Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 596 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl!

Chapter 596 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl! (4)
"Tang Shishi! You still say it!" Ling Rui was poked at the sore spot, and gnawed Tang Shishi's nose angrily.

Little Wildcats are real!Why did you say it? You don't save him any face!

"Haha! Haha! Ling Rui, it turned out to be true! Haha! I'm dying of laughter!" Seeing Ling Rui's awkward look, Tang Shishi couldn't help but tremble with laughter, out of breath!
The youngest and most promising major general in the majestic Huaxia Kingdom is so cold-faced that he is afraid of taking medicine!This is incredible!How is this possible!How could there be such a funny thing? !
"Little wild cat! How dare you laugh!" A suspicious blush flashed across Ling Rui's handsome face, and he gritted his teeth at the woman who couldn't help laughing.

In fact, he wasn't afraid of taking medicine, it was just that he hated it.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore! Don't laugh! Haha!" Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing out loud, it was really hard to hold back!Ling Rui's current appearance is like a child who is afraid of injections and medicines, which suddenly makes Tang Shishi feel superior to this man who has always been as strong as a god. Unexpectedly, this man who is like a god also has weaknesses. , this weakness is still so unexpected!

"Tang Shishi!" Ling Rui became angry from embarrassment!

"Haha—hmm!" There was only one result of Ling Rui's embarrassment and anger, and that was that Tang Shishi was swallowed up by Ling Rui again!It just so happens that he needs to sweat for a while to detoxify. It is best to do something that can not only delight the body and mind, but also promote the relationship between husband and wife!

After being tormented by Ling Rui, Tang Shishi couldn't laugh anymore!She turned her back to Ling Rui this time, and decided not to talk to this old rascal for a few days!
"Wife—" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's gloomy little face, and was very angry. He hugged Tang Shishi in his arms and called out ambiguously.

"Go away!" Tang Shishi kicked back with her little foot, she really wanted to kick Ling Rui out of bed, but who knew that her whole leg was limp, and she had no strength at all, let alone kick Ling Rui out of bed with that little force Yes, it's almost as good as giving him a tickle!
"Honey! What should I do if I get the hell out of here? We haven't made a man yet! I've followed the order!" Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's little nose and said seriously.

"Stinky rascal! You know how to bully people!" Tang Shishi remembered that when Ling Rui was in love just now, she said, "I have obeyed the order to * you." She couldn't help being ashamed and angry, and angrily pulled Ling Rui up He took a big bite with his big hand!How could this old rascal, a stinky ruffian, say such obscene things, and he just said it himself, and forced her to say it too!How unscrupulous!
"Hiss! Little wild cat, don't tease me anymore! Although I know you are very hardy! But if you want to, I will definitely accompany you to the end and drill you hard enough!" Ling Rui pressed her body close to Tang Shishi, letting Tang Shishi really felt his "sincerity".

"Old hooligan! You are shameless! You are not allowed to say that word again!" Tang Shishi protested angrily!
"Wife, which word are you not allowed to say? I have said too many words, please explain more clearly!" Ling Rui blinked, looked at Tang Shishi evilly, and asked pretending to be curious.

"Ling Rui!" Tang Shishi was really annoyed, she blushed and had a thick neck!
"Okay! You don't like listening to exercises anymore, so I won't say anything? In the middle of the night, if you shout so loudly, you will be accused of disturbing the people!" Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi and said, "Sleep!"

"..." Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's closed eyes, and gritted her teeth again and again!Who on earth insisted on her shouting louder and louder, and said those shameful and indignant things, and now said she was disturbing the people? !Is there any reason!
But when Tang Shishi saw the thick dark circles under Ling Rui's eyes, the anger in her heart disappeared strangely!
Tonight, the two of them have done it so many times without taking any protective measures, and I don't know if they will be pregnant?She decided to sleep with this old hooligan in separate rooms as soon as she was pregnant with her baby, so that she would never be abused by this old hooligan again!
Thinking of this, Tang Shishi nestled herself in Ling Rui's arms, found a comfortable position, and closed her eyes with satisfaction. Anyway, the old hooligan still has some value now, so she should be wronged for a while.

Ling Rui, who closed his eyes, didn't know that he had been reduced to a tool for donating sperm in Tang Shishi's eyes in a short period of time. He thought that Tang Shishi had figured it out, and his anger dissipated. He hugged Tang Shishi intimately, Sink into a sweet dream.

During breakfast the next day, Tang Shishi was sensitive to the ambiguous gazes everyone was looking at her, and she felt very guilty. She kept wondering whether the sound insulation effect of the room was not as good as the old rascal said, and what she said last night Everyone has heard the words of unrestrained behavior?
Thinking of this possibility, Tang Shishi suddenly felt uncomfortable all over her body, as if she had attracted ants, she couldn't sit still, her little face was red, and her little head wanted to hang down into the bowl.

"Shishi, drink more chicken soup. I asked the kitchen to stew this specially for you to replenish your body." Cai Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi's embarrassed look, she didn't eat a few grains of rice all morning, she was really worried, Scooped a bowl of chicken soup for Tang Shishi and put it in front of her.

"Oh! Thank you, auntie!" Tang Shishi took the chicken soup and took a sip absently. When she tasted the taste of the chicken soup, she couldn't help but blushed even more.This is Black-bone Chicken Soup with Hericium erinaceus and tremella, which is a holy product for nourishing yin and tonifying yang.

Sure enough, after Tang Shishi took a sip, Cai Xiaofen scooped up another bowl of soup and chicken soup for Ling Rui, and said, "Boy Rui, you should drink more too. You two should pay attention to supplementing your nutrition at this stage!"

boom!Tang Shishi only felt that the blood all over her body was about to burn, and she wished she could find a hole in the ground to hide in!His face was as red as blood.

"Thank you, auntie, I will!" Ling Rui finished the chicken soup calmly, took a sip gracefully, and said, "It's delicious!"

"Your aunt has been thinking about it all night, and she got up early in the morning to cook it!" Tang Guoduan said from the side.

"I'm full, eat slowly!" Tang Shishi couldn't sit still anymore, she finished the chicken soup in one gulp, and ran back to the room in a hurry under the surprised eyes of everyone!
She is not as thick-skinned as the old rascal, she really can't stay at the dining table any longer!
"My child, what's the matter today?" Mrs. Ling looked at Tang Shishi's back in puzzlement and asked.

Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen also looked at Ling Rui in surprise. Could it be that the young couple had quarreled again, doesn't it look like it?
"It's okay, maybe I was a little tired last night." Ling Rui said nonchalantly.

Cai Xiaofen suddenly realized, she lowered her head and smiled lightly, without saying anything.

Tang Guoduan and Mrs. Ling recalled what they said just now, and understood a little bit, and then recalled Tang Shishi's appearance just now, and couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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