Chapter 605 A group of sycophants! (4)
When Bai Mo was dragged away, she inadvertently saw Tang Shishi who was sitting next to Ling Rui, drinking soup slowly, her eyes widened suddenly, revealing endless hatred, but before she could say anything, her eyes opened Stung by the chili oil, she howled miserably: "My eyes! Ah—my eyes!"

Naturally, Tang Shishi didn't miss Bai Mo's eyes full of hatred, she just thought it was funny!
The saddest thing about a woman like Bai Mo is that she pays too much attention to her identity, and she will never recognize her own identity!For the sake of her status as the eldest lady of the Bai family, she actually wanted to poison her adoptive mother to death, and also persecuted her half-sister. She has done all kinds of bad things. It is reasonable to end up like this now!

That group of people went up to the private room upstairs, and the whole farce went from beginning to end. Although the time was short, no one came forward to speak for Bai Mo, and no one called the police. I don't know if it was because of the indifference of people. It was because they were all afraid of that bastard named Brother Ma.

The lobby manager apologized for the incident, and then went to Ling Rui's table again, saying that he would serve them another plate of couple's lung slices as compensation.

Lu Tao waved his hand at the lobby manager, sighed and said, "No need!" He shouldn't have ordered this dish in the first place, but now it's like God's will.

The lobby manager apologized repeatedly before leaving, and then automatically erased the money for that dish.Compared to gangsters like Brother Ma, the people at this table are the most unofficial.

"That, is Bai Mo?" Wu Meng looked at Tang Shishi and asked in disbelief.

"You know him?" Tang Shishi was aroused by Wu Meng's words.

"There have been a few encounters." Wu Meng looked at Tang Shishi and said calmly: "I didn't expect her to become like this? Doesn't everyone in the Bai family care?"

"She is no longer the eldest lady of the Bai family." Lu Tao didn't want Wu Meng to continue talking about Bai Mo. He knew about what Bai Mo did to Tang Shishi. I just feel happy!I just don't know if today's situation is Ling Rui's handwriting?

Lu Tao thought about it, looked up at Ling Rui, and found that there was no other emotion on his face at all, it was still cold, but the natural aura made people feel that everything was under his control , which made Lu Tao extremely discouraged.

"How could it be?" Wu Meng obviously couldn't believe it, and just when he was about to ask another question, he heard Bai Mo's shrill cry from the private room upstairs, accompanied by the obscene laughter of several men.

Wu Meng stopped talking embarrassingly, with a look of disdain on her face, and said, "When did Bai Mo become so reserved? I remember that when she was studying abroad, she was famous for being unrestrained!"

After listening to Wu Meng's words, Tang Shishi remained silent and did not comment on Wu Meng's words.

This meal was finally finished "nearly any danger".

After dinner, Tang Shishi claimed that there was still work to do, and said goodbye to Lu Tao and Wu Meng.

Wu Meng originally wanted to pester Tang Shishi for an afternoon stroll, but Lu Tao quickly pulled her away, and then he said goodbye to Tang Shishi with a faint smile.

After Tang Shishi and Ling Rui left, Lu Tao grabbed Wu Meng's arm and looked at Tang Shishi's back with nostalgia for a long time, reluctant to take his eyes away.

"Cousin, since you regret it, why don't you chase her back? After all, you two have been in love for so many years. I don't believe that Shishi doesn't feel anything about you now!" Wu Meng broke free from Lu Tao's big hand and said.

"You don't understand!" Lu Tao withdrew his gaze and looked at Wu Meng with a dazed look on his face: "Shishi said that if she lets go, she will never be nostalgic again. She has worked hard for our marriage for three years. If she is not completely desperate, she I wouldn't say so simply that divorce is divorced, without a trace of nostalgia."

"But you—" Wu Meng looked at Lu Tao like this, although he felt that he was a little bit to blame, but still felt that he was a little pitiful.

"I'm not good enough for her!" Lu Tao let out a deep breath, took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep puff, calmed down the emotions in his heart that were about to run wild, and said: "She is living a happy life now, and I think it is very good!"

Although he is not qualified to try to get it again, but he can silently bless her like this and know that she is living happily, so he can leave with peace of mind.

Seeing Lu Tao's haggard look, Wu Meng fell silent and didn't speak any more.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui returned to the car, and received a text message from Lu Tao, saying that he was going to develop in City A after the next year, and the chance to meet in the future is far away. I wish her happiness.

Although the content of the text message was short, Tang Shishi could feel Lu Tao's state of mind at the moment. It's just that time has changed, things have changed, and they are no longer in the same place.

Take care of yourself!

Tang Shishi replied two words, which is the only thing she can say to Lu Tao now.

Ling Rui watched Tang Shishi reply to the text message, heaved a sigh of relief, held the steering wheel with one hand, and rubbed the hair on Tang Shishi's head with the other, then put her head on his shoulders, and the two of them remained silent. .

Ling Rui drove the car to a baby nursery shop and stopped. Tang Shishi raised her head and kissed Ling Rui on the cheek. This man, no matter when, was so connected with her.

The two went to the store and bought a lot of baby girl clothes, from head to toe, and some toys, and then bought a bouquet of daisies, and finally drove to the cemetery.

This is Tang Shishi's first visit to Ling Xiaoxiao's tomb since she knew she had a miscarriage. Seeing that small tombstone landed in the Ling family's cemetery, Tang Shishi put the bouquet of daisies in front of Ling Xiaoxiao's tomb. Crouching down and stroking Ling Xiaoxiao's name on the tombstone, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Smile, mom is here to see you! I'm sorry! Mom took so long to come!" Tang Shishi stepped forward to hug the small tombstone, put her cheek on the name of the tombstone, and groped lightly, as if A mother is rubbing her baby's immature face with her cheek.The warm liquid fell on the cold tombstone, breaking the ice on the tombstone, and flowing down with warm and strong affection.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi crying uncontrollably, his heart was sore and uncomfortable, and his eye circles couldn't help turning red. He took out the two big bags in his hand and bought clothes for Ling Xiaoxiao one by one, and placed them In front of the tombstone, he picked up those toys again and placed them on the clothes one by one. The action was focused and serious, and the red eye circles were full of tenderness and love.

Tang Shishi was tired from crying, she still hugged the tombstone and refused to get up, but her small body twitched, which made people feel distressed.

"Good boy! Don't cry! You're already old, and you're still crying in front of your children, and you'll laugh at you if you smile!" Ling Rui stepped forward to hug Tang Shishi carefully, trying to pull Tang Shishi's body away. It was deserted, and the tombstone was so cold. He was really afraid that the little wild cat would fall ill when he cried.

(End of this chapter)

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