!" Cai Xiaofen scolded with a smile.

"You all come to make fun of me!" Tang Shishi said coquettishly.

"Haha!" Seeing Tang Shishi's embarrassment, Cai Xiaofen couldn't help laughing, all the worries and uneasiness in her heart disappeared!

What girl Shishi said is right, it is nothing more than a change of environment, better food, clothing and housing, as long as people's hearts remain the same, nothing will change!

"I won't tell you anymore!" Tang Shishi saw that Cai Xiaofen seemed to put it down, got up and walked out pretending to be angry.

It's past ten o'clock, if I stay here any longer, with the old rascal's temperament, maybe I will really come and arrest people!She had better go back obediently, otherwise she would be made fun of by her aunt later!
"By the way, Shishi, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you." Tang Shishi walked to the door, and Cai Xiaofen remembered that there was another very important thing that she didn't tell Tang Shishi.

"Auntie, what's the matter?" Tang Shishi turned back and sat beside Cai Xiaofen.

"The second lady of the Bai family, with your two grandfathers and me and your uncle, your father-in-law and mother-in-law proposed to recognize you as a goddaughter." Cai Xiaofen remembered that it was Han Jing who frequently appeared in the media at that stage. , when the rumors were spreading, Shishi never showed up, there were various speculations outside, the situation was not good for Shishi and the Jun family, Sun Xiaofen took the initiative to come to the door and asked to recognize Shishi as her daughter, although Cai Xiaofen couldn't immediately nod her head in agreement with Sun Xiaofen request, but I am still grateful to Sun Xiaofen in my heart.

Tang Shishi fell silent after hearing Cai Xiaofen's words.She remembered Sun Xiaofen's unconditional trust in her and standing up for her on the day of the wedding banquet, so she stood with her without hesitation. She remembered that when she walked up to the stage and held her hands, the phrase "I believe in you" made her I was so touched, I still feel warm in my heart when I think about it.

"Hey, it's all because you are so attractive, she is loved by everyone, and yet another one is robbing us of her daughter!" Seeing that Tang Shishi didn't speak, Cai Xiaofen's eyes were a little blurred, and she couldn't figure out what was going on in her heart. sighed alone.It's not hard to hear pride and pride in that voice.

"Auntie, how can you praise your child so much? You and your uncle taught you this since childhood!"

"Just you little girl with a sweet mouth!" Cai Xiaofen poked Tang Shishi's forehead with a smile, "If you can't make up your mind, go back and discuss it with Kid Rui, we have no objection." Cai Xiaofen expressed her attitude!

"En." Tang Shishi nodded, got up and walked to the door, said good night to Cai Xiaofen, and went downstairs.

When Tang Shishi returned to the room, Ling Rui was taking off his clothes and getting ready to take a shower. He had just unbuttoned a few buttons when Tang Shishi came in. With the clothes on her body, she showed a charming smile to Tang Shishi: "Honey, take a bath together?"

Tang Shishi looked Ling Rui up and down, and then her eyes slid around Ling Rui's strong, smooth and slightly naked chest muscles. She looked at him with his clothes half-opened, and his movements were provocative, but he didn't give people the slightest sense of obscenity. , but people feel that he is sexy and elegant at this time!

"Okay!" Tang Shishi agreed generously. Anyway, what should come will always come, and it is useless to refuse. The old hooligan will never give himself a chance to refuse, and she is indeed a little tired today, and urgently needs a hot bath. Relax your body.

(End of this chapter)

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