Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 597 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl!

Chapter 597 I'm a Golden Boy, She's an Evil Girl! (5)
"Boy, hurry up and send the chicken soup to the room. How can you eat such a small amount? Don't get tired!" Old Master Ling scolded Ling Rui with a straight face.

"Got it!" Ling Rui obediently scooped up another bowl of chicken soup for Tang Shishi, and carried it back to the room.

Looking at Ling Rui's back, Tang Guoduan said cheerfully, "It seems that this family is going to have another baby soon!"

Thinking of children, everyone at the dinner table laughed happily.

After Tang Shishi returned to her room, feeling ashamed and angry, Ling Rui came in with a bowl of chicken soup. She hid her head in the quilt angrily and said, "Old rascal, I don't want to see you!"

It's all the fault of this unscrupulous guy!She has no face to go out and meet people!
"Honey, I didn't do anything!" Ling Rui put the chicken soup on the table and tore off the quilt that was in the way, looking innocent!
"Still sophistrying! If you hadn't forced me to say those unserious things last night, would I be so ashamed?" Tang Shishi's eyes were red with anger.

"What's the matter with those words?" Ling Rui was puzzled.

"Why not? They must have heard it! Huh..." Tang Shishi burst into tears in embarrassment.

"Don't cry, don't cry! They can't hear you! Believe me!" Ling Rui didn't expect Tang Shishi to cry angrily. She panicked and hugged her in her arms, wiping her tears while promising .

"Nonsense! If you didn't hear it, why do they look at me that way today?" Tang Shishi didn't believe it, and wiped her tears and snot all over Ling Rui's body to vent her anger.

"I really can't hear you. I said that the sound insulation here is excellent, and our private conversation in the boudoir is the interest of our husband and wife. How could I let others eavesdrop on it!" Ling Rui explained seriously .

"Really?" Tang Shishi put her head in Ling Rui's arms before she got out, looking into Ling Rui's eyes and asked.

"Of course!" Ling Rui assured without hesitation.

"But, they..." Tang Shishi refused to admit that she had a guilty conscience, she just felt that everyone looked at her strangely.

"That must be because of this." Ling Rui sighed, carried Tang Shishi to the full-length mirror, and gently stroked the purple hickey on Tang Shishi's throat with his fingers.

It was only then that Tang Shishi realized that the "evidence" of last night was left on her neck, the hickey pierced in the middle of her throat, extremely ostentatious!

"It's all your fault!" Tang Shishi pinched Ling Rui's neck with her angry hands, and said angrily.

In the morning, her body was so sore, Ling Rui massaged her for a long time before she got up, but Ling Rui put on her clothes and so on, she just brushed them in the bathroom in a daze. Grinding his teeth and washing his face, he really didn't see such an obvious "evidence".

Thinking that it wasn't what she said last night that everyone heard, Tang Shishi felt a little better, but when she thought that she went to eat breakfast with such a big strawberry, she felt angry with Ling Rui in her heart. His teeth were itchy, so he had to be strangled to death!

This bastard actually found out early in the morning and didn't remind her, allowing her to "show off" in front of her family with such an ambiguous thing!She was so pissed off!

"Wife, I murdered my husband!" Ling Rui rolled his eyes while hugging Tang Shishi, turned around, and fell into the big bed. When Tang Shishi was about to scream, he quickly blocked her lips and threw her The voice was swallowed.

Tang Shishi resisted, Ling Rui was fierce, and Tang Shishi resisted again, Ling Rui became even fiercer!So, Tang Shishi gave up struggling, hooked Ling Rui's neck, turned over, pressed Ling Rui underneath, turned from defense to offense, imitating Ling Rui's appearance, and wreaked havoc on Ling Rui's rhomboid lips.

"Honey, don't get angry anymore, or I'm afraid you won't be able to leave the house for a while." Although he enjoyed the Chinese New Year tomorrow, there are still many things to do today. Tang Shishi quickly evacuated from the danger zone.

"Don't be afraid, it's still early!" Tang Shishi muttered, and then began to kiss again, her little hands naughtily got into Ling Rui's clothes.

Ling Rui's body tensed up, and his breathing became heavier.

The little wild cat's initiative made him ecstatic, and he forgot his original defenses, not to mention, he was defenseless against Tang Shishi in the first place.

Kitten is right, it's still early!
Thinking of this, Ling Rui felt ready to move.

"Be honest! I'll do it!" Tang Shishi did not allow Ling Rui to take the initiative, wanting to dominate everything like a queen.

After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Ling Rui became even more passionate!

But, what a pity!Just when Ling Rui had endured to the extreme and wanted to practice Tang Shishi ruthlessly, Tang Shishi, like a slippery loach, hid far away by herself and escaped from the room.

"Tang Shishi!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi who had opened the door, and roared hoarsely!

Sooner or later, he will smooth out the little wild cat's claws and cut them off!
Otherwise, people will really die!

"Oh, I'm so hungry, I'm going out to continue eating breakfast!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's gloomy face, and went out laughing!
"Shishi, boy Rui, what's wrong?" Cai Xiaofen, who had finished her breakfast, was startled when she heard Ling Rui's roar!
"It's nothing, it's probably because I drank too much chicken soup and got angry!" Tang Shishi said with a smile, and ran into the kitchen in a hurry!

Cai Xiaofen looked at the mischievous Tang Shishi, smiled and shook her head, these two children!

Because of that strawberry, when Tang Shishi went out today, she changed her clothes and brought a fluffy scarf. She wore a pink fur coat outside. The neckline and cuffs were circled with fur, very lively and lovely. Like a little girl.

"Honey, I'm very stressed when you dress like this! Go change it!" Ling Rui frowned when he saw Tang Shishi's outfit.The pink fur makes the little wild cat's fair face even more tender, especially this dress. The hat on the top has two fur balls, which are so cute. Once the little wild cat puts it on, it looks like Like a high school student who didn't get into college, it made him very stressed.

It is five or six years older than the little wild cat, and it is dressed in a mature and stable way, with the feeling of abducting an underage girl.

"No! I like this hat!" Tang Shishi held a pink plush ball in one hand, and decisively rejected Ling Rui's request.

In fact, this dress was bought by her mother-in-law when she took her aunt to buy clothes. She also felt that it was too pink and tender, and she was a bit suspicious of wearing it, but today she just didn't want to be like the old hooligan. willing!
Thinking of how angry she was when she angered Ling Rui just now, Tang Shishi felt very happy, feeling that she had finally avenged her deep hatred for being "abused" last night.

(End of this chapter)

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